New Game+

Chapter 429 - Presider Wars

Chapter 429 - Presider Wars

A week has passed since the battle between Shakstress in the lands of Egypt.

And just as with the previous horrifying events, the world was becoming more and more chaotic. The region of the Rotting Lands suddenly began to attack America and South America, and a military force that could challenge America's forces began.

The attacks caused the Americas to act swiftly and marshal an army to attack Central America, and a war began.

The 'Rotting Lands' revealed that their metal and weapons hadn't fallen into a rotten state but revealed massive Armors with incredible boosters and speed.

Taking inspiration from the Titan of the Piercing Series, the large robots were able to repel the attack of the Americas, and even when Miscellaneous techs revealed their diversity and ample ways to attack, destroy, bypass, and build, the Americas lost the first exchange.

Several Underwater Cities rose up and 'walked' into the Rotting Lands and declared their autonomy against the Americas, and Central Americas was reborn and had its place on the map after over a century of being taken away.

Nations rose and fell in that short seven days. Military detractors, rebellions, and the startling appearance of various Underworld Organizations that took over towns, cities, and even nations.

Some takeovers pushed a nation to might, while some countries experienced the shifting of various organizations as many of those who tried to rise were quickly replaced. Some became the leaders of these nations for an hour, while some for days.

The Underwater Trade routes were suddenly changed as the massive secret cities had to relocate and even ally with others. Some even submitted to the Worlds Helm, and a few gave themselves to the Emperor that was gaining fame worldwide.

Phoenix Everhiss soon commanded three Underwater Cities and had enough military might that could equal a nation.

The WGP began to clamor with the many changes as it renewed alliances with other nations. The priority had changed and was focused on creating strong countries that would aid them.

All over the world, war was happening, a collapse in the market was occurring, and food became an issue. With the desperate need for weaponry and powerful weapons, Unlocked Industries garnered attention and received bulk orders worldwide.

In the midst of this chaos, an old man was riding a powerful aircraft that had flown to outer space and was docking in South America.

The old man emerged and was greeted by a score of uniformed soldiers and sexy women.

"The world is falling into the end times, and here I am receiving a welcome of kings just because my grandparents gave me digital copies of the original codes of the original games and know of all the characters they made, even those that were band and removed during the Void Century.." The old man smiled.

"Vincent Arbrion. The living legend. The last descendant of the genius maker of the Pokemon franchise. It's a pity that you don't go by the post-modern name that your family had in the EAA." A man wearing an odd set of clothes approached. 

"You must be my secret sponsor. It's quite funny how you still pushed through with the plans, considering how the world has fallen apart. I may have Japanese blood, but after the Void Century, I really don't consider myself one because of all those relocations. I've lived all of my life years the European Nations. All I have is a relic of the past."

"Ah! But it's precise because the world is falling apart that we had to do this. You, after all, your knowledge is be the welcoming gift of a man whose shoes I am unworthy to wear." The strange man laughed.

"And how shall I address you, young sir?"

"Call me Garenjazz." The man smiled.

"A lot of our guests are coming here. It's quite a gathering."

As Garenjazz continued to greet and converse with the man, several figures were watching from afar.

"I can't believe that I have to sit here amongst possible traitors. I wonder which one of you teamed up with Pridgeon and Andronze." A handsome young man sat down and watched the events outside.

"Oh? Says the Presider who used his ability to take control of another body and send it here. It's very suspicious that you didn't even send your real body here. Are you busy analyzing the techs you got from Shakstress?" A woman smiled.

"Is that so, Tiana? Who knows if this is your real body. I wouldn't be surprised if you were a man. After all, you Top-Tiers are the most probable allies of Andronze and Pridgeon. It takes a Top-Tier to fight another." Gordon countered.

"Shakstress wasn't the only person who was attacked. Myrth's ship was also attacked, you know. And the technology to hinder warp technology... Isn't that your specialty, Gordon?" Tiana glanced at the man.

"Straviaa and Enderks is coming here. Zeraphine is already here and suspiciously journeying with the WGP. So was Lanterk. But as expected, that child won' be joining us. Otherwise, he would be killed. I still can't believe that we've had a Principal among us!" Another man laughed. The other man's appearance was so effeminate that it was difficult to tell whether the person was a man or a woman in terms of physical appearance.

"Feyor. You also brought an avatar here. Is this a sign of nervousness?" Tiana asked.

"Your logic is flawed, Tiana. Gordon and I are less suspicious of bringing avatars here because we are afraid of the devourer. We are but Mid-Tiers. So it's obvious that we wouldn't be coming in person. Enderks and Straviaa have clearly formed an alliance, so I doubt they will send an avatar. Garenjazz is the strongest among us here, so he wouldn't mind having a dagger behind his back. But you... aren't you at odds against the Goat with the Four Horns?"

"And what of it? My backing isn't ordinary. Should the Four Horns want to wage war against my family, he can try to kill me. Besides, do you think the revelation of the four horns hiding the fifth one will be treated lightly? Primes may even start hindering him and demanding to justify this secret." Tiana replied.

"Greetings, traitors of our race." Straviaa greeted as she appeared mysteriously in the room.

Next to her was Enderks.

"Ah. Enderks and Straviaa. The two Mid-Tier alliance that threatens the circle. I wonder which Top-Tier you'll ally with. Are you going to go after Myrth or me?" Tiana laughed.

"You've hidden well, Enderks. To think you'd have military forces that equal a Top-Tier. So tell me, how is Uranus? I trust you enjoyed the frost there." Gordon asked. He had a threatening glare at Enderks and quickly revealed a secret he found out about Enderks.

"Lanterk is a Principal, and Crostfree is a clone of Presider Marrho, who I hear is on his way here with Principal Dormin. And yet your concern is with my anus? Why not kiss it if you are so concerned about its well-fare. I can keep it warm for you if you hate the cold." Enderks laughed.

A charming laugh was heard, surprising everyone but Tiana.

"That was a good joke, Enderks. However, your conspiracy theory about " A beautiful woman appeared. She had a long, long hair that trailed down the steps of the throne upon which she appeared upon.

"Myrth. And here I thought you wouldn't be able to join this gathering."

"I wanted to see who it was that managed to hinder my attempt of joining that battle. While I didn't have any intention to kill Shakstress, the battle was too tempting not to join. I wanted to kill her and settle the score. But alas, someone hindered it. And now Shakstress is all holed up and have vanished who knows where?"

"If there is anyone who could tell us the reallocation of Shakstress, it would be you." Garenjazz suddenly appeared in the middle of the room, but his figure was transparent.josei

"Garenjazz." Everyone's expression turned serious as he appeared.

"Oh, relax, this is just a dream avatar. I'm just dropping by to check if more of us appeared. If any of you are allied to those unknown Presiders, its easier for me to relay the orders of Prince Dormin."

"More of us?"

"It's clear that there are more Presiders here on Earth. That Presider with technologies similar to the fallen Presider Madeen. That Babylos beast that blew a hole on Presider Shakstress's ship. That woman that has been appearing in my dreams."

"What?" Gordon was confused.

"You guys are too weak to notice, I guess." Garenjazz ignored Gordon.

"Anyway, I'm here to inform you that Zeraphine has withdrawn her claim to be Zeraphine of the Presiders. Anyone wants to claim that?"

"She withdrew her claim fearing she would be targeted as the devourer? She's still suspicious as you are her ward. Did you suggest it, Garenjazz?"

"Why bother? We are all suspicious of each other. What uses of this title when no one plans to follow each other's orders. For all we know, Shakstress could already be dead." Garenjazz laughed.

"Ah, trust the murderer to tell of such theories." Enderks laughed.

"Whatever. I couldn't be bothered by your complaints. Besides, things are about to change." 

"What do you mean by that, Garenjazz? What does Prince Dormin instruct?" Tiana asked.

"The problem is that Earth has become too chaotic. He has heard all the commotion going on here and has seen all the reports and the battles we have recorded and sent to him. And since there have been Presider deaths and rumors of time travel, he has been ordered to investigate and fix the commotion. And as you know, prince Dormin hates doing stuff and only wants to enjoy life." Garenjazz sighed.

"So he decided to make things easier for him, and well... difficult for us. Reports of time travel have been reported, and apparently, it's a real thing among Principals and Primes. It's not exactly time travel as we would imagine it, or how as is depicted on Earth's sci-fi tales, but it's still possible to a certain degree. Hence my question about the unknown Presiders here. Anyway, since it's clear that various Principals and even Primes have been playing around on Earth, he decided to make it even more chaotic to escape his responsibility. Henceforth, Prince Dormin wants to see and recruit if there will be Presiders that will rise up and be Principals here." Garenjazz reported.

Everyone felt a strange fear grip them. They could guess what this meant.

"So Prince Dormin will decree a Presider War."

Straviaa felt her spine tremble in fear.

"And yes, that which we call the Pig Five Presiders serving Principal Dormin will be joining this battle. Presiding over this battle will be another Presider. This is also the primary reason why Zeraphine recanted her title. Presider Marrho of the Presiders will be the referee of this battle."

The announcement made everyone freeze in fear. They had left Earth to avoid such battles. And while things were uncertain here, it wasn't a full-out war. But now, a Presider War has been issued, and everyone will be forced to fight and kill each other.

Enderks couldn't help but smile, and Straviaa noticed it.

"So enjoy these last moments of camaraderie because once Prince Dromin arrives, war will begin."

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