New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 357 - Too Weak?

Chapter 357 - Too Weak?

That night, Kyle was looking through the files that Sam had given him.

He leaned back on his chair as he sighed deeply. Xing Han came up to him and peered down at his face from behind him.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Kyle handed him the file and explained, "The first part is the promotional tour events. The second part is the MIB stuff and things I need to do for Big Bro Nic."

Xing Han sat on his bed, gritted his teeth upon hearing Nitocris's name.

"Why'd you gotta help him anyway?" Xing Han complained, "Doesn't he have his own men? I mean, isn't he like some big shot company guy?"

"Well, ye-es," Kyle replied then grinned as he looked at Xing Han, "But if you were to choose between having me do the work, or your men, which one would you pick?"

"You, of course," Xing Han replied without hesitation.

"It's the same for Big Bro Nic," Kyle explained patiently, though the real reason was more than that. Kyle simply chose a method that Xing Han would be able to accept easier.

Xing Han couldn't find the words to refute him so he grumbled and mumbled under his breath instead.

"So, why the long sigh? That ... thing ... demanding too much?"

Kyle shook his head, "No. It's ... this."

Kyle took the file from Xing Han, turned the pages and gave it back to him.

Xing Han read the report and his face scrunched up.

"What? This doesn't sound so bad," he said, pointing at it, "It's just an interview at a few entertainment news portals. I would think you'd be more upset over this ... 'Lip Sync Battle' thing? What the heck is that?"

Kyle licked his lips, which were suddenly dry as he struggled to form the words, "It's at Country M. Where I used to live previously."

"Where you used to ... ohhhhhh," Xing Han said, his eyes wide open, "Country M is big ... you mean, one of these interviews is where you actually used to live?"

Kyle nodded.

"How old are your kids now?" Xing Han asked.

Kyle smiled wistfully, "My son is 9 and my daughter is 6."

"So ... are you going to meet up with them?"

Kyle shook his head.

"I can't. Can you imagine the time paradox that it'll create? I'm very careful not to have any sort of contact with myself, and my former life, while ... erm, well, while I am still alive. I am worried that it'll affect the time line in some way and 'Kyle' will not exist or something," Kyle replied.

Xing Han shook his head vigorously, "No no no. We do not want that to happen. I do not want to lose my BFF." josei

"It'll be like I never existed, I think," Kyle said, "So you wouldn't know what you're missing."

Xing Han suddenly glomped on Kyle, sitting on his lap. He hugged Kyle tightly.

"Do NOT say that. Do not even think that. I .. I can't even imagine what my life would be like without you," Xing Han said, his voice full of emotion.

"How can you miss something you don't know?" Kyle pointed out.

Xing Han started shaking Kyle, wailing, "NO!! Stop it! My heart can't take it!!"

Kyle put his hand over Xing Han's mouth, saying, "Sssshhh! It's late! We'll get into trouble if you make too much noise."

Xing Han sniffed and pouted, putting his hands across his chest as he glared at Kyle, "Then stop talking nonsense. We shall never speak of this again, you hear?"

"Fine," Kyle said, "Now can you please get off me? The chair is breaking down under your additional weight."

"Humph," Xing Han snorted, "I'm not that heavy to break the chair. Just admit that you're too weak to handle me."

Kyle's grin got bigger.

"Too weak, huh?" he growled under his breath, his eyes glinting dangerously.

Before Xing Han could react to the sudden feeling of danger, Kyle had lifted him up, dumped him on the desk and slammed his arm beside him. Xing Han's eyes went wide open. Was this the infamous kabedon?*

Though, to be fair, it was more likely a 'Tsukue'-don (desk-don) in this case.

Kyle leaned forward, tilted his head to the side a bit as he took a deep breath, as if smelling Xing Han, his nose running to the side of Xing Han's face.

"Trust me," Kyle said, his breath a whisper in his ear, "I am hardly weak and can do so much more than this."

Before Xing Han's mind could process anything, Kyle laughed and stood up straight, stretching and rotated his shoulders, "Though granted, you are rather heavy. Looks like more exercise is needed!"

Xing Han puffed up his cheeks and pouted, "Fluffy Xing Han does not need more exercise!"

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