No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 62 Capital.

Chapter 62 Capital.

"hup!" I mounted the horse with a mixture of apprehension and determination. Riding was not a skill I possessed, but the urgency of our mission left me no choice but to learn quickly.


As time passed, I grew more comfortable in the saddle, finding my balance and adapting to the rhythmic movements of the horse.


Our journey to Virendale began with picturesque landscapes unfolding before us. Fields, forests, and winding trails painted the countryside. The sound of hooves hitting the ground echoed through the serene surroundings, accompanied by the occasional chirping of birds and rustling of leaves.


Ali, an experienced rider, took the lead, setting a steady pace. I followed closely behind, my focus split between the road ahead and the not-so-pleasant conversations that emerged between us.


"You've got a knack for horse riding, I mean." Ali spoke, breaking the silence as we rode side by side.


I glanced over with a hint of curiosity in my eyes. "Is it?" I asked.


"Yeah, it's unlikely for anyone to learn it in like a few hours," he said.


"True." I agreed. Now that I think about it, he only messes with me when we are around Anabelle.


Maybe he likes her; I don't know, but it'll clear up a lot of things if that's the case.


"Hey, can I ask you something?" I called out to him.


"If you are going to ask about something that's related to Anabelle,then I advise you not to do that because I don't want to argue when we are on an important mission." Ali increased his speed. "Don't go around sticking your nose in other people's issues."Or so he said, but he gave me a hint that'll help Anabelle mend things with him because he is the only one who still holds a grudge against her; otherwise, Barbara, Henry, and even Zark have consulted with each other.

Our conversations came to a complete halt as we journeyed onward. For the next two days, we kept travelling with the minimum amount of rest, and then


"It's here!" Ali remarks that as the sun began its descent on the second day, the town of Virendale finally came into view. Fatigue weighed heavily on our bodies, but a sense of accomplishment washed over us. The journey had been long and demanding, but we had persevered together.


"We made it," I said, a mix of relief and satisfaction evident in my voice.


Ali nodded, a gleam of respect in his eyes. "Indeed."


With a shared understanding, we rode into the heart of Virendale. Virendale revealed itself as a bustling town nestled in the countryside. Quaint houses lined the streets, their facades painted in vibrant hues, adding a cheerful atmosphere to the surroundings. The main square buzzed with market stalls where merchants showcased their wares, filling the air with a medley of scents and sounds.


The townsfolk hurried about their daily lives, their faces etched with the stories of a close-knit community. Ali and I dismounted our horses, tethering them near the town's entrance, blending into the vibrant tapestry of Virendale.


We strolled through the streets, taking in the sights and sounds that surrounded us. The aroma of freshly baked bread wafted from a nearby bakery, intermingling with the lively chatter of locals and the clattering of horse-drawn carriages passing by.


I marvelled at the architecture, admiring the intricately designed buildings that showcased the town's rich history. The cobblestone streets beneath our feet added a nostalgic charm, echoing with the footsteps of those who had walked them for generations.


As we navigated the winding alleys, we couldn't help but notice the welcoming smiles of the townsfolk. Shopkeepers beckoned us into their stores, offering a glimpse of Virendale's local craftsmanship, from delicate tapestries to ornate wooden carvings.



Virendale proved to be a place of respite and refuge where the worries and dangers of our journey momentarily faded into the background. Yet our task loomed on the horizon, a reminder of the importance of our presence in this vibrant town.


Virendale had welcomed us with open arms, and now it was our duty to repay the town's hospitality with unwavering dedication.


As we continued our exploration of Virendale, a renewed sense of purpose filled me. The sights, sounds, and interactions with the townsfolk infused me with a renewed determination to fulfil our mission and protect what was at stake.


"We now have to get to the city centre." I said, We are not going to rest in Virendale because it'll be a waste of time. Ali did say that we should get something to eat first, but I refused; we'll be able to eat when we are in the capital.




"There it is!" At the centre of Virendale stood the colossal transportation portal, a testament to the convergence of magic and engineering.


The portal's immense power consumed a significant amount of mana, limiting its usage to only twice a day. This scarcity of mana made the portal a hub of frenetic activity as wealthy merchants who could afford the travel costs hurriedly made their way through.


The creation of transportation portals was a complex process that required skilled enchanters and mages. Intricate patterns and symbols were inscribed on circular platforms, channelling mana to infuse them with intent. These enchanters unleashed a surge of mana, causing shimmering gateways to emerge, bridging realms for swift transportation.


The portals facilitated trade and communication, connecting distant markets and fostering economic growth. They were a testament to the mastery of enchanters and the bending of space and time through the forces of magic.


The portal's guardian, a nerdy figure with glasses perched on his nose, approached Ren, exuding an aura of quirky wisdom.

"How many people are there with you?"


"Two,no luggage." I just answered what was needed.


"It'll be twenty gold coins each, meaning forty gold coins for both." He extended his hand forward, and I handed him the hefty sum of money; it's super expensive.


As Ali and I approached the transportation portal, the sense of urgency in the air was palpable. Travellers and merchants rushed past, their footsteps echoing against the stone pavement. The enchanting glow of the portal's symbols and the crackling energy surrounding it further emphasised its mystical nature.


I couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation mingled with a tinge of apprehension; it's my first time travelling through the transportation portal.


Taking a deep breath, Ali and I exchanged a determined glance. "It's going to be a tough day," I murmured, acknowledging the obstacles that awaited us beyond the portal.


Ali nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting a steely resolve.




With renewed determination,I tentatively stepped into the portal. A rush of exhilaration surged through my veins, blending with a tinge of nervousness. The world around me blurred and shifted, a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues enveloping my senses. The portal seemed to come alive, pulsating with a mysterious energy as if welcoming me into its enigmatic embrace. A sense of awe washed over me, for I knew that this was going to take me to the capital.




After a few seconds.


As I stood there, my senses were overwhelmed by the grandeur of the scene before me. The vast open ground stretched out in all directions, dotted with multiple portals similar to the one we had arrived from. People streamed in and out of the portals, creating a constant flow of activity and energy.


"Wow!it's really Arcanum." It was a mesmerising sight to witness the diverse array of individuals entering this bustling hub.Arcanum is the name of the capital.

With a mischievous twinkle in my eye, I turned to Ali and couldn't resist cracking a joke."Well, Ali, I think maybe we should get a coffee first." To which Ali deeply sighed.

After grabbing something to eat quickly, Ali and I approached the address Henry had given,

I stood in before the magnificent house. The grandeur of the wealthy merchants abode overwhelmed me. Towering stone walls, weathered with time, displayed intricate carvings. The colossal wooden door, adorned with ornate metalwork, guarded the secrets within.

Lush gardens surrounded the mansion, a testament to its owner's affluence,we entered the mansion as some guards came to escort us.

A Few minutes after going into the mansion.-

There's a visible tension on Ali's face as he looked ahead of him and I also have some issues with this.

"So you are saying that we have to take that girl along with us." I asked cautiously.

"Yep." The stout guy nodded to my question like a total idiot.

The girl stands before us, her entire form draped in long, flowing garments. A veil conceals her face, rendering her features a mystery. It's as if she is wrapped in a cloak of secrets, her presence captivating and enigmatic. Though her face remains hidden, I can sense determination emanating from her posture, a silent strength beneath the layers of fabric. Her eyes, veiled but piercing, hold a glimmer of intensity and purpose.

"How much?" I asked, leaning back on the sofa.

The merchant's face showed extreme innocence, as if he didn't understand what I was saying.

"Ha, don't make me say it again. I asked how much you're willing to offer for this sudden change," I let out an exaggerated sigh.

"Oh! Don't worry, I'll increase it by fifty gold coins. You just have to make sure both of them reach the destination," the merchant rubbed his hands together, but I could see him gritting his teeth beneath that tight-lipped smile of his.

"A hundred. I'll need a hundred gold coins, or I can't guarantee this lady's safety," I stated firmly. I wasn't going to do this without a substantial raise in the price.

"What? That's absurd!" He became extremely flustered. It would mean he has to spend two hundred and ninety gold coins on a single package, a huge sum even for a wealthy merchant like himself.

"So, do we consider it a breach from your side? We won't have to repay the money you gave us in advance if you're the one breaching the contract, right Ali?" I turned to Ali, who nodded. He surely keeps his mouth shut at important times.

"But it's you who increased the price out of nowhere. I'm not at fault," the merchant blabbered, as if thinking I would fall for his excuse.

"Well, it's you who changed the terms of the assignment, not once but twice. And as for the price, I don't think the court would look kindly upon our mercenary group if we value a human life at a mere hundred gold coins, am I right, sir?" I explained, confident that even if this guy complained to higher-ups, it would come back to bite him.

Suddenly, the veiled girl leaned forward and whispered something to the merchant. He pondered for a while before the girl returned to her position.

"Okay, deal," the merchant finally agreed.

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