New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 153 The Trio's Request

Chapter 153 The Trio's Request

How obvious their curiosity was, Eli didn't explain what F3 stands for.

Anyways, they will all know what it stands for in the coming month during the adoption ceremony.

What's important today was to ensure that the research branch gets back on track again with their work.

"Now that you have your books, you can browse it all in your free time. These books contain non magic fundamentals that would help most of you in your existing research. Our classes will start tomorrow." Eli then addressed the excited crowd.

"As these lessons would contain fundamentals, the classes will run for two straight weeks. This will be called a boot camp. Everyone, may it be faculty members or researchers, will attend the same class."

"The bootcamp will contain two sessions, the first session will be the lecture proper, which will be conducted by yours truly. The second session will be the reinforcement session, which will be facilitated by Dean Zeke and Vice Chairman Bramwell."

The bootcamp would be an extremely tedious job for Eli to do alone. As such, she asked Zeke and Bramwell's help in conducting all these. In fact it was already a big compromise for her to conduct a lesson everyday.

How she wished that Leon would go home and take turns in looking after Little Han!

Sigh, being a career woman sure is hard!

But she had to finish this activity as fast as she could, because she would be officially announcing her identity a month from now. She still needs to allot time to prepare for the ceremony.

And she still needs to have a good talk with Leon for the future of their family.

Because surely, what comes after her debut would be Little Han's acknowledgement. With the remaining time, the two of them had to pave the way for a safe and smooth entry of Little Han in the Imperial Family.

"Erm.. Great Inventor, I have a request.." A faculty member politely and awkwardly raised his hands and voiced his concern.

"Go ahead, speak." Eli gave a nod and allowed the faculty member to communicate her concern.

"Uh.. I have a friend in the other school branch who was also interested in your works. Since these are fundamental knowledge, will it be fine to invite her as well to listen atleast in the lecture?" The professor nervously requested.

The more she talked, the more shaky and weak her voice was. She was afraid that the Great Inventor and the school officials would ridicule her selfish request.

However, other faculty members also hoped that their colleagues would be given a chance to hear Eli's lessons. As eccentric they may be, they still built quite a few friendships with the teachers from other schools.

"Hmm.. I do not have the authority to decide for this thing." Eli turned slightly, asking for the deans, Uncle Bramwell and Grandpa Ben's help.

However, there was an awkward atmosphere in their area. It was because the Headmaster was present.

Although they have their own opinions, they still had to acknowledge his opinion and assess whether his opinion will be better or they had to do some convincing for the headmaster to approve their ideas.

"Hmmm.." Grandpa Ben, who was clad in a majestic royal blue scholar robe embroidered with gold linings, brushed his long grey beard while deeply contemplating.

Everyone was silent, patiently waiting for him to decide.

But when they had expected to open his mouth to communicate his decision, he instead, looked at Eli with a trusting glance and asked, "Well, if you have the authority to answer what would be your decision?"

This startled the entire hall. Because the Headmaster's word meant that he highly valued Eli's opinion.

"This bootcamp is designed to cater specifically to the entire research branch… We cannot afford to entertain interference from the listen-ins because your number is already beyond my capacity. Besides, the lecture may coincide with the other teacher's lesson time." Eli didn't hesitate to share her opinion.

Hearing Eli's reply, the faculty members became dejected. Although Eli's words made sense, they still couldn't help but feel that it was a great loss for their fellow colleagues.

"However, these books have been officially published and the deans also find it necessary for all teachers to learn these things. That is why, Deans Simone and Athena will officially join in the training to learn the fundamentals. They would in turn be the ones responsible for training the rest of the teachers." Eli continued her explanation.

As she had already explained, the deans have already discussed the future plans for the lessons. She only needed Grandpa Ben and Bramwell's go signal to proceed with the plan.

"Hmm, that works too. Go ahead." Grandpa Ben gave a satisfied nod. "I hope you are all satisfied with the Counselor and my answer." He carefreely addressed the research branch.

"We thank the Headmaster and the Counselor!" The faculty members replied gratefully upon learning that the rest of the faculty members also had the opportunity to learn at a later time.

"Alright, if there's no other concerns left, you are all dismissed! Dedicate your time today to browse through these books, note all your questions and they will be answered in the next two weeks!" Zeke then dismissed the assembly.

The researchers and faculty members happily dispersed and their excited exclamations filled the entire hall.

Meanwhile, the institute officials along with Eli, proceeded to their office. However, they were stopped by three young researchers who were panting from chasing them.

"Headmaster, Dean Zeke, Counselor!" They greeted nervously.

"Is there any problem?" Zeke addressed the three young researchers.

The three of them were in their twenties almost the same age as Eli. They had a fresh and energetic appearance as they had already gotten rid of the panda eyes they had before the temple exile.

"We.. We have something to say. It's regarding the next research.." The most level headed among the team took the lead and communicated their agenda.

"Hmm? Didn't we already agree to finish your current projects first? The discussions for the next research will happen after all these." Zeke replied in a stern manner.

"Dean.. It's like this, we know all about it. But we also can feel that even after the revisiting of the groupings, our topic will never be catered unless we plead to you this early…" The leader explained.

The deans and the rest raised their eyebrows in concern. They were curious about what the three had to say which claimed that can never be addressed by the new revisiting of groupings.

"Tell us then and let's see.." This time it was Bramwell who asked.

"We.. we want to do medical research!" The trio declared in unison.

"Medical research?" The deans, Bramwell and Grandpa Ben were taken aback.

"Yes, we know that the institute never had any team dedicated for medical research ever since Doctor Kayden disappeared. However, we saw the situation during our temple service and realized that our Empire is far behind the medical field."

"There are many injuries and conditions that cannot be treated by healing magic and potions. We need to continue Dr. Kayden's legacy!"

"That is our purpose for coming before you in this manner. Although we have the determination, we know that we currently do not have someone who can guide us in this mission. So we would like to ask for the Headmaster and the vice chairman, the deans and counselor, to think of us and consider this matter." The trio bowed solemnly, keeping their posture and waited until someone answered them.

Eli was surprised by this information. It actually slipped her mind that the research branch really did not have a medical research team, and never thought that it was because of Kayden's 'disappearance'.

She remembered that Kayden was actually forced to take on a new identity, Eins, because his identity as Kayden was so high profile and attracted the attention of the Spectres.

After his disappearance, there was no more development that happened in both the education and practice of the medical field.

If one wants to be a doctor, they wouldn't go to school. Instead, they would have to seek direct apprenticeship to a certified doctor, for instance, the imperial doctors.

"Alright, we already heard you. But we still have to deliberate what we will do. For now, concentrate on the upcoming bootcamp and finishing your project." Grandpa Ben dismissed the trio.

"Thank you Headmaster!" Although they didn't receive an answer, they still respectfully said their goodbyes and left the hall.

Eli and the rest finally had quiet and peace, however the trio's request lingered in their minds.

Sitting in the Headmaster's receiving area, they discussed the matter with frowns in their faces.josei

"Their request, Master, what do you think of it?" Bramwell asked.

"Well, it is a good opportunity, but the greatest concern is who will guide them. You all know that doctors who are willing to even take an apprentice are scarce! Who could we recruit then? It is not as if we can also ask the elves to teach in our institute." Grandpa Ben replied, massaging his head.

He too found that the trio had to be given an opportunity. However, who among them could guide the young ones properly? Even Eli couldn't do so.

"The worst case that could happen was to send them to another institute." He continued with a dark expression, who would want to have their students go to another institute?!

The discussion ended without any conclusions.

On the way home, there was a gloomy expression inside the carriage.

Eli, who had observed the sullen expression of Grandpa Ben and Bramwell finally opened her mouth after staying silent throughout the discussion.

"If this burdens you so much, why not ask Kayden himself about it? Maybe he had someone to recommend?" Eli suggested.

She remembered that under Eins' identity, he had two doctor companions who were competent. Maybe Eins could recommend one of them to teach.

"I can give him a call to ask.. If Grandpa and Uncle wants to…"

The sky was already dark when Kayden finally reached his villa at Riverfort.

Going straight to the lounge, he saw the now tan skinned, red haired man who wore the same cold blooded expression as before.

"You are finally back from your seclusion.." The man expressionlessly commented to Kayden.

He was calmly sitting on a couch in a laid back manner.

Signs of exhaustion and exposure to extreme elements were evident in his face and entire body.

It was obvious that the man spent so much time in the wilderness. He was also exuding a bloodlust aura, clearly showing that he just came from an arduous battle.

"Uhn.. Leon, have you discovered something while sweeping the Spectres?" Kayden replied in a straightforward manner.

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