New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1285 - Start Of The Contest

Chapter 1285 - Start Of The Contest

Soon, Ajax was guided into the resting quarters for the participants.

"Young master, do you want a special quarter with a whole room for yourself?"

Along the way, the head of the royal servants, Marcus asked Ajax with a slight smile on his face.

Without the special invitation from the royal family, no participant would be given a whole room for himself because there would be thousands of youngsters participating in tomorrow's contest and it would become troublesome for the royal family to provide accommodation for everyone.

Moreover, the youngsters from the Xacaster province and a few geniuses from Zrochester province were given a special invitation. Only they were allowed to enjoy the benefits of having a whole room for themselves along with a couple of their guards.

"I would like that; however, I have a few friends who were also participating in the contest. So, I would like to stay with them."

However, Ajax was not interested in getting a whole room for himself as he declined Marcus' offer without any hesitation.

"Okay, young master."

Marcus was not offended and his respect grew even more because he thought, 'Looks like he was not someone who will forget his friends even with his talents. Looks like it will be a lot easier for me to gain his favour.'

Soon, he guided Ajax to the place where the youngsters from the Zrochester province were staying.

The number of youngsters participating in the contest was less than a hundred and the lowest among the three provinces of the Purple stone world.

However, the highest number of participants in the contest was not from the Xacaster province; instead, it was from the Ylercester province despite the fact it was weaker in comparison with the Xacaster province. historical

Some of the true geniuses of the Xacaster province were at the critical breakthroughs in their cultivations whereas some others didn't think much about the contest as they felt it was a hassle to move to and fro between the province.

What's more, Ylercester province was just a low-level province in their eyes and if they entered it, their cultivation would be degraded.

"Okay then, young master. I will take my leave now."

Marcus didn't want to enter the quarters that were given solely for the youngsters from the Zrochester province because he didn't want to see the faces of those who made him lose his face in the afternoon.


Ajax nodded his head and entered the quarters along with the two barbarians. As for Prophis and the huge devourer eagle king, they went back to their resting places as Ajax didn't want to attract the attention of other participants before the contest even started.

The vagrant cultivators and others were surprised to see Ajax; however, when they thought about Ajax's powerful master, there was nothing to be surprised about.

"Ajax, is your master going to attend the contest?"

Seward and Elek asked with curious looks on their faces.

"I don't think so. He is too busy with his own work and even if he had time, I doubt he would be attending the contest as it was nothing but a joke in his eyes."

Ajax replied with a bitter smile, making everyone think that even Ajax was disappointed at his master.

Actually, Ajax said that first line with the dream master in his head; however, he remembered that he had a master now and he was very powerful for the Purple stone world and of course, the contest was nothing but a joke in his eyes.

"I really want to meet your master, Ajax; however, I doubt he will allow us to see him."

In their eyes, the cultivators from the Zrochester province were ants and could be killed whenever they wanted.

As for Seward and other vagrant cultivators, they knew that in the eyes of the powerful cultivators like Ajax's master, they were nothing but ants with a little bit of strength.

"One day, I will definitely take you to him."

Ajax replied with a slight smile because according to him Mostror was not someone who would treat others because of their cultivation; instead, he sees their talent and hard work.

So, Ajax felt it was not an impossible task for him to introduce them to his new master.

"We will wait for that day."

Seward and Elek were excited as they continued, "Anyway, you have to rest Ajax for tomorrow's contest. Just keep your talk short and rest early."

After saying that, Seward and Elek left the youngsters to talk for some time before going to sleep.

"I knew you would be coming, Ajax."

"Me too."

"You got a powerful master."




Soon, all the youngsters talked with Ajax.

Mostly, it was others who envied Ajax for having a powerful master who could even allow Ajax to move between the barriers.

'If they knew that I could travel between worlds, I wonder how they would feel.'

Ajax could not help but reveal a slight smile on his face.


Next day morning.

The day which all the cultivators in the Purple stone world were waiting for had finally come.

There was a huge stage made up of unknown metal and on it, exquisite chairs were placed for the powerful cultivators all over the world.

Connecting to the stage, there was a seating arrangement in a circle just like how colosseums have for the spectators to watch.

Of course, the sides of the huge stage were specially reserved for the important people other than the powerful cultivators who already have their seats on the stage. As the distance between the huge stage increases, the importance of the cultivators would be decreased.

As for the mortals, they were not allowed to watch unless one of the participants was a direct relative to him or her.

Inside this colosseum-like arena, the spacious ground was around 10 kilometers in radius from the center.

"I am the minister of the Flerton kingdom and I will be hosting the contest for today."


A Bonus Chapter for every 100 Golden Tickets.

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