New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 55 - Rebellion

Chapter 55 - Rebellion

The next day, Kay found that her plan started slightly earlier than she had expected. She didn't plan it, but she was quick enough to adapt. She was at the cafeteria and lining up to take her breakfast, along with Kyle's, as usual. Sarah was beside her, chatting away while Kay was fiddling with her phone.

When it was her turn, Kay smiled brightly at the server, saying, "Morning Mrs Ling."

"Morning, Kay honey. What will it be?"

Kay took a quick glance at all the food displayed and thought for a second and said, "I'd like two scops of mash potatoes, two sausages, three pancakes and .... ah! Eggs Benedict and one slice of toast, please."

It was at that moment she heard someone gasp and started coughing as if was choking or something, behind her. She turned and was surprised to see it was a LaSelle student. He was of average height, thin lips that were in an "O" position and his hazel eyes were wide open. The guy was looking at her and her small frame, then back at the pile of food the server placed on her tray.

She giggled, putting her eyes down softly, her long lashes covering her eyes as her cheeks tinged pink. She took her tray and was about to leave before she turned back to say softly, just enough for the guy to hear before quickly rushing to the cashier, "It's for my brother."

"What'll it be, boy?" came a rough voice in front of the guy.

He blinked for a second, then got back down to Earth. He had been shocked at first to hear what the young girl in front of him had ordered, but he was even more shocked when she turned around. It was a fairy! He was sure of it. And when she giggled, the soft sound hit his heart like little drumbeats. When she blushed, she looked even more adorable than ever. When she said it was for her brother, her voice was like sweet bells chiming.

He grinned then and quickly gave his order. As soon as he paid, he quickly scanned the cafeteria, looking for the Fairy. His eyes brightened when he saw her sitting down at a table near the window, and there were still two empty seats around her. He stood there for a while, taking long and deep breaths as he mentally told himself, "You can do it, Jason. It's just a girl. She won't bite. Just a girl, just a girl ... no! She's a Fairy! A GIRL. YOU CAN DO IT."

People passing by him were giving him strange looks. What was this guy doing, standing in the middle of the place, and just kept nodding his head. They ignored him, though and left him alone. He was completely oblivious to all of this as he kept on with his inner monologue. Just as he managed to calm down and was about to walk over, he saw two boys come by the table. A rather plump boy and ... an extremely good looking boy.

To his consternation, the good looking one sat down next to his Fairy, while the heavier set one went to line up. He gritted his teeth. He had been too late. He promptly sat down at the nearest chair and couldn't keep his eyes off that table. Who was that guy? Her boyfriend? They certainly look chummy. He gnashed his teeth to see the boy kiss his Fairy on the cheek, then broke into a huge grin when he saw her push the tray of food she got earlier to him.

So, he was her brother.

This, this is good.

He turned his head when he heard the girls at the same table was sighing. It was only then that he realised he had sat down without even asking the people who were sitting there if the seat was free. "Oh, I'm sorry! I just sat down here."

"No, it's okay," said the girl beside him, "Janice isn't here today."

"That's good," he replied, nodding then looked back at the table in front of him.

"I'm Belinda, and you are?"

"Oh, I'm sorry! Again. Sorry, I mean ..." he stammered. He took a deep breath and tried again, "I'm Jason. LaSelle exchange student"

They shook hands and Belinda leaned over, making Jason tilt to the side a bit. He really wasn't used to being around girls but was trying very hard to act normal. "I see that you're interested in the Smith twins?"


"Yeah, Kay and Kyle Smith. They're quite famous around here, as you can tell. Just look around you. More than half of the people here are looking at their table."

Jason looked around. She was right. His heart dropped. Of course, his Fairy would be popular. He started chewing while listening to the extremely talkative Belinda, who was giving all sorts of rumours about the twins. As he listened, he became more and more depressed. The Elite Five? He had to go through such a wall?

Just as he was thinking of giving up, his Fairy looked up and they locked eyes. He almost dropped his fork as she then gave him a smile before turning back to talk to her brother.

The heck with it. He's going for it. He started eating with gusto again.

Kay smiled to herself as she noticed how the guy had been watching them intently since getting their food. It looks like this one was interested, though she hardly did anything. Looks like he was the type that liked the shy, sweet type but he was also a bit shy himself. So he needed some encouragement to give him hope that he had a chance. From the way he was acting, Kay felt that she was on the right track.

"What are you thinking about?" asked Kyle inbetween mouthfuls of food.

Kay looked at him and shook her head. Taking out her handkerchief, she wiped the corner of his mouth that had ketchup on it.

"Can't you even eat properly?" she admonished him.

He shrugged, shoveling more food in his mouth. [Why? All the food goes straight in anyway. As Kylie, I hardly had any appetite and ate like a bird. Girls weren't supposed to eat a lot either. Now, however, I can eat to my heart's content and still not gain weight. How awesome is that?! Anyway, I have YOU to nag me, right?]

[I do not nag]

[You do too,] Kyle insisted.

[I do not]

[Do, too]

Ok, you get the idea. This went on for some time before finally, Kyle said firmly, [Anyway, I've decided. We're dropping Operation Honey Trap. It's too risky] josei

[No. I can do it, Kyle]

Kyle gave her a look, his eyes serious as he said again, "Kay. No. Drop it"

Kay's bottom lip quivered, but Kyle didn't budge. She grabbed her stuff on the table, standing up angrily. Through gritted teeth, she said to Sarah, "I'll be going first."

"Ka-" Kyle began, reaching out for her hand but she smacked it away and walked off in a huff. Kyle sighed and got up to go after her when he felt Sarah's dainty hand on his. He turned to see her wide innocent eyes looking at him and her shaking her head.

"You stay and finish your breakfast. I'll go and talk to her."

Kyle looked at Kay's retreating back, rigid and she was practically stomping as she walked out. When Kay's like this, she would ignore him so he felt Sarah was right. He sat back down and said, "Thanks, Sarah."

Sarah nodded and quickly went after Kay. Xing Han came then and looked around confusedly at the empty table. "What did I miss?"


Jason quickly got up, threw the rest of his unfinished food and left the tray at the designated area. He jogged over to where Kay was heading, slowing down as he got closer. He quickened his steps then called out hesitantly, "Erm, excuse me?"

Kay slowed down, turned and tilted her head as she smiled at the guy, "Yes?"

He got closer, to stand beside her as he then said, "Hi, sorry. I'm new here. Jason from LaSelle School."

"Ah yes," Kay replied, nodding, "One of our exchange students. How do you find Sakura Academy?"

"It's great so far and it's getting better by the minute," he said, looking at her. Kay looked at him quizzingly, and he stuttered a bit before continuing, "Anyway! I'm still finding my way around and am a bit lost. Do you know where is 5B?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll take you there," Kay said sweetly, "I'm Kay by the way. This is Sarah."

"Nice to meet you," he said to the both of them, though his eyes seemed to stay focused on Kay. Kay smiled a bit at that and looked away, and Jason could see the slight tinge of red around her cheeks. He couldn't help but be more captivated. Sarah looked at the both of them, her eyebrows raised a bit then gave a knowing smile.

"I've gotta go and see Sophia before class," she said, "So I'll see you later Kay."

Kay watched Sarah go to the left, which was where the lower secondary classes were while she headed towards her right, where the upper secondary classes were. If one was to view the shape of the building from the top, and standing in front of the cafeteria, you would see it was an "n" shape. The top of the "n" was the administrative block which housed the Principal's office on the ground floor and the teacher's lounge and rooms on the second and third floor.

To the left was the Cherry Wing, that had the lower secondary classes and to its right was Blossom Wing, the upper secondary classes. Right in the space of the "n" was the school field. Each floor housed one year, so the first two floors of Cherry Wing were Form 1 and Form 2 classes respectively, and the third floor had the science labs and Student Council office. The Blossom Wing had 3 floors, with each floor housing only the classrooms.

The founder did not want the upper and lower secondary students to be segregated, so that was why they shared a field and cafeteria, plus the labs that were used by the upper secondary were in the Cherry Wing.

As Kay walked Jason to his class, she was actually feeling slightly nervous. This was the first time she was disobeying Kyle. She felt like she was rebelling. It felt both great ... and scary.

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