Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Lancelot… Gundam

Chapter 16: Lancelot… Gundam

The enemy's battleship quickly retreated out of Inle's sniper range. Ade waited for the enemy's next move. If Britannia retreated like that then it would be best, he could just go back and save C.C.. If the enemy chose to balk at the distance, he didn't mind going up and taking a shot. At this distance, Inle has an absolute advantage.

Until this time, he had time to mull over the feeling of killing someone for the first time. Even though he had already blown up five MSs and a battleship, to be honest, he still didn't have any real feeling about the fact that he had killed someone, nor did he have the feeling of wanting to vomit. Is it because they are in the universe and the vacuum can't pass the sadness and explosion sound? Is it too unrealistic? Or does he implicitly treat all these people as NPCs?

"Ade, a new MS reaction!" Alice stopped him from continuing to think further, "Fast! We will encounter the enemy in thirty seconds!"

He quickly picked up the ultra-long-range beam cannon again and aimed, this was enough time for at least one shot. But what was happening in front of him dazzled him. The opposing MS was approaching at that speed while still doing irregular maneuvers, defending against sniping that could come at any moment. He spent three seconds mentally calculating the opponent's acceleration - crap, is the pilot made of concrete?

"Alice, turn into Hyzenthlays immediately after I fire." In the face of this kind of deranged maneuverability, an oversized body just makes him an easy-to-aim-at target. It is really an opponent he is most unwilling to encounter now, "Even if I can't hit the target, at least I can disturb his moves, right?"

The MS changed track too quickly and Ade can only roughly calculate a lead time. With the trigger being pressed, the torrent of death spewed out again. Shit, missed. But at this distance, there should be at least battle damage, right? The other side is still approaching at high speed, is the battle damage not serious?

Thirty seconds passed in a flash, and then Ade's eyes finally saw the enemy's figure. Looking at this MS, he was speechless, "Knightmare Lancelot … no, it's Lancelot Gundam!"

It really is Gundam. The Lancelot in front of him is completely different from what he knew from the anime. Its twenty-meter-tall body proved that this thing is the real Gundam. In addition to the color scheme and appearance still slightly overlapping with the nightmare in his memory, this machine has not a single thing to do with the Lancelot he knew. Although he had seen it in the news before, he was too shocked by the existence of Britannia before and didn't pay attention to it.

"I didn't expect that Britannia's army would hijack a civilian spaceship, are you still a member of the Earth Federation?" Now there was no time to be shocked, Ade hurriedly opened the public channel and shouted to buy time. He doesn't know if the pilot is an acquaintance, if it is, his words should be useful. The sniper just now worked. He noticed that Lancelot's entire left arm was vaporized. Even so, the other party still dared to rush over? The pilot must have great confidence in himself.

"This is a military action taken by our side, no need to explain to you. Our troops did not hurt any innocent people either." This awkward Japanese accent… must be Suzaku Kururugi. "You are the one who is ruthless, right?"

"Are you Japanese by accent? Why would a Japanese join Britannia?" Ade simply began to speak Japanese. His pronunciation is quite authentic, Kururugi, take your time to misunderstand.josei

Then taking advantage of this gap, Ade observed the opposite Lancelot. The armor is not thick and is not equipped with a shield, or is it that the shield was destroyed along with the left arm? The only armaments visible to the naked eye are the 105mm Machine Gun on the head, a rifle on the back, a suspected grapnel launcher on the wrist, and a large solid saber held in the right hand. Look at the structure, the saber should be a Progressive Knife, but at this size? Its attack should not be possible to puncture the PS armor. Another possible existing weapon should be the internal beam saber.

The armament is simple and the armor is thin, and in association with the speed, the MS should be a close-range combat specialization, the type Ade hates most. But there are solve two problems, one is the body is too brittle, you can't expect the pilot to dodge every stray bullet; the second is - can any pilot acclimatizes himself to this kind of inertia force? Not to mention human beings, even coordinators can not stand it. Well, now it seems the second problem has been solved, Kururugi should be a hybrid of human and concrete or something like that.

"… I can't tell you, but I didn't abandon Japan!" Wow, Kururugi is still explaining, but sorry, I'm going to attack. "Despicable!"

A beam shield unfolded on Lancelot's right arm and blocked Ade's attack. Then Lancelot quickly sprinted forward. What? A light shield?! What's this technique? I want to dismantle one for research! But Lancelot's speed does not give him enough time to think about it. The Progressive Knife has already cleaved to the long-bladed rifle. The sprint distance is not long, but the impact caused by the tremendous momentum of the extremely fast speed shocked Ade's internal organs, and Kururugi changed the angle of attack and sprint to him the second time.

What the hell is the thing in Lancelot's cockpit? Do you think you're driving a bumper car? Lancelot's speed is too fast. Not to mention shooting, even the beam saber is too slow to deploy. Ade could only block Lancelot's attacks with the long-bladed rifle. Fortunately, the PS armor is hard enough, and the Progressive Knife did not break through the PS armor's defense.

Alice's beam pods have been quietly unfolded, but Lancelot is too fast, and the distance between the two sides is too close, there is no opportunity to play a black shot. There is no shame to be a camper to stab the enemy in the back, after all, the ACE pilot during the One Year War was not Amuro, but a man named Tenneth A Jung, who created a kill record of 149 mobile suits shot down and 3 ships destroyed with his professional black shot skill.

After several unsuccessful raids, Kururugi also found out that Inle's armor was too thick. But the two large rifles showed that this is a long-range combat specialization Gundam, so he did not pull out the rifle but throw down the Progressive Knife, drew out the hidden beam saber, and rushed forward again.

Ade only then had time to pull out his beam saber, and was able to stand up to block the slash. The PS armor can't counteract energy damage, so he can't continue to block the beam saber with the long-bladed rifle like he did earlier. After three or four turns, Ade found that his reaction couldn't keep up and he couldn't pull away from the distance. So that is why he hates close combat! Why can't we make things simple and only aim at each other with guns?

But fortunately, only the top ACE will drive a close combat machine, and all top ACEs can be disturbed with trash talk.

"Do you want to be a lapdog of Britannia that much?" Well, is this sentence too much? Will it provoke the other party? Trash talk is an artist of language and I still need to study. "Have you forgotten the people who sacrificed themselves for Japan's independence? Or have you already killed many of your fellow countrymen?"

"No!" The standard Japanese in the public channel stung Kururugi's heart, "I'm just fighting for a better future in a different way!"

"It's your own future you're fighting for, isn't it, traitor?" Ade struggled to adjust the positions of both sides, trying to create opportunities for Alice. "Driving this brand new Mobile Suit, I see, you have long been promoted to become rich by betraying Japan!"

"I haven't forgotten my original intention for a moment!" Ade finally found an opportunity and gave Kururugi a shot with the long-bladed rifle in his left hand. Lancelot dodged to the side while quickly deploying the light shield, "No matter what you say, I'll stick to my own justice!"

Now is the time!

Six beam pods fired at Lancelot at the same time under Alice's precise control, half shooting at the fuselage and the other half shooting at the positions Lancelot may move to. With beast-like instincts, Kururugi completed a deft turn in place with almost impossible speed, avoiding the fatal attacks. At the same time, the grapnel launcher on Lancelot's right arm was shot out like lightning, breaking the nearest beam pod. Three beam pods' attacks missed and two hit Lancelot's right shoulder joint at the same time. Lancelot's right arm separated.

Right hand! I got the light shield! But there is no time for Ade to cheer up -

"High energy reaction! Ade, it's the battleship's main gun!" Alice's loud cry of alarm made him subconsciously do an evasive maneuver, "The target is not us!"

A dazzling white light lit up in the corner of his eyes. What was it? What blew up? For a moment, it was as if he lost the ability to think logically, just blankly turned his head and looked at the fireworks in front of him. His mind was blank.

"Lancelot to the flagship, Lancelot to the flagship! What's going on? Why are you attacking civilians!"

"Our identity cannot be revealed. The soldiers on board died heroically for the Empire." The voice of Prince Clovis rang in Kururugi's ears, "Suzaku Kururugi, complete your mission."

"What…" What the hell did he do after wasting so many years in the army? Can this inhumane royal family really be changed? "Lancelot is broken, requesting to return…"

"Rubbish!" It was Prince Clovis's angry roar, but it didn't matter anymore, "Asplund, is this what you call an ACE?! Retreat! Retreat!"

Ade didn't know what Lancelot was doing floating dumbly in place, because he was just as immobile, unable to think, and his mind was blank. What is this? What is this! I owe you a favor that I haven't paid off yet, and I said I would see you next year! Our relationship is not close enough to exchange bodily fluids. What… what is this?!

Helplessness, remorse, bitterness, sadness, anger, bewilderment, irritation, all kinds of negative emotions emerged from his blank thought, expanding. Ade only felt his brain, his heart, or some unknown organ was being propped up by these things as if he was going to explode.

He scanned the universe with his empty eyes until an MS came into view. He knew there was no point in doing so, he knew it wasn't this man's fault, his reason knew everything, but reason didn't work here. He uncontrollably hissed and roared at Lancelot through the public channel in a voice he had never had before, "Is this what you call justice?!"

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