New Game+

Chapter 430 - The Tale Of Two Cities

Chapter 430 - The Tale Of Two Cities

"In other news, another prominent leader in Russia has been killed, sparking a revolution that is now expected to create a war between Russia and One China. Such change will create tension in China as the Myth Wars between these Chinese Cultivators and India's Brahmans have already spilled over their promised borders that the EAA has gotten involved in this war." The reporter gave an update on the international news.

"Just another day in paradise." Her co-host reported.

"With the world coming to an end with all of these wars, what have you been up to, Jess?" The reporter asked sarcastically. 

"Ian, frankly, I already stopped sending my kids to school. Everything that they know or are studying might become outdated in the months to come. The world has changed, and a new world order is arising."

"I miss those days when the actions of the WGP were the things that we criticized. Now, looking back, I wish the WGP will return to be the only power that watches over the Earth."

"Yeah. We had it all. And we took it for granted. I guess prosperity and peace made us more selfish and demanded more that we took things for granted. Now the world is unrecognizable, and who knows when a bomb will explode in our neighborhood?" The reporter sighed.

"In any case, new regimes are being born every day. New mega structures are appearing left and right. Now more and more unknown groups are appearing and are making our currency obsolete. We are falling into an age where money is no longer of value in the international market, and that metal and resources become trade sources. And so our experts are ready to tell you what we should be prepared to do." The reporter continued to deliver the news.

A group of people watched the news as they remained seated at a large table that seated eight of them. They were in a hotel hall, and food was being served.

The hotel was already under the ownership of Unlocked Industries. All personnel who were not part of the army were sent home, and various preparations were made to ensure no spies would be present. The event was held together with the meeting of Presiders to ensure that the meeting would have no spies or any other hindrances. 

And apart from that, several Underwater Cities that had risen were attacked with Planteds that further added chaos to the region.

But this meeting continued on. It didn't have any advanced techs but was a normal hotel with a high star rating.  josei

"Look at them. To think we lost from these stupid uncivilized group." The Pioneer watched the news and scoffed at how the world was changing.

"Even now, money is the issue."

"The group we lost to isn't part of this society. Those Unlocked are people that are even more evolved than us. At least, up to Presider level." Another man sighed.

"There's one of them right now..." The Pioneer had an angry glare in his eyes as he watched the doors of the grand hall open up to a young man.

Suarez arrived at the grand hall. He was now dressed like a proper gentleman. Those who saw him greeted him and treated him like a VIP. Many took care of his belongings and brought them inside.

Suarez walked into a grand ball full of high-profile people and looked around. He recognized the people on the far edge of the room. The people seated here were ignored by everyone else in the room.

Suarez smiled and waved at the man who almost killed him. 

The man was doing his best to maintain his calm. This little boy was the reason why almost all of his peers were killed. And he knew that this boy had the ability to read minds.

As Suarez waved, a young tall, approached him.

"You are Suarez, right?"

"Yes. I know you! You're with Git Godlike! Twister Hover!" Suarez answered.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. It seems that Git Godlike and your Gryphon Squadron will be fighting together in this mission." 

"I heard as well. I hope we can survive whatever that's coming."

"Frankly, I wished we would have been assigned to Egypt. That mission there seemed safer than whatever is going to happen here."

"The Tyrant Empress..." Suarez nodded as he recalled the reports that he read.

"Still, it's weird that those guys who became the various squadrons' training grounds are actually joining our team." Twister Hover observed.

"I heard we had a one-hundred percent passing rate? All of the experiments made everyone Unlocked?"

"Of course. My team was some of the groups which ensured the survival of those candidates. But we didn't even have to interfere with the battles as the Unlocked all won. Of course, your team was the one that everyone talked about as Seeker ordered that those overseers would only move if a team wipe-out was expected. We thought some you would even die!"

"I can't believe what we did too. That last battle was practically hopeless."

"We were about to interfere. But then Ivan turned Inhuman, and the rest of you followed. It was a sight to behold."

"But even know, aren't we just mere foot soldiers? The battles that our bosses had to go through were crazy." Suarez laughed.

"I heard there is an important development that happened. In any case, whatever battles lie ahead of us, let's work together! It seems that the show is about to start. Let's head over to our seats." Twister smiled and made his pleasantries before returning to his seat. 

"Sure!" Suarez smiled as Halley Vagrant suddenly walked to the stage in the middle of the grand hall.

Suarez arrived at his seat, and the rest of his team was already there.

"Who is that?" Will asked.

"Seriously, Will? You haven't read the report?" Epic frowned.

"What report?"

"Didn't you listen to our briefing?"

"I erm... fell asleep."

"What? I was watching you! You were awake the entire time!"

"Well... I managed to push my Unlocking to a point where I am able to control sight and sound. I couldn't see or hear anything at that point and was asleep."

"...I'm not sure whether to be impressed or annoyed," Ivan said.

"That's Halley Vagrant. Manager of the Covenant of the Strongest. You know, Arthur's team?"

"That's also my ermm... my Aunt." A voice was heard at the side.

It was one of Lowengren's team. Stanley Vagrant. Next to him were Lucy and Czerus, two other captains of Warfreakz. 

"And you guys are...?" Will asked.

Fish, who was seated next to Will, facepalmed.

"Will. Don't embarrass our Gryphon Squadron." Fish sighed.

"That's Stanley Vagrant of Warfreakz. They are going to be our companions and teammates in the next joint mission."

"Oh. Nice to meet you!" Will smiled.

At that moment, the talk began.

"Good evening! Everyone of Unlocked Industries! Or shall say, the Unlocked Armies." Halley smiled.

"Welcomes to this grand ball. Who knows if this will be the last event that you could attend. The world has fallen into utter chaos. War is bound to happen. And yet here we are, making the most of our time right before the war will happen. We've selected you all because of your skills and because of what we believe you can do. And so, this elaborate and inconspicuous is held also to welcome the official graduates of our exams and the Pioneer allies that we now have."

The room was silent, and everyone listened. Then, as usual, Halley spoke at a speed and frequency that no normal human being could hear. 

"Where are the surviving Planteds?" One of the Pioneers asked as he noticed that none of the surviving Planteds that these Pioneers recruited were present.

"We made them attack the Underwater Cities and act as a terrorist. As a result, they will be hunted and killed." Halley answered without care.

"Huh... So harsh. But I guess it's fitting considering what we have been doing." The Pioneer laughed.

Those nearby all gave the group an angry glare.

"Please do not provoke your colleagues," Halley answered.

"Colleagues? You mean we're not going to be suicide bombers and forced spies?" One of the Pioneers sneered.

"No. We've found out more about your race. Two important news must be pointed out. The first is that Presider Shakstress is dead. General Seeker and Lynd and a few others have killed her."

The Pioneers were shocked at the news.

"We also found out certain things because of how Presider Shakstress gave us access to her tools. We know that something called a Presider War will be happening here."

"What?!" The Pioneers all shouted.

"Please use your Unlocking and limit your voices." Halley frowned for the first time.

The Pioneers felt pain as if their skin was being peeled off.

"Ow!" Will shouted.

Ivan facepalmed in embarrassment.

"Lieutenant Will... Haven't you passed Pain Control training?" Halley frowned.

"He... he did. He's just like this. Please continue." Ivan answered.

The Pioneers controlled their shouts and gritted their teeth, and finally, Halley stopped using her powers.

"Now that we're all settled down... These announcements are rather major. But basically, it's like this. We are joining the Presider Wars. And the Presider will begin to create bases here on Earth. Our new mission is to take advantage of the infighting of these Presiders and ensure that all the prophecies of the Bible will reoccur. So brush up on your Old Testament studies. Every kingdom prophesied to rise and fall in the Book of Daniel must be carefully studied. And our goal is to force the wars in a direction that ultimately ends with two cities. The City of God, Jerusalem, and the City of Man, Babylon.. The Tale of Two Cities begins now."

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