New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 154 Did Eli Call?

Chapter 154 Did Eli Call?

Leon didn't answer right away.

Instead, he leaned forward as his face showed a frustrated expression.

"Finding the person related to Elise's death was harder than I thought. I also tried to stay as long as I could in the mystic woods to find any clue on Elise's killer. But nothing valuable really came." Leon answered with a rough and exhausted voice.

He purposely made Riverfort and Mystic woods the last destination he had to take in order for him to have more time to investigate.

The sweeping operations gave him a chance to extensively investigate the truth behind Elise's drugging and death.

Because he and Kayden believed that the mystery behind her curse and death was closely tied with the Spectre. There's also the possible link with the Vesalas that he had to find out.

However, even after employing the help of the roaming blades, who were already conducting the investigations beforehand, and the opportune mission that he had, there were still no clues about who the culprits were and what were their motives in targeting Elise.

"Whatever help you may need, I'll be here. I will do my best to find out who was the one who killed my little sister. It is my way of making up with her." Kayden replied with determination.

"I think Elise would also like it if you help me look after her son." Leon said as a matter of factly.

The complication between Elise and Eli didn't hinder the two men from distinguishing their duties to both personalities.

For Elise, they had to give justice and find out who caused her untimely death. For Eli, they had to also do their best to help and support her in raising Little Han.

But both two identities greatly linked their existence to one person - that is Little Han. May it be unraveling the truth about Elise's killer or helping Eli in her motherhood, it both helped Little Han ultimately.

"Oh, speaking of my nephew! I visited him along with my big sister Azayn before I went back here." Upon mentioning Little Han, the gloomy expression in Kayden's face turned into a warm and happy one.

Taking out a recording stone, he injected some mana and proudly showed to his best friend the precious footage of Little Han, his adorable nephew.

"I know that you missed him so much. I had this recorded so that you can see how big he is right now! Look! The little boy can now crawl so fast!"

The grave look on Leon's eyes also softened.

He silently watched the recording projected on the wall and lovingly looked at the little baby who was crawling around the plushie playground as if the dangers regarding his identity never existed at all.

In the recording, Little Han was wearing thick white pajamas and a cream coloured bonnet with two dangling big fuzzy yarn balls.

As he crawled in a carefree manner all around the playground, the two fluff balls wiggled cutely making him look more adorable than ever.

Hearing his tiny squeaks and gibberish, seeing his smile and happy mood, all of Leon's exhaustion was completely washed away.

He even had the urge to go back to the cottage on the spot and hug his little son.

While watching, Kayden enthusiastically explained how Eli came up with the plushie playground and Little Han's adorable outfit. He also told Leon how Eli designed outfits for the other kids of the two clans.

"Look, that's the plushie playground Eli and the Blades made for Little Han!"

"Who would have known that the quiet Blanc would be so thoughtful to bombard the fence with protection arrays to ensure that Little Han can play safely in the playground?"

"Look, that's your boy, he's so big now.. I still feel very emotional whenever I remember the time I first carried him.. He was so weak, vulnerable and tiny, as if he would breathe his last breath any time! But now.. Look at how lovely he smiles!"

"Younger Sister Eli also was doing well in taking care of Little Han. I still feel worried though. I think she has a tendency to overwork and take many things on her plate…"

Of course, Kayden didn't forget to mention what Eli was up to.

How she caused a commotion in the entire capital with her inventions. How she took an honorary counselor position in the Farauld Magic Institute as a prelude to her official debut in the capital, and how she dived herself in developing lesson plans for the entire research branch.

Upon hearing how much activities Eli had been doing apart from raising Little Han, Leon frowned again.

He knew too well why Eli was doing this, but he still couldn't help but feel uncomfortable knowing that Eli had to do these all alone.

Raising a baby is already a hard job. But it was another level if the baby you are raising is a descendant of both the Imperial Family and Asani!

Seeing the usually expressionless face of his dear friend display different emotions multiple times in less than five minutes, Kayden was greatly amused.

From frustration, to gentleness, to longing, then finally, to worry.

His best friend was finally able to display such vivid emotions because of Eli and Little Han. "Leon, you truly are a changed man…" He couldn't help but tease.

"Have a girl you like and also have children, then you will understand…" Leon retorted with pride.

Kayden's smiling expression went stiff, looking at Leon's face who was displaying a victorious smirk he replied with an aggrieved tone, "Hmf, I have someone I like! I am certain she likes me too!"

He declared with his chin lifted high in the air.

"Which of your identities did she like, is it Kayden's or Eins'?" Leon pointed out without holding back.

"Must you hurt me this way, Leon?? Are you really my sworn brother?!" Kayden couldn't help but explode.

He knows that Leon was just teasing him, but this friend of his was so stiff and clueless! Leon's so-called teasing was actually attacking him without mercy!

"Just you wait! I'll let you meet the girl I like and she would love both my identities!!!" Kayden declared while pouting.

"Whatever suits you.." Leon waived his hands nonchalantly.

"Hmf!! You talk like that, yet you haven't even settled your relationship with younger sister Eli!" Kayden accused.

"That's why I need to finish this task cleanly and quickly so that I can chase your younger sister and marry her right away." Leon didn't take Kayden's vicious verbal attack, but even tossed the ball back at him coolly.

"You!!!" Kayden was so annoyed and was about to retort when he felt his communication stone vibrate from his bracelet.

Inspecting the bracelet, he then looked smugly at Leon while answering in a triumphant tone in an attempt to annoy his friend, "Younger Sister Eli! How are you? Is everything alright on your side?"

Eli's steady yet soft voice was heard from the other side, "Big Brother Kayden, I'm doing great! I just came back from the Institute… I called you today because of what happened in the institute."

Leon suddenly sat straight on his chair in an attentive manner.

His expression became alert, thinking that Eli might have some problem on the other side. Without a word, he allowed the two to have their conversation.

Eli then proceeded to talk about the trio's request and the discussion among the school officials. "However, I still find it better to ask what your opinion is about this matter."

"My papers as Kayden were already declared as public documents. It means it was actually free for all to continue my research as long as they publicly declared their intent."

"You said that they are young ones? I am sure that the enemies will no longer target them just because of my link to the Spectre.." Kayden answered in a serious manner, thinking thoroughly about the situation Eli had explained.

"But the problem was the one who can guide them.." Kayden mumbled with a troubled expression.

"My initial intent was to ask you if you could recommend one from the Riverfort crew…If that would be alright? But it is totally fine if you think it was not a good idea." Eli asked with a shy tone.

She didn't know these people personally yet.

She only knew them from Elise's memories, so she dared not to address them as intimately as Elise did. She could only refer to them from an outsider's perspective.

"Sofia and Thomas? Hmmm… I better look at the situation first. Allow me to think of a solution for a few days. Anyways, we still have four months to settle the issue." Kayden sensed the awkwardness in Eli's tone, however he didn't point it out.

This character of Eli was the one which made it easier for him to accept her as the one who now lived in Elise's body.

She had full respect for the relationship Elise had before. She never dared to take advantage of the fact that she was now in Elise's body just to get what she needed.

Instead, she was willing to ask respectfully until the person gave her the favor. Just like how Eli waited for him to tell her to address him as Big Brother.

But this is only true to him and Leon, who were the only ones Elise knew before, and at the same time, who also knows about Eli's transmigration.

For the sake of everyone's safety, Leon and Kayden decided to keep the truth only to the two of them and the Grandmasters. Not even Leon's parents had the right to know about it!

"Alright, thank you for listening to me. It's getting late, Big Brother, you must rest early and do not forget to eat dinner!" Eli replied on the other side, there was no hint of disappointment in her voice.josei

"Hmm! I'll be sure to have dinner and an early rest! You too take care." Kayden replied rather happily.

Of course he didn't forget to cast a proud glance towards the pitiful friend in front of him.

After disconnecting the call, Kayden didn't let Leon off and smugly said, "Did Eli call you today?????"

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