New Game+

Chapter 88 - Meetings And Deductions

Chapter 88 - Meetings And Deductions

A group of men waited outside their cars in an empty parking lot. Ahead of this group were two tall and lean men who kept gazing at the entrance of this underground parking space.

One had a rich dark skin. His own fist was full of tattoos that made it look like his skin was made of hard metal. The other man was a man of Asian origin.

Finally, the visitors that these two were waiting for arrived

A frown appeared on the black man as he counted the visitors that were sent.

All sources indicate that there was only one man who would meet with them. But surprisingly, four appeared.

The diversity of the four individuals was something that made the uncaring Asian man also give a curious look at the party.

"You must be Sir Arthur." The black man spoke.

"Just Arthur, please."

"Master didn't tell us that you would have such a… diverse party."

"Is there a problem with these three?" Arthur gave a bored look at the two.

The black man frowned but before he could speak his partner spoke up.

"Accompanying you are people who are legally declared to be dead. And these aren't any average nobodies. Commander of the Heroes Army, Alean Cipril and the Game-Transcending General, Sebastian Horros."

Lowengren moved and offered his right hand to the Asian assassin.

"Nice to meet you." Lowengren smiled mysteriously as the two shook hands.

"Their identities are quite sensitive considering that they're actually alive. But these two are nothing compared to him." The Asian assassin pointed to Arthur's third companion.

"Several of us wanted to fight you. Another figure who is believed to be deceased. The Hero of Helion's Tragedy. Thrince Lander."

"Would we reveal the heart of our operations so easily to such a suspicious group? Do you think our Master would allow it?" The black man demanded.

"Tell him that I'm this capable. Would that be a problem?" Arthur coldly responded.

The two frowned.

"Where is that man that my subordinate clashed with? I'm sure he would have offered a more… hospitable welcome." Arthur ignored the angry gaze.

"Oh… Your subordinate clashed with Sting? It wasn't your fathers?" The black man mocked.

"Yes. Why would that be surprising? I thought he would be the weakest of your team. Is he the strongest? Then your organization is only so-so."

The black man clenched his fist. The sounds of his knuckles clicking could be heard.

"Force, calm down. Arthur, I would appreciate more honesty in our talks. Why are you implying that it was you who enlightened Sting?"

"Enlightened? You mean to say that my small advice helped him?" Arthur laughed.

"My my… Quite arrogant. If this was your father telling me this, then I would believe it. But you?" The black man sneered.

"Based on those words… Has his father allowed your Master to also improve?" Lowengren joked.

The two assassin's expression changed.

Arthur sneered at seeing this reaction. Fighting against Lowengren was very frustrating but having him as an ally is quite refreshing.

"Why would it be surprising, that I, his son, can't do the same to Meng's lousy subordinates?" Arthur challenged.

The black man took a step forward but then the Asian assassin quickly raised his right hand stopping the black man from rushing forward.

"That was fast." Lowengren admired as he witnesses the quick reaction of the Asian assassin.

"Force, remember Master's orders."

"Then you deal with them, One." The black man continued to glare at Arthur.

"Aren't you acting a bit too arrogant?" The Asian man asked.

"I'm tired of this. Lowengren. Educate these fools." Arthur ordered.

The Asian man frowned but continued to raise his hand to stop his companion.

"Assassins are known for their silence and mystery. However, you two gave us enough information that could prove fatal if ever we fought. I can deduce your specialties." Lowengren laughed.

"I'll humor you… What are our specialties?" The black man laughed.

"Mister Black man here has tattooed both of his fists. He is definitely proud of it. But the tattoos couldn't hide the callous marks of his fist. It's clear he has been punching a lot. Going by his name, 'Force,' and the footwork he displayed when Young Master Arthur taunted him, he is definitely someone who specializes in unarmed combat. So he's a martial arts expert who kills by his fist."

The black man was stunned silent.

"Next, One. The way you quickly stopped your companion from moving forward was quite fast. I shook your hand intentionally when we met to confirm the state of your hand. The callouses indicate that you've been holding something tight. Having a fast draw on your right arm added by the fact that you have callouses when most assassins would probably wear gloves indicate that your weapon is something you hold with your bare hand."

The Asian man revealed a surprised expression.

"It not hard to deduce what weapon you use based on this. You need careful control over your weapon, so you refuse to use gloves. You probably need to 'feel' your strikes. Added with a fast right arm, you use a Katana don't you, 'One?' A Samurai warrior who has mastered the ways of Iai. Quite a quick draw." Lowengren laughed.

"Maybe your organization needs a bit of a woman's touch. Such hot-headed and blatant display of testosterone isn't good for an organization like yours. Arthur merely taunted you and you already gave away vital information about yourselves. I'm sure that information isn't available even if we were to pay a high price in the Underworld. Tell me… is Meng's organization that easy to fool?" Alean laughed sarcastically.

"Know your enemy. Isn't that an important principle that One China values?" Lowengren sneered.

The two assassins gave an awkward glance at each other.

"Not to mention… you gave away quite a bit about your Master. Why would the two of you be offended that the three of us follow Young Master Arthur? Shouldn't that impress you? After all, a little boy decides to take a field trip in the Underworld… Wouldn't it be natural that he would bring along impressive escorts to shut down the doubts that you have? But no. You guys look threatened."

"Meng's using me as a way to gauge the strength of my father's organization isn't he?" Arthur spoke coldly.

The two assassins started to feel uneasy at Arthur's words.

"If you are nervous about our strengths… then it only means that you Master has told you to be wary. So this means that either my father's strength can threaten your organization or it can even overcome it. If our two organizations ever go to war, you've given us quite an important advantage... Morale."josei

The two assassins almost swallowed a mouthful of saliva at Arthur's explanation.

"I wonder what more we can learn about Meng by the time we reach their base?" Lander asked himself. His voice was low, but to the ears of these trained assassins, it was as if it was spoken through a megaphone.

The two assassins started sweating profusely.

"Regardless… It seems their foolish actions will get them reprimanded. It must hurt a lot if these two world-class warriors are now sweating profusely." Alean laughed.

The assassins were doing their best not to reveal any more emotions but they were starting to feel fear.

"Tell your Master that in this first round, we've bested you already. He will find out about this anyway. At least if you show your sincerity by telling him what you've learned he might not punish you." Arthur walked forward as the two assassins unconsciously gave way.

"Weak." Alean sighed as he followed.

"Disappointing. And to think you said you want to fight me." Lander chided as he passed.

"Suck it losers! You'll never defeat us! Know your enemy and know yourself! That's the Art of War! But you two? You know nothing about your enemy and only know how to get your pits stained! Losers! Losers! You clearly are the ass in assassins!"

"Lowengren!" Alean angrily pulled Lowengren to stop him from his annoying mode.

The two quickly followed and decided not to act arrogantly anymore.

"Young Master Arthur, please forgive our actions. We will be escorting you back to our headquarters as instructed." One spoke as he rushed towards the car.

"No. I'm here to see the Underworld. Is there anything that we can do along the way that could show me how dangerous the Underworld is?"

"There are none." One responded respectfully.

"Is there an enemy gang that has been offending you or some sort? We could go over there and wipe them out." Lowengren yawned.

The two assassins gave a worried look at each other.

"There is one group that has. But they are connected with one of the most influential businessmen in China." Force spoke softly.

"What is there to fear? You're the king of the Underworld." Alean laughed.

"I would need the Master's approval."

"Alright." Arthur sat down on his seat and immediately tried to sleep.

The surrounding bodyguards were shocked to see how their respective leaders became submissive butlers who carried the luggage of these four individuals.

Meanwhile, in Shanghai, a large pod was secretly retrieved by a submarine and it dove deeper on the ocean floor and finally reached a secret underwater base.

"Presider Pridgeon!" A group of well-dressed businessmen bowed as they met the Aragarian from above.

"Disappointing." A large bearded man responded harshly.

"It's been over a week and your fixes on this so-called Australian Avarice is making my head sorer than the space-lag I've got!"

The Aragarian's all remained silent.

"Several Pioneer's in New Birth City died! All because you guys caused a war! I can't believe how stupid that Gary is! And why didn't anyone stop him! Now, look at the mess we are in! Pangea managed to rescue a lot of Jewish refugees! I don't know how these Jews got rescued but if the world catches on with our plans, then it's going to have serious repercussions!" Pridgeon roared.

"It shouldn't be that bad…" A voice tried to console Pridgeon. Pridgeon simply turned to the man who spoke and gave a furious slap.


"If the world becomes aware that the Jews are being targeted, then it will create another wave of theories and talks that could cause their religion to spread! The Jews have been having conflicts since the dawn of their history! Larson, repeat the historical enemies of the Jews to me to refresh your dull minds!"

"Presider, these were Egyptians, Philistines, Amorites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medo-Persians, Romans of the ancient world!"

"What about during the modern to the supra-modern era?" Pridgeon angrily asked.

"Hitler and later, Palestine and all the neighboring Muslim countries wanted them dead."

"Now get this in your thick skulls, you idiots! These coincidences of the Jews always having oppositions that wanted them dead is a good proof of Jewish and Christian faith! If people haven't been so antisemitic, then their religion would be easier to deny! But your stupid actions will add more fuel to this faith!"

"Presider, the people haven't noticed that a majority of the rescued experiments in Pangea and Australia are Jews!" Larson defended.

"Should I thank El-Shaddai, God Almighty for that?!" Pridgeon gave Larson a harsh slap on the face.

"Presider! If people notice, we can argue that the Jew's are the easiest to kidnap since kidnapping them won't raise much public attention because they are scattered all over the world without a community to protect them!" A middle-aged man with thick glasses suggested.

"IDIOT!" Pridgeon smacked the man and his glasses flew off.

"It doesn't matter what the excuse you come up with! When we appear to finally take control of this world, the doubtful ones in Christianity or Judaism will become believers since they see the devil at work in massacring Jews, and the skeptics are moved from unbelief to doubt! We could have more nations as enemies! Do you want that? Are you guys Aragarian's or are you Christians who are baptizing people in Jesus's name?!"

"Presider, I have a suggestion." A seductive voice echoed at the side as a white and flawless beauty stood.

"We reveal these findings that the Jews are being targeted for kidnapping globally. Then we create an organization to save them." She gave a soft chuckle.

Pridgeon's angry expression turned into a surprised one. Then this surprise became a smile.. An insidious and wicked smile.

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