New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 356 - Softie

Chapter 356 - Softie

"Wait, how did you know how I felt?" Sayuri asked after he stopped laughing, "I mean, that I was annoyed at you?"

Kyle propped his elbow on the table and his chin on his palm, giving her a smile as he said, "I remember you at the airport. And if I was you, I would be annoyed at me, too."

Kyle laughed again at the expression of horror on Sayuri's face. Right now, he guessed that she was thinking her cover was blown or that something wasn't right.

"You knew that was me?!" she squeaked, her worst nightmare realised. How did he know?

She thought hard on her disguise then and realised on a fatal mistake on her part. As she had been confident then that he would not be paying close attention to her then, her disguise had been rather simple.

Basic, even.

Thus, when she decided on her disguise this time around, there wasn't much difference. She naturally had not put much thought into her disguise. josei

She had been overconfident then, and she had been overconfident when she first entered Sakura Academy. Unfortunately, even though she was getting better and not doing the same mistake, it was too late to change her disguise now.

Sayuri sighed.

She had chosen this disguise because it wasn't complicated. She would be able to put it on quickly at any given time in case there were unexpected incidences. However, unlike before, she wasn't going to take things for granted anymore and was 'in disguise' even though she hadn't gone out.

Which was a good thing, too. Things would have been very awkward and difficult otherwise.

"I didn't at first," Kyle lied, "It's just that your face was familiar but it only clicked the other day."

"My apologies for the airport stunt. That was pretty mean of me. I was feeling a bit miffed at the fans and you just happened to have borne the brunt of it." Kyle said, then offered his hand.


Sayuri nodded, taking his hand and shaking it with a smile, "Truce."

"About the airport thing ..." Sayuri began but Kyle shook his head.

"We have shaken the Hands of Truce. The past is the past. Let it lie there. The slate is clean," Kyle said, "But I do feel bad about the money you spent though."

Sayuri waved her hand in front of her, "Oh, don't worry about that. It was my fault as well. Like you said, truce. Slate is clean."

They nodded, reaching an understanding.

Once the congee was ready, Sayuri placed a bowl for Kyle as well but he refused politely.

"It's for you, not me," Kyle said, pushing the bowl aside, "Don't worry. I didn't put anything in it other than what is supposed to be there."

Sayuri looked at him strangely for that statement. Why would he think she would think so? It never even crossed her mind. Strange indeed, but she didn't ask.

However, she found it wasn't comfortable to eat in front of a person who wasn't. Kyle seemed to know that, since he got up and said, "You eat, and I'll wait in the living room."

Although one said 'living room', it was essentially just him getting up from the dining table and walked a few steps and whal-lah. He was in the living room. It was a studio apartment, after all.

Sayuri began eating, as she watched Kyle look at the cloth painting.

"This is really nice," Kyle said, pointing at it, "Where did you buy it?"

"I didn't," Sayuri replied, "I painted it myself."

"You did?!" Kyle said in surprise and looked at the painting again, "You have amazing talent. I can't draw to save my life."

"Wow. There's actually something you're not good at?" Sayuri couldn't help saying, her mouth holding back a smile.

Kyle turned to face her, giving her his Million-Dollar Watt Smile, thoroughly blinding her, "There are many wonderful things these hands can do, but painting was never one of those skills I had time to cultivate."

Sayuri almost chocked on her congee.

He didn't ... no, he couldn't have meant that double meaning. It's just her mind that was a little bit in a gutter. Yes, that must be it. She just wasn't used to being alone in an apartment with a guy. Sayuri shook her head.

There was a ghost of a smile on Kyle's face as he turned to admire the painting again.

A part of him was thinking, that he could understand a bit why Big Bro Nic loved to tease Xing Han so much. The way her face just kept going into shock was very funny.

Looks like she needed more training to constantly maintain her expression. So, he was just helping her out on her training, right? Kyle grinned to himself.

Kyle and Sayuri spent about an hour to discuss the duties pertaining to the Vice-President post. She accepted it, of course, as it gave her an opportunity to hang around Kyle without raising suspicions.

She had been wondering what was the best way to actually do so when this chance landed right on her lap. She would be a fool to refuse, right?

An hour later, as Kyle left Sayuri's apartment, Kyle heard Kay laughing through their telepathic link.


[For someone who said he didn't care what she's up to, he's quite caring today, isn't he?] Kay teased.

Kyle shrugged, even though Kay couldn't see it.

[She's a good kid] Kyle replied [I could see how hard she was working to improve herself and she didn't cause any trouble. So it's the least I could do]

[You're still a softie] Kay accused him [She is supposed to be doing this mission by herself, right?]

[She still is] Kyle insisted [I merely made it easier for her to blend in and hang around. As Vice-President, and as one who is working with me for it, means she has a better chance, right? Whatever that mission may be]


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