New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 722 - Relief

Chapter 722 - Relief

Chapter 722 - Relief


When Kyle returned, it was through the front door. He had already changed into a fresh set of clothes and the earlier dirtied ones had been thrown into two different garbage bins in the city.

Sayuri, who was still in the living room, was slightly surprised upon seeing him enter. She deduced accurately that he had most likely escaped through his bedroom window. She found that to be rather funny.

Dian had just finished cooking and was about to leave.

"Sir," she said with a smile and then headed back home.

Kyle acknowledge her with a nod and then asked Sayuri as he entered, "Fruitfull training?"

"It was good," Sayuri replied, getting up from the sofa.

Kyle dashed over and hovered nearby and she waved him off, "I'm fine. You've already changed the sofa into something firmer, so it's easier for me to get up from it now."

"That's good," Kyle replied, "So, has his kissing skills improved?"

"Kissing skills?" Sayuri frowned at Kyle, "How would I know if he has improved or not?"

Kyle stared at her, puzzled then said, "Why wouldn't you? Weren't you guys training? And I saw you were kissing him when I went to get drinks."

Realisation hit Sayuri and she laughed, "We weren't kissing! Did it look that way? He was just leaning forward and trying to get into a kissing position. He wasn't sure how to do so, while still looking suave and all."

"Just into position? No actual kissing?" Kyle asked, surprised.

"Just what were you thinking?" Sayuri said, waddling on.

She really needed the bathroom right now.

"Those sort of intimacy training is only done prior to graduation," Sayuri explained, "Why would we need such training after? We have the basics, so if we want to perfect our skills, we'd do it during the missions."

"Then why did he have to see you? You mentioned that there were other pregnant women, but that it had to be you? So, naturally, I thought …" Kyle said, his voice trailing off and stopped when he saw that she had turned and was now facing him.

She was frowning, her hands on her h.i.p.s as she stared at him while a finger was pointed at his nose.

"Kyle Rexington Smith," Sayuri hissed at him, "First of all, did you really think I'd just jump into the arms of any man now?"

"Er, well … he wasn't ... just … any man …" Kyle began, trying to defend himself, "And … well … you did say that you'd be free to date …"

Sayuri poked his forehead, then laughed, "I never thought I'd see the day the great Kyle Smith stuttering and looking uncomfortable."

"Look, we just talked," Sayuri explained, "He sought me out because we are comfortable with each other and can talk things out frankly. He just wanted to know how it felt, what were the things to avoid and what sort of positions were comfortable and uncomfortable."

"Couldn't he get that information from the clan?" Kyle pressed on, not satisfied.

Though he felt this huge weight being lifted off his shoulders and he was relieved about the whole thing, he still didn't like it that Zane had come.

"He's dyslexic," Sayuri revealed, "So reading takes time and it's a huge effort for him. He's a visual learner, so it was better to show him rather than just have him read about it. I explained the contents of the manual to him and we discussed the methods."

"Oh," Kyle said, not knowing what else to say. Still, he was so happy about it that he had this stupid grin on his face.

Sayuri didn't see that as she turned then, complaining, "Omigosh. I need to PEE SO BADLY !!"

Kyle just hummed happily and even ruffled Junior's hair as he walked by to enter his room just as Junior walked out of his. Junior just stood there, wondering what had happened.

? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ?

That night, it was the night that the Elite Five were gathering together for the first time after ages.

Kyle was in Junior's bedroom, tucking him in. They talked for a while before he switched off the lights, leaving the nightlight on and left the room.

He nodded amicably at the nurse that he had hired for the night, to tend to Sayuri while he was out. When he entered her room, he found her pouting while sitting at the edge of the bed.

"I don't need a babysitter!" Sayuri said.

"Come on, Sayuri," Kyle said, "I won't be at peace if you're alone at home. She'll just be outside on standby. The monitor is here in your room, so you have privacy, but it is s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e enough that as long as you call out, she'll come in to help.

"A baby monitor?!"

"Similar concept, but not quite. Kay and Zero designed it for you, you know. It's more s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e and would even monitor your heartbeat and any suspicious activities in the room. It'll send out danger signals then," Kyle explained.

When she didn't respond, Kyle went down on his knees and looked up at her, "I won't go if you are really against it."

Sayuri sighed and shook her head, putting her hand on his chek.

"It's okay," she said, feeling touched then smiled, "I know I'm being ridiculous. Go and have fun. You haven't seen them for ages. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" Kyle asked.

"Yes," Sayuri assured him.

Kyle was relieved.

Unlike most women who tended to say 'yes, go ahead' when they actually meant the opposite, Sayuri meant what she said. From her tone of voice to her clear eyes, she really did let him go.

Not that she was happy about it, but she wasn't preventing him either.

"Thank you," Kyle said, kissing her forehead, "You can call me anytime."

"I know," Sayuri answered and waved him off, "But before you go, can you make me a plate of spaghetti?"

Kyle grinned, "Gladly."

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