New Game+

Chapter 89 - Israel And Babylon

Chapter 89 - Israel And Babylon

"Now that is a plan!" Pridgeon laughed heartily at the woman's suggestion.

"Pioneer Madelyn, correct?"

"Yes, Presider."

"A most ingenious plan! We can even use that to send more and more of our people here that way!"

"More people?" There was a look of confusion among the Pioneers.

"Of course! These people will replace some of the more prominent Jews we kill. How do you explain a massive drop in the population otherwise?" Pridgeon gave a disappointed look at the rest.

The room was silent. That could easily mean over a hundred Pioneers!

"Of course, they wouldn't be equal to you nor would they be assigned to any technologies. They would just be normal citizens who we could use as soldiers." Pridgeon explained as he noticed the shocked expressions.

"You still haven't realized the extent of your blunder, have you? How many Pioneers do we have left in Pangea?"

"Sir! I'm the last one!" A young man stood up.

"I thought so! we're even lucky that one survived! How did you survive?"

"Almost all Pioneer's partnered with Feltrick. The reason why I'm alive is simply that my connection with Feltrick wasn't that apparent." The young man sighed.

"And this is why I was sent here. We basically lost all connection in two countries? TWO COUNTRIES!" Pridgeon roared angrily.

"Luckily one of you still has brains! With that plan of her's we finally have a way of sending more people here! Do you now understand what my primary task is? To clean up after your damned mess by establishing a base for us!"

"Presider wants to make a country of our own?!" Larson was shocked.

"Yes! Look at what's happened! The attack at Australia and Pangea wiped out the Pioneer's before others could send help! We aren't safe anymore! If one Harker has done so much, what if more will arise as they discover the sickening actions you have been doing?"

The Pioneers were all silent. They once thought that they were the kings of this world, but in a span of two weeks several of them had already died and some couldn't even leave Australia. If Australia loses the war, then these Pioneer's left behind would be doomed to die.

"Because of this, The best course of action is to take over one nation and become its rulers! That way we wouldn't face such tragedies."

"If I may, Presider. I have a suggestion to make." Madelyn spoke out once more.


"I believe the best place to create our own nation is Iraq."

"Iraq? That wasteland?" Pridgeon frowned.

"That is because Iraq is currently focusing on building monumental sites that will be the center of their Megapolis. This makes it an ideal ground for many of our Pioneer's to relocate due to the rich business opportunities there. Another reason, which is the main reason why I choose that site, is because of its strategic location. It is surrounded by several nations who have been continuing their ongoing crusade to kill the Jews."

Pridgeon was in deep contemplation.

"I see. You plan to use that country as a way to support the surrounding nations in their crusades against the Jews?"

"No, Presider. We will use that nation to scare the surrounding nations and protect the Jews."

"What? And why would we do that?"

"Presider, even if we create an organization that can save the Jews and uses this organization to secretly kill them while bringing in more Pioneers, we are still in danger of discovery. Not to mention these Pioneers would have to face the threat of being killed by these antisemitic nations. The best and easiest way to do this is to give the Jews a place of their own."

"I see. That makes sense. It would also allow the Jews to easily return to their homeland..."

"Yes. The reason why the Jews are dispersed is due to the danger of living in Jerusalem. Especially now when the Muslims outnumber the Jews there."

"So we create an environment which makes it tempting for the Jews to go back home…" Pridgeon started nodding in agreement. Then Pridgeon realized something.

"No. That won't work. The Jews wouldn't trust Iraq. The history between these two cannot be easily ignored. You forget that the Jews believe that Iraq is where the tower of Babel stood. And later, it was rebuilt as Babylon. Another foe of the Jews. We don't want that old post-modern Rastafarian song, 'By the Rivers of Babylon' to once again gain popularity." Pridgeon shook his head.

"Presider, I have not forgotten that. I am aware of the historical and religious implications wouldn't make the Jews trust these nations. The solution is not that difficult, however." Madelyn smiled.

"Do explain."

"The Book of Daniel records the greatest Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar's conversion and belief in this Jewish God. We can use that to our advantage. Since Iraq's megapolis would be centered in this New Babylon, we can create fake ancient records detailing Nebuchadnezzar trust to Yahweh and make the current dictator appear to be someone who has also converted to Judaism."

Pridgeon's eyes gleamed with excitement.

"That would work! If that's the plan, then the two bases of operations would be both Iraq and Israel."

"Yes. If we manage to take control of Iraq and Israel, it's easy to massacre the Jews. It will appear in a way that won't ever reveal our hand behind it. Once the two nations reach the honeymoon stage, we instigate a rebellion in Iraq, and once the change in dictatorship happens, we backstab Israel and lead our armies along with the armies of the surrounding nations to immediately wipe out the unsuspecting Jews. In the eyes of the world, it would simply be another tragedy between the age-old conflicts between Israel and its surrounding enemies."

"For that plan to work... our Pioneers are to continue in kidnapping Jews so to entice alarm, correct?" Pridgeon guessed.

"Yes. We need to make it look like the organization that we create can effectively capture the syndicates that are kidnapping the Jews."

"A Good Cop-Bad Cop strategy. Not bad Madelyn. I'll be sure to inform the Presiders of your wisdom. You will take charge of this mission then. I promote you to Arbiter. Once you're done with your preparations, you can relocate to the moon if you want to."

"Thank you, Presider!" Madelyn smiled.

"You can choose two technologies and two of any Class C upgrades."

"Thank you!" The woman bowed respectfully.

The Pioneers stared in envy at the sudden promotion of Madelyn.

"Now… Let us discuss what to do with that Harker. The probable information he has acquired from raiding Feltrick's bases cannot be ignored."

"PRESIDER!" Larson gave a horrified scream.

The group was surprised at Lander's panicking expression.

"Someone just raided my main base and killed everyone!" Horror appeared on his eyes.

"What?! Someone's targeting Pioneer's again?" Pridgeon frowned.

"It must be Meng. Both our organizations been snooping at his. He might have noticed it and wanted to kill us. Damn it! That dragon's pretty ruthless." Madelyn's eyes turned grave.

"Somethings not right…" Pridgeon was in deep thought.


"These attacks against Pioneers… It's too coincidental. Let's put a stop to this meeting. I need to take action to face this threat." Pridgeon's eyes turned grim.

About half an hour before the meeting began, Arthur's team had arrived at the Larson Conglomorate Complex located in Nanjing.

The complex was a large group of tall buildings and skyscrapers and was situated near the edge of the city. Yet despite its far distance, this complex was bustling with activities.

Arthur's team rode towards the top of the nearby hill to look at the entire complex.

The assassins stood alongside Arthur.

"As you can see… this base of theirs is quite popular. We won't be able to attack recklessly. Meng's orders specifically indicate that if we cannot hide this battle, then we have to abandon it." Force respectfully warned.

"Also, we don't have information about that base. So we need to scout it first before we can attack it."

"Relax… Their base should be underground." Lowengren laughed as he took a look at the landscape.


"Yes. It's too risky if he puts the base on any of these commercial buildings. I took a look at the city's blueprints and it says that the complex uses a large tunnel which connects the complex's flood control water basin to the Yangtze river."

"How does that prove that the base is underground?"

"Simple. Larson's name is affiliated on all boating and naval services in this area. Given the strict rules of One China against drugs and human trafficking, you can't risk connecting your commercial buildings to your illegal base."

"So that means that that tunnel connecting to the water basin would be the only entrance to that base?"

"Yes. Haven't you read the files about this complex?" Arthur gave an irritable comment.

"To be the improvement of society by manifesting innovation, integrity, and integration." Alean quoted at the side.

"That is Larson Conglomerate's Mission statement. Their Core values also emphasize integrity." Lander nodded.

"What does this have to do with anything?" Force could not help but frown.

"Haven't you learned anything from our clash? Know your enemy? I wonder if you really represent the Dragon's organization. To speak in Chinese terms, you surely made him lose quite a lot of face." Lowengren shook his head.

Force restrained himself from smacking Lowengren.

"We know they're dirty. But they are so adamant in covering it up, that they present this façade of integrity. By being more transparent, the government won't ever think of doubting them. This is why there are no places in those complex that is inaccessible. Hence, if they opened the entire complex from the lobby all the way to the offices of the manages, where else can they hide this secret but underground?"

"Wouldn't that simply mean that they have established their base elsewhere?"

Arthur gave an exhausted sigh.

"No. For two reasons. Their operations cannot be done at night. Especially with how strict One China's curfew system is. The only option is to do it in broad daylight. Underground. The scale of their deals should be so large, that they make use of this popular complex. With people moving in and out of this place all day long, it's easy to hide their operations behind these legitimate fronts." Arthur explained.

"Seriously. If Meng assigned you two to assassinate them you'd surely fail thinking that the enemy isn't here." Lowengren laughed.

The two assassin's faces were distorting. But they couldn't defend themselves from the attacks of Arthur's team.

"Don't tell me we should tell you what to do?" Arthur frowned.

"You plan to dive upstream and enter the tunnel."

"Yes. Alean, Lander… you go. Lowengren and I will stay above ground to see if we can make the most of this. Do you have it with you?"

Lander had long retreated back to the trunk of the car and took out a large briefcase.

"I have it here." Lander returned and opened the briefcase to show Arthur.

The two assassins looked strangely at the device.

"That looks like a Pangean whiplash bomb. But these are… bigger." One frowned.

"Indeed it is. We detonate it underground. The whiplash won't destroy the underground but it would give the skyscrapers above quite a shake."

"We use the earthquake to rattle the top area and cause an evacuation. That way we can kill the leaders. So Force will go with Alean underwater, and One will go with us." Arthur immediately moved as his team followed.

One and Force stayed a bit as they gazed at the landscape.

"This Arthur is… quite strong." One stood in amazement.

"Indeed. I'm not sure which of us are professional assassins." Force sighed. They were assassins who have mastered ingenuity in the art of reconnaissance and assassinations yet, they were thoroughly beaten by Arthur's group. Though they could have eventually discovered the truth behind Larson's complex, the way Arthur's team analyzed and identified the secrets behind Larson's organization made these two assassins look like amateurs.josei

"Anyway… Let's just try to show them our skills in fighting. This is the only way we could save some face.." One frowned as he turned and followed.

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