New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 69 - Sage Class

Chapter 69 - Sage Class

Principal Godric watched in amazement as Kyle put down the thick file on the table.

"Eh? Did you finish reading it already? Didn't you just flip the pages around?"

Kyle shrugged. "I have photographic memory," he explained, not caring to keep it a secret from the Principal. After all, he wanted the Principal to trust and rely on him so sharing something unknown would start the foundation.

"That's ... not in the records," the principal mumbled.

"Of course not," Kyle said, "I never told anyone before."

"Then why me?"

"If we're to make this work, we need to work together. I can't have you doubting my abilities and this is the quickest way to get the foundation done."

"Just having a photogenic memory isn't enough," the principal stated.

"Yes, but it's a good start," Kyle pointed out, "Besides, I have you to guide me."

Principal Godric grinned. He liked this kid. He was good and he knew his abilities but he wasn't arrogant about it. Godric slammed the table again.

"Good! Let us begin!"


A couple of weeks later, the Principal made a surprising announcement during morning assembly. It had been two months since they had all taken the tests, so people were wondering what was happening. None of the teachers knew and they were all curious as to what was the future plans the new principal was making.

"I am sure everyone is dying of curiosity to know what your results are, correct?" was the first thing that Principal Godric asked when he reached the podium. The hall erupted with a resounding "yes!" josei

"Things are still in the initial stages, but after going through all your results, we have finally managed to group every student in every year as according to your capabilities. We shall group you into these 6 types: visual learners, verbal ie linguistic learners, kinesthetic learners, logical learners, interpersonal and intrapersonal learners."

Everyone looked confused and the Principal laughed, "Don't worry about these labels or how we're dividing everyone. Just know that we are narrowing it down to 6 types. There are actually 9 types but we'll not go into that."

"These 6 categories are the ones of the highest type. Of course, the logistics can be difficult as we can have 40 logical learners but only 3 verbal learners. That is MY problem to solve of course. What YOUR focus is on, is that the teaching style will be specially tailored to the type of learner you are."

"There will be 6 classes for each year. Each class catered for the learner types - which can also be a mixed one. The names of these six classes are the top 6 votes: Rose, Snowdrop,? Tulips, Orchids, Daffodils, and Lotus."

"However, there has been one slight change to my original plan. All of this is due to the fact that unexpectedly, the scores obtained was beyond anyone's imagination. Their results showed that they shouldn't be confined to the syllabus of the year that they are in. They must be given wings to soar! So, we shall have ONE accelerated class. The best of the best."

"Sage Class."

Godric took out the herb and waved it about.

"Since Sage Class is an accelerated class, it cannot be named after a flower like the normal classes. It has to be different. So, I chose a herb. A herb that has medicinal properties - like the class that will be the healing balm to the education system here."

"Sage. Sage means wisdom and immortality. I found the name to be the most fitting name for the most unique class. Don't you agree?"

Everyone nodded.

"You might be wondering now. I said I was abolishing streaming. So what about this Sage class, right? Wouldn't anyone in the class be the elite? Why should they have such a superior status while the others are just normal? What's so special about them? Why should that class be on top of the food chain. How can that be fair? Right? "

Godric could see people nodding in agreement.

"Well, get over it."

People gasped. Huh? What?

"Let me ask you first. Is it fair that someone who can do advanced mathematical equations have to be in a class that is studying basic arithmetic?"

"Is it fair that someone who can create complex AI programmes be forced to sit in a computer lab to learn basic coding?"

"Is it fair that someone who can draw lifelike portraits or landscapes sit in an art class that teaches the basics of shading and colour?"

"Quite frankly, THAT isn't fair."

"THAT is what Sage Class will be for."

"Like I had said, there will only be ONE Sage Class. Did that not tell you that the entry requirements are not simple? It will only have exceptional individuals who would only be dragged down in normal classes. So long as there is ONE person who qualifies, the Sage Class will exist. If there isn't, then it will die. There is no maximum limit"

"Anyone can be in this class so long as they pass the special exam. This exam can be taken at any time, so long as you want to. All of you have already taken the test, but if you feel like you want to do it again, then, by all means, do. So long as you have the capabilities to, you can do it."

Everyone gasped at this. It sounded ... so illustrious and so hard at the same time!

He paused to let that sink in, "If you can't cut it, don't do it. Simple as that. The world out there is cruel. It's competitive. It's a reality. School keeps you safe. It is intended to nurture you and build you up before letting you out. However, there are some of you who have the potential to soar faster, to face the pressure sooner. Should I hold you back then?"

"My main goal is to cater to YOUR abilities, and to further strengthen YOUR capabilities. If you are already above the norm, why should you have to conform to the norm?"

"Not getting in Sage Class doesn't mean you're dumb but getting in Sage Class does mean you're abnormal. A genius even. If you can't cut it in after getting in and want to join the normal classes, you can. Leaving Sage Class doesn't mean you're a failure, but that you recognise your limits and want more guidance."

"Sage Class will not be conducted like a normal class and it can comprise of people from various years. It will be a class that has only one teacher - me - but I am only the one who will show you the way. The ones who are actually doing the teaching is yourself."

People were puzzled at that and the Principal didn't elaborate further, ending it by saying, "Just know this. Whoever is in Sage Class are all exceptional individuals that the school recognises. Anyone in the normal class will have a chance to enter it - IF you want to. Some may not, and that is okay."

"What you need to know is this. Essentially, the school is about learning. It is about YOU improving yourself. To be the best that you can be. That is the mindset you should have and Sage Class is the goal you want to achieve. Focus on yourself and focus on always making yourself better."

Everyone was quiet upon hearing this.

"Now," Principal Godric began, as he straightened up his tie and smoothen down his suit, "The new division of normal classes will begin next year so as to make the transition easier. The Sage Class, however, will start from today. Out of the entire school, only 10 qualified and I have their names right here. These are the students who made it through the special questions in the final segment of your test."

Everyone sat up straight upon hearing this. Who were the 10 people?

"Note that you are the pioneer batch and you will be on trial for the remainder of this year. At the end of the year, you will be given a choice as to whether you want to continue or not. Every student of Sage Class will have this probationary trial period. When I call your names, please come up the stage. These are in alphabetical order, and not based on their results so please don't start speculating," Principal Godric stressed.

Everyone nodded and waited.

Beatrice Chan

Kay Smith

Kyle Smith

Ingrid Mikealson

Muhammad Ali Bakhtiar

Natasha Kinsky

Samuel Johnson

Stanley Cole

Terence Hill

Tan Xing Han

As each name was called out, gasps were heard and some even had tears in their eyes. They couldn't believe that they were called. Everyone couldn't help but notice that all members of the Elite Five were up there and they remembered their low scores - especially Kyle and Xing Han's. It looked like they had been playing around then.

"One final announcement"

There was more??

"There will no longer be students electing the Student Council Members. The Student Council President and Vice President will be the two top students of Sage Class. The rest will be decided and chosen by them. The current Student Council will run as normal but will have the future President and Vice President in it as well. They will use this time to study the current student council and learn from it. The new team will begin next year."

"Future Vice President, Beatrice Chan and Future President, Kyle Smith. From now, you need to focus on and prioritize Student Council matters. You decide what club activities need to be dropped."

Beatrice and Kyle nodded, and they looked at each other. Kyle gave her a three finger salute, and she gave him a perfunctory smile.

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