New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 721 - A Tiny Seed ...

Chapter 721 - A Tiny Seed ...

Kyle's grip on the tray was so tight that his knuckles went white. Zane's back was to him and he was bent down over Sayuri, his hands beside her head and leaning on the sofa behind her. 

Although he wanted nothing more than to smash the plate of spaghetti over the stupid man's head, he endured.

After all, wasn't this one of the conditions Sayuri set? 

She could date. Not him. 

But damn it!

He didn't think it would be this hard to actually see her with someone else. 

And kissing?!

Just why the heck were they kissing?!

Kyle placed the tray down with a slight bang. Zane got up then and cleared his throat while Sayuri licked her lips. Kyle clenched his jaw at this and resolutely sat down next to Sayuri's right side while Zane sat on her left.

"Catching up, I see?" Kyle said nonchalantly to Sayuri while handing her the plate of spaghetti.

"Zane just wanted to test out something," Sayuri said as she tucked in.

Kyle raised an eyebrow and Zane explained, "Whether it was possible to kiss by leaning forward like that, especially when the woman is pregnant and sitting down."

"Why the heck do you even want to know that?!" Kyle asked with a snort, "And I could have told you how to do it."

"Zane was my training partner then," Sayuri explained, "And his current target happens to be a pregnant woman so, naturally, he thought of me. I agreed to help him. After all, even though there are a few pregnant women in the clan right now, he's more used to me."

Training partner?


Kyle felt like there was a hole in the ground that he fell through. Everything became pitch black as an unexplained feeling of intense agitation hit him.

He remembered Sayuri telling him how she had obtained and refined her skills … in bed … Kyle got up and said, "Well, I won't be in your way then."

Sayuri watched him go, slightly disappointed that he didn't seem at all disturbed by Zane. She thought, at least, he would show some sort of reaction. 

"Shall we continue?" Sayuri asked Zane, putting down her plate.

"It really is awkward trying to get a good position," Zane grumbled, "I couldn't even get within two inches of your face."

Sayuri laughed at that, saying, "You're just not flexible enough, I suppose. Or maybe your arm strength isn't good enough?"

He flexed his biceps, saying, "How can that be?"

"Well, Kyle could finger me and play with my breasts without crushing my baby bump, yet you couldn't even lean down far enough to kiss my forehead?!" Sayuri asked, scorning him, "And here I thought, you were this mighty skilled ninja."

"Hey, in my defense, it's hard to focus and remain still when you feel like there are daggers being flung at your back," Zane said with a shudder, "I thought only Grandmaster was like that. Who would have known your hubby is as well?"

Sayuri sighed, not correcting him on his misconception. It would take too long to explain anyway. It was enough that he knew Kyle was a fellow ninja and would not forbid them from practicing.

Meanwhile, back in Kyle's bedroom, a figure wearing a face mask, dark glasses and a cap slipped out of the window and abseiled down. Once his feet touched the ground, he flipped his wrist which caused the hook on the window ledge to retract and the thin line retracted into his belt, with the hook being the buckle.

People gawked at the sight and was so surprised that they didn't manage to capture a photo. By the time they took out their phones, the figure had already disappeared.josei

Kyle was in a hurry to get out of the apartment, so he was not in disguise as Ice. As such, he didn't go to Big Bro Nic for any clean-up jobs. Instead, he randomly went about like some vigilante and started venting out his stress on small-time crooks.

It wasn't much of a challenge but he just wanted to punch something.

Knowing how loud Sayuri could be, the last thing he wanted was to remain in the apartment and listen to it. It made him uncomfortable just thinking about it. 

Several hours later, drenched in sweat and blood, Kyle sat on top of the tree and looked out into the distance. For some reason, he found he could think better when he's just above it all and alone on the tree branch.

Maybe he was a monkey in his life before Kylie.

Or a bird?

Whatever it was, one thing was becoming clear to him.

When he had been devastated over the break-up with Sari, he had done the exact same thing.

Gone out, punched people and hung out on a tree the whole night. Now, just because Sayuri was making out with her training partner, he was doing the same thing?

He shook his head.

No, not the same thing.

He just didn't want to disturb them. Yes, that was it. He sighed. He should be getting back soon because Junior would be back. 

✿ Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ✿

Sarah felt completely stressed out.

Not only was the earlier rumour painting her as some weirdo, she now had numerous ex-schoolmates who added on more fuel to the story. 

It didn't really sound bad, but when you coupled it with the earlier post, it was really bad. 

How, as the President of the PoK, she had been very strict about news on Kyle. She had been the one that kept the 'shrine' at the school i.e. the table that Kyle used to have his meals at.

Even now, that 'shrine' was well maintained.  

It made her look like some psychotic, delusional person that was hanging onto Kyle and not letting go. How could they do that? How could they twist her pure feelings into something so insane?

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