No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 61 61

Chapter 61 61


[Mary's POV.]



I hurriedly moved about my room, meticulously double-checking that I had packed every essential item for my upcoming journey to the prestigious Imperial Academy in the Hestia Empire. My mother was a flurry of concern, incessantly reminding me not to forget anything crucial.


Despite my reassurances that I had everything covered, she reappeared with a forgotten robe in her hand and a playful scolding on her lips. I couldn't help but playfully bite my tongue, a mixture of amusement and exasperation in my eyes.


"All done!" I said. The next leg of my journey would take me to the capital, where I would access the transportation portal to reach the port.


Although I was confident in my abilities to navigate the bustling city on my own, my mother insisted on accompanying me, her protective nature shining through.


"Let's get outside; everyone's waiting for you." Mom called me, Together, we embarked on our path, with the carriage awaiting us with an unexpected sight. Instead of the usual horses, my mother had arranged for majestic unicorns to pull our carriage, their presence adding a touch of whimsy to our journey.


It's too costly, but my mother won't listen when I say it's fine if I use a normal carriage; she said it's more comfortable, and we can reach the capital in just three days.


"Just a second, and I'll be back." I hurriedly turned and ran into the house before crossing the threshold, and my mom followed me.



Returning to my mother's collection room, a place filled with cherished memories and treasures, I found myself drawn to a black locker tucked away in the corner. With a flick of my hand, I unlocked it using a simple yet powerful magic spell. As the door swung open, I was greeted by the sight of my father's prized possession, a sword.


"Tizona." I softly called its name; there is a note beside it, but I didn't pick it up. I've read it like a thousand times already, and it always makes my mind clear and muddled at the same time.


I gingerly picked Tizona, feeling the weight of its significance and the bittersweet memories it held.




I carefully stored the sword in my spatial ring, a gift from my mother that held immense value, both sentimental and material.


"Do you have to bring it along? "You still cannot use it." When my mother questioned the necessity of taking the sword, I couldn't find the words to respond. Some things are better left unspoken, their meaning understood in the depths of our hearts.




Emerging from the confines of our home, I was greeted by the presence of my mother's close friends, a gathering of familiar faces that had become a part of my life.


Among them were Ren's parents, individuals I hadn't seen since the dissolution of my engagement with their son.


A mix of emotions swirled within me as we exchanged polite pleasantries. I do not hate them; they are good people; it's just that their son is the annoying one.


"?" When I remembered, I looked around.

I did not find him here. Why is he not here? Did he not come to see me off? why? 


"Mary? Are you looking for someone?" Mom asked me as she placed her hand on my shoulder, making me come out of my thoughts.


Mom? Yes! Mom should know where that guy is. She's been meeting him to teach him something. I don't get it. Why would she waste her time on someone who doesn't have a speck of talent? He also manifested his element like two years later than normal, and it's also an inferno element, not a water element like me. disappointing.


"Nope." I replied, I cannot think of anything or anyone else other than my goal right now; he'll come around either way. 


As we bid farewell and embraced one another, I felt a renewed sense of determination and resilience surging through my veins.


The Imperial Academy beckoned, promising a world of knowledge, growth, and countless opportunities waiting to be seized.


With my mother on my side, The carriage set into motion, the regal unicorns gracefully pulling us forward on our path through the sky. Through the carriage window, I stole a tender glance at my mother, our eyes meeting in a silent exchange of understanding and unconditional love. It was a glance filled with unspoken words.



"Are you thinking about why Ren didn't come?" Mom asked tenderly without looking at me while reading a book.


"No,I am not." I answered, but deep inside I wanted to know, Why didn't he show his stupid face when I was leaving the town? Well, it's his fault now; he won't be able to see me for like a whole year.


"Okay, I thought maybe you were." Mom flipped another page of her book.




Curiosity was winning over me, so I asked, "Why didn't he come?" Still looking outside the window so that she wouldn't look at my face, I waited for the response.


"He left the Sephra a few days ago." Mom said calmly.


"What!" I wasn't informed about this—how dare he!


On the other hand.In the heart of a dense, ancient forest, where sunlight struggled to penetrate the thick canopy, a young warrior honed his skills with a sword. His slender figure moved with grace and purpose, his bright blond hair reflecting the dappled light that managed to filter through the dense foliage above. With each swing of his blade, he displayed a mastery of technique that belied his tender age of sixteen.

"Another day of training is complete." Adam said while exhaling deeply.

Leaving behind a trail of fallen trees and shattered rocks, testaments to the intensity of his training, Adam paused to catch his breath. Beads of sweat trickled down his forehead, evidence of the physical and mental exertion he had poured into his practice. With a sense of satisfaction, he surveyed the forest, appreciating the tranquility that enveloped the sacred grove.

"This place has always been my refuge, a sanctuary amidst the chaos of the world."Adam said while admiring the surroundings.

As he made his way back through the woods, the sound of rustling leaves accompanied his footsteps. He soon arrived at a familiar place.

Aurora Haven,the name of the place.

An orphanage nestled amidst the ancient trees. Warm smiles greeted him as fellow orphans and caretakers acknowledged his return. However, it was a small girl, barely reaching his waist, who caught his attention. She approached him with a mischievous gleam in her eyes and whispered something into his ear.

"Adam, guess what? William is here! He's waiting for you in the office!" The girl whispered excitedly.

"William? He's back? That's amazing! Let's not keep him waiting." Adam's eyes widened extremely.

Without a moment's hesitation, Adam's expression shifted, his eyes alight with excitement and anticipation. He swiftly made his way to the orphanage's office, where a man in his late twenties awaited him. It was William Stales, someone he regarded as a brother, despite their lack of blood ties.

"Adam, my boy! It's been too long. I'm thrilled to be joining you on this trip."William, having taken a break from his knightly duties, greeted Adam with a wide smile and open arms, ready to accompany him on their upcoming journey to the Port.

"William, it's good to see you! I couldn't have asked for a better companion. The Port won't know what hit it!" Adam said while embracing William.

As Adam emerged from the office, he retreated to his room, seeking solace in the cascading water of the shower. In the midst of his cleansing ritual, a familiar presence invaded his sanctum. It was his dear friend, Emily, who had wandered into the room unannounced.

Curiosity sparked in Emily's eyes as she caught sight of a letter that Adam had received. Intrigued, she picked it up, holding the fragile parchment delicately in her hands.

"Adam, who is this letter from? It seems quite important to you."With a mix of intrigue and concern, she questioned Adam about the sender.

"It's from Mary, a girl I met a few years back. She's been sending these letters, asking for a rematch."Adam's gaze shifted to the floor as he confessed that the letters were from Mary—a girl he had crossed paths with years ago. In these letters, Mary pleaded for a rematch, an opportunity to reconnect.

"I see. And who is this Ren she mentions in the letters? Is he someone significant?"

Emily's inquisitive mind couldn't resist probing further.

Her eyes fixated on a name mentioned in the letters—Ren. She questioned Adam about Ren's identity,

"Ren is a boy from Mary's neighborhood. He's been following her around, annoying her. She mentioned him as a sort of obstacle." Adam explained.

However, Emily's intuition painted a different picture."An obstacle? Are you sure? It feels like she's trying to convey something else, like she's proud of his unwavering affection for her."

"Really? I hadn't considered that. But, no, Ren is just a persistent nuisance. I don't think Mary sees it the way you do." Adam denied Emily's statement.

Emily perceived it as Mary's veiled attempt to boast about Ren's unyielding love, a declaration that he would forever follow her footsteps.

In that moment, a tangled web of emotions and secrets unfurled, leaving Adam and Emily to ponder the true nature of Mary's letters and the underlying dynamics at play in this intricate tale of love and pursuit.

After an hour,Adam steps out of the orphanage, his heart heavy with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. William awaits, his mentor and guide. They board the carriage, and as the wheels begin to turn.


Unaware of time's relentless advance, the world hurtles forward, chaos in its wake. People hold unknowing roles, bound by prophecy, as the clock's ominous ticking draws them nearer to destiny's precipice.

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