New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 70 - Beatrice

Chapter 70 - Beatrice

After school, Kyle started packing up to go to the Student Council Room when a small commotion started at the door. He looked up, to see that it was Beatrice just standing there looking at him. One of his classmates was in front of her, waving her hand in front of her face, but Beatrice ignored her completely.

Kyle knew that Beatrice was a rather quiet person. Though 'quiet' was a very mild way to describe her. According to her past school records, Beatrice was kinda like a 'shut-in', but outside. She kept to herself, hardly talked to people and did not mix. Kyle suspected that Beatrice's mind worked in different way and she just didn't mix because she could not get along with others - and vice versa. The fact that she was here, to meet him, was an indication that she was opening up to him.

Principal Godric had been worried about putting Beatrice in the Student Council due to her social ineptness but Kyle felt it would be a great opportunity for her. Being an eccentric genius was good and all but you still needed to be able to mix with human beings. She's in her third year now, so it mean that she would have another 2 years here before 'going out' into the world more. Kyle was confident that he could help her in these two years.

Why was he bothering so much, you may ask?

Guess that's the Kylie kicking in. When he had gone through her records before, he was already intrigued by this #1 student in the school. He had felt that it was a huge pity that such a smart girl was so hidden in the school. Normally, the #1 student would be popular and even in the Student Council but nope. She was like a ghost in the wind. If she didn't step up, her potential may get drowned by society.

It would be such a waste! Her mother must be so frantic!

Yeah, that was Kylie side kicking in. So now, with Principal Godric's revamp, it gave Kyle a chance to meet Beatrice and hopefully, help her at the same time. The fact that Beatrice was there, waiting for him, meant he made the right guess.

"Beatrice! Hold up," Kyle shouted cheerfully, and the girls in front of Beatrice had to be nice. Initially, they were getting annoyed at this stoic person in front of their class as they knew she would be standing side-by-side with Kyle from now on. So they had wanted to get to know her, and perhaps get more chances to hang out with Kyle.

Who knew that this robot girl would not only ignore them, she kept staring at Kyle! Her eyes unblinking and to their mind, staking her claim on him or something. It made them extremely annoyed and they were just about to pounce on her (figuratively speaking, of course) when Kyle's voice shot out.

Their angry expressions immediately became soft and gentle as they smiled and turned to look at Kyle. Beatrice's eye twitched. Her gaze did not break from Kyle who was quickly flinging his bag over his shoulder and giving everyone that Colgate-dazzling smile. This. This was the boy that was the top scorer? That actually got higher than her in the test?

Beatrice couldn't believe it. How can someone that looks like THAT beat her? She scrutinized him from head to toe, from his perfect hair to his flawless skin, his impeccable posture, firm and muscular body frame, those dazzling even and white teeth ... that boy looked more like a modal than a genius student!

Did she miss something?

A guy who could be a top student should look more like ... like Spencer Reid* or Samuel Johnson. Although Beatrice preferred the 'nerd' look, it did not mean that she was blind to the fact that Kyle Smith was an extremely good looking guy. He just wasn't to her taste. From the looks of it, he was a player as well. She may have not liked what the former Principal Dobbins had said about Kyle and Xing Han, but she did agree initially in the first speech.

Beatrice didn't quite like the tone that had been used, but the words made sense. Could such a person actually be the top student? He's so popular. He's so good looking. One only needed to look at how the girls were acting in this class alone. It further proved the fact that they would be willing to do anything to get in his good graces - so actually, doing his work for him wasn't a far fetched idea.

The result of the special test, however, certainly disproved it. Kyle is smart. Super smart.

Beatrice just found it hard to believe.

One cannot really blame Beatrice for her prejudice. Kyle had been right about one thing: Beatrice has high IQ. However, unlike Kyle who had his past life to guide him, Beatrice didn't. She was born in a normal low-income family of average intelligence. She was an only child and her parents didn't have any yardstick to judge her on. She showed her high intelligence from a very young age and understood many things on her own.

They were proud of her, and praised her endlessly. This, of course, would cause jealousy among other people each time Beatrice's mother bragged about Beatrice. Beatrice's mother is a simple woman. She was really proud of her daugther that was so much smarter than her and she just wanted to tell the whole world. She would tell anyone who was willing (or not) to listen.

However, she did not realise that whenever she did so, people were jealous. They couldn't quite stand it whenever they had to listen to all those achievements and worse, they couldn't show off their own kids in the same field. No one could beat Beatrice. So what could they do? Brag about their kids in other ways, of course.

Beatrice was a plain girl. With her coarse hair tied in braids and thick rimmed glasses, wearing hand-me-down clothes, she was not a match to all the other 'princess' girls in the neighbourhood. So, whenever the mother bragged about her, the ones listening would then say things such as "Oh, at least she is clever!" and "Well, you know, since she's so plain looking, she has to be good at something."

No matter how smart you are, when you are fed with such lines since young, you start believing it. You get brainwashed. So Beatrice grew up believing that her plain looks were 'in exchange' for her IQ. She never really took care of herself either, thinking that it was of no use since beauty was only skin deep. What is the point of putting on make-up or things like that if you don't know the value of Pi? Or how the release of carbon monoxide is slowly thinning the ozone layer and causing a spike in skin cancer?

So, Beatrice firmly believed that no one could be really good looking AND smart. When she had first heard about Kyle's achievements in Retsu Primary School, she didn't know about his good looks. She was only interested in the results. So when she saw Kyle being pointed out during the first day at Sakura Academy, she was shocked.

When his dismal results were released, she was relieved. It turns out that Principal Dobbins was correct.

Her perceptions however, were firmly smashed on the day the Principal called her up the week before. Even now, she's still reeling over the revelation and she is having trouble accepting everything that she had believed in for the past 15 years.

**A week earlier**


'Will Beatrice Chan from Class 3A please come to the Principal's Office'


The moment the announcement was made, everyone turned to look at Beatrice. Beatrice's eye twitched. She knew she didn't do anything wrong, but the way everyone turned and looked at her made her feel as if she did. Worse, she could tell from the curious look in their eyes that they, too, thought she had done something.

The teacher looked at Beatrice who stood up and waved her off before she continued teaching. Beatrice walked steadily, wondering what was up. She was quickly ushered into the Principal's office and sat down primly.

Principal Godric had a thick file on his table and he was holding another small folder in his hands. He laid it down and looked at her with a smile.

"Congratulations, Beatrice," he began, "You are one of our top scorers for the special test we had."

Naturally, thought Beatrice. This was not a surprise.

"In fact, I have decided to make the two top scorers the next President and Vice President of the Student Council. Do you agree to be in the Student Council?"

Beatrice sat up straight, shaking her head, "I'm sorry, Principal. I am afraid I have to decline."

"Why is that?" he asked with a smile. In truth, he knew she wouldn't be willing but he had to hear it from her.

"I am not suited to be in the Student Council," she said.

"According to your results, you are more than qualified," Principal Godric pointed out.

"It's not a matter of qualifications, Sir," Beatrice explained, wondering why Principal Godric would not know something so basic, "One must also have the charisma and the student pull to lead the Student Council."

"Of course, I agree," he said, nodding. josei

"Sir, I only like to study and do work. I don't even mind administrative work. I am meticulous and detailed, and would be able to organise things properly," Beatrice stated and the grin on Principal Godric's face widened. Beatrice's eye twitched at that.

Something felt out of place but she carried on, "But I do not have the charisma and ability to rally people to do something. I know myself and I know how people view me."

"I see," Principal Godric said slowly, then looked at her straight in the eye again as he continued, "According to what you said, you're more than suited to be in the Student Council."

Beatrice's eyes bulged. Was this man not listening to her? Did he just gloss over all that she said?

"Sir, with all due respect, I am hardly the person to be the President," she said, "Vice President, maybe but definitely not the President."

"Perfect," he said, getting up and extended his hand for a handshake, "Welcome aboard, Vice President Beatrice."


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