New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 56 - Sisterhood

Chapter 56 - Sisterhood

As Jason walked beside Kay, he was mentally kicking himself. She must think he was a fool, or that he was being so obvious about his interest in her. The layout of the school wasn't complicated at all, so how on Earth could he be lost? All he had to do was turn right and BAM! The building is RIGHT THERE! His Fairy must be thinking that he's crazy. No, a fool. No, a stupid crazy fool. Argh.

Jason didn't realise the myriad of expression that was going on his face. Kay looked in utter fascination as it went pale, then red, then pale and she wondered if it would actually go green like it is described in some novels. It didn't. Still, it was funny to see. She couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips, and Jason turned to face her and he grimaced.

"It's obvious, isn't it?" he asked, ashamed.

Kay looked at him in innocent puzzlement, and asked, "What's obvious?"

He gestured towards Blossom Wing, and said, "That I knew where my classroom was but just wanted to talk to you?"

"Oh, that!" giggled Kay again, "I just thought you were trying to make new friends and that was the first thing that popped in your mind. Isn't it?"

He grinned, feeling relieved. He was worried that his forwardness may scare her off, so he was glad that it wasn't the case. So he just nodded happily.

"I think you're very brave to do so," Kay said, "If I was suddenly placed in a new place, a new school and only four others from my own school ... I wouldn't know what to do, really."

"It's nothing, really!" he said, waving his arms in front of him, "If you ever came to LaSelle, I'm sure you wouldn't have ANY trouble making new friends!"

"No! That's not true. I'm just ... too shy. I have Sarah and I'm always with my brothers, so I'm not lonely but ... well, it's hard to explain. I'll be so lost," Kay said, her eyes misting over as she seemed to be thinking of something.

"Don't you worry! If you ever come to LaSelle, you'll have me to help you!" Jason said, his chest puffing up in front.

Kay smiled and hit him on the arm playfully, "You'll be long gone by then, silly. But I thank you for the thought." Kay sighed, swinging her arms beside her.

"How about this?" Jason asked, as they reached Blossom Wing, "I can help you make friends! Why not get to know the other guys in my school that are here? Then you can slowly build up your confidence. It's easy!"

Kay stopped at the entrance, and pursed her lips, before saying, "I'll have to think about it. You're really sweet to offer, but it sounds so scary."

"Okay, no problem," Jason said, not wanting to pressure her and scare her away, "Thanks for the walk. Hmmmm ... Actually, perhaps I should walk you back to your class?"

"No, it's okay" Kay said quickly. Kyle would be finishing up breakfast right about now, and she didn't want him to see her with Jason. "You should go into class earlier and get to know your classmates before class starts. Hope you enjoy Sakura Academy."

Jason nodded, but didn't go in immediately. He stood there, watching her walk away with a smile on his face. He couldn't help but admire the way her hips swayed as she walked. It was like she was gliding rather than walking. After she entered Cherry Wing and he couldn't see her anymore, he walked in and headed to his classroom.

As Kay walked towards Cherry Wing, she was feeling extremely happy and smug. With hardly any effort, she had managed to get one LaSelle boy interested AND there was an open chance for her to get to know the others as well. Kyle thought this was risky? Hah. Since they were born, she had been following whatever he said happily, as he was much older. Not physically, but mentally. So she relied on him and loved his protection. He made everything fun and she loved him so much that whatever he asked, she would do without question.

However, it's different now. It's not like she doesn't love her brother anymore. On the contrary, their bond is unbreakable. It's just that KAy felt that Kyle was still treating her like a little girl. Kyle needs to know that she is all grown up now. She isn't some weak little girl but she is K! Co-leader of MIB! One of the best hackers in the country! She will prove to Kyle that she can do this. Even if it meant going behind his back. It was the only way to open his eyes!

Kay walked resolutely to class, a smile on her face.


Kay decided to have lunch in the classroom as she didn't want to see Kyle. She had asked Sarah to get some sandwiches for her and was flipping through the homework set for the day. She jumped when she suddenly felt someone behind her, then had put his head on her shoulder.

[Are you still mad at me?]

Kay ignored him, flipping the pages as if there wasn't anyone there. josei

Kyle bent down and hugged her from behind ... which wasn't comfortable, bearing in mind he had to hug the chair as well. She continued to ignore him and he snuggled into her neck, rubbing his head on her cheek [Come on Kay ...]

[Will you let me do Operation Honey Trap?]


She took the book and hit Kyle's head with it. Kyle sighed, squatted by her side and looked at her seriously, "Ask anything else, but not this. I just have a bad feeling about it."

"It's just you being over-protective! I can do this. Please, Kyle?" Kay begged, looking at him with her puppy-dog look.

Kyle shook his head firmly, "No."

Kay was surprised. Kyle always gave in whenever she gave him that look but he was so firm today? Was there really something risky about all of this? Just why was he so worried? What could happen, really? She started to feel some doubt about the path she was taking, but when she thought about how easy it had been with Jason ... she couldn't help but feel that Kyle WAS thinking too much into this.

Perhaps Kyle's sense of protectiveness is slowly getting out of control. Always hovering, always checking up on her. Having one pair of parents is enough, but with Kyle around, it made it seem like she's under surveillance 24/7. The slight doubt that was stirring in her got washed away when she thought of Jason.

Kay pressed her lips tightly together, turned the other way so that she wasn't facing Kyle and said, "Fine. Got it. Go away."

Kyle took a deep, deep breath and rubbed the space between his eyebrows. Kay was being especially stubborn right now. Childish, too. Kyle had to keep telling himself to calm down and be patient. She had always been so obedient and never questioned him before. Now? Kay was only 13 years old so did this mean that she had entered the infamous rebellious phase?

He didn't have much experience in that, as his son was 13 when he died. Kyle searched his memories quickly and confirmed that there had not been any problems then. Perhaps it hadn't started yet, or his son never talked to him about it? He didn't know. Right now, all Kyle knew was that he had to repeat the mantra that Kay is still young. Previously, all he had to do was cuddle up to her and she would give in - or he would give in, since she never really demanded things that were excessive.

"Fine, Fine," Kyle said in resignation, "I got it. I'm really sorry, Kay, but I won't change my mind on this."

Kay didn't answer and waited until she heard his footsteps leave the room. She turned to take a peek and once she confirmed that he was gone, she let out the breath that she didn't know she was holding. Kay rested her chin on her hand, feeling quite upset. This was the first time that she really argued with Kyle ... if you could call it an argument. Perhaps, a disagreement? Whatever it you called it, the result was still the same: they were quarrelling.

Was she being petty? She didn't think so. The more Kyle refused to compromise, the more Kay was determined to prove him wrong. Well, they were twins - the stubbornness was rather prominent. Kay could act in front of many people, but she couldn't with Kyle. Hence, she just could not pretend that she wasn't upset and act normal. Kyle would know anyway. She knew she had to settle her own feelings and reconcile with Kyle before he gets suspicious or starts monitoring her from the shadows.

Sarah came then, handing her the sandwich. Kay thanked her profusely, apologizing for the trouble. "It's okay, Kay; but how long are you going to avoid your brother?"

"I don't know," Kay mumbled, biting into her sandwich, "I shouldn't, I know but I just ... eeee. Every time I look at him right now, I just feel like smacking him. He was here just now but I couldn't do it."

"But what did he DO? All I saw at the cafeteria was him telling you no. What was that all about?" Sarah asked curiously.

Kay waved her hand in front of her, thinking fast, "I just said that I wanted to get to know the exchange students. That's all."

Well, it was true, wasn't it? Kay didn't feel guilty about the white lie as the essence was still the same. Operation Honey Trap was the operation to get to know the LaSelle students, and Kyle quashed it. Same difference.

"Well, I got to Sophia. She actually looked a bit frightened at first when I said you wanted to talk to her privately, but she agreed. So she'll be at the spot 5 minutes before time," Sarah told her, then asked seriously, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes," Kay said firmly, "Are you changing your mind?"

Sarah shook her head, "No matter what you want to do, I've got your back. I just wanted to make sure you're sure."

Kay felt all warm inside. Sarah was really nice. Kay felt that the Elite Five brothers were great, but nothing could beat Sisterhood.

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