Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 17

Chapter 17: The Director Said There Must Be Naked Floating

Chapter 17: The Director Said There Must Be Naked Floating

"… de …Ade…Ade!" Alice's voice brought him back from the brilliant fireworks display in the distance. This is the third firework today, right? "What do we do now?"

Lancelot ran away faster than he came, worthy of the name ACE, but unfortunately, Kururugi no longer had a battleship to go back to. Shit, what Kururugi was going to do was none of my business. The question is what should I do now? Revenge is complete, so just go home? Continue to be the director, sad for a while, and then forget about it? I don't even know who I just killed! And my Geass, I haven't known its ability. By the way, the Code holder has died, does Geass still exist?

Wait, Code?

"Alice, scan the battlefield! Are there any survivors?" The Code holder's immortality is simply a setting for him, so he completely neglected it before. But what exactly is the so-called immortality? Does absolute immortality really exist? Can you survive an explosion with this level of damage? You must be able to. What kind of immortality it is if you can't even survive from this damage?!

"Ade, I'm sorry, it's hard to …" Alice's apologetic voice rang in the cockpit, "The ship explosion's splash range is too large, there is too much debris. I don't know how long it will spend to search the debris. And …"

"-and even if C.C. is still alive, she may have been blown away. There is little resistance in the vacuum …" He understood. He just doesn't want to give up. "Go back to find Ferber and TR-4 Dandelion. After that, let's search by star areas."

Reason told him that this doesn't work, and C.C. may have flown in the direction of Earth and fallen into the atmosphere. Only this time he felt jealous of protagonists in films. If this is a movie, as long as he played some sad background music, and then shouted something like "I will never give up", he would definitely find the heroine at the last minute.

Now think about Geass, it's really useless. In this world, there are a bunch of objects it can't affect. On the contrary, NewType can call, can be used as radar, and can even be used to push the satellite. This is the all-purpose skill the main character should have. If I'm a New Type…

But I don't know what the principle of New Type is! How to achieve mental awareness? Amuro will come the next week, but how can I wait until the next week? And even if Amuro comes, is it possible to teach such things? Even if he becomes a New Type, but C.C. is not a New Type, can he sense it? The more he thinks about it, the more confused his brain is, and he's a bit restless.

"Ade, your breathing is a little confused." Alice's voice sounded worried, "Want to put on some music to calm down?"


The exciting dynamic music was a bit familiar, making Ade couldn't help but freeze, "Alice, do you expect me to calm down to listen to this?"

"Ah, I'm sorry …" Alice's voice was aggrieved, "But this song is called Peace of Mind. I thought it… "

"What is it called?" He finally remembered the origin of this melody. Isn't this music from Mobile Fighter G Gundam? Then a jumble of memories were recalled one after another, Domon Kasshu, God Gundam, Master Asia, Peace of Mind… all kinds of inexplicable things flew through his mind like a running light, and finally settled on Bruce Lee in the black and white video - don't think, feel.

Ade turned off the music, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

Alice did not speak again, the only sound in the helmet was his own breathing, but he did not need to hear. The closed eyelids could still feel the light projected by the electronic screen, but he didn't need vision either. What he needed was something beyond the five senses, something that didn't need a medium, something that was far-free, something that enveloped the whole of space, something that abandoned preconceived stereotypes, something that directly mobilized consciousness and emotion, something humans get when they enter the universe, just like -


It was like an electric current cutting through the brain, like thunder tearing through the sky. Some non-existent organ, through some indescribable karma, pulled his consciousness to sweep through the universe at the speed of light, and clearly and unmistakably made him feel it. Right there!

"Alice, you're wonderful!" He let out an uncontrollable cry of joy as Inle sailed at full speed in some direction in the universe, "Excellent choice of song, excellent timing, Alice, you're just wonderful!"

"Ah, is it?" Alice seems to be confused about what happened, "I thought Ade… was angry …"

"How can I be angry, I love you so much!" Ade was so excited that he wanted to dance around, "I found it, it's all your credit! I want to give you a kiss!"

"Oh, this, Ade, how to say it …" It's so interesting that Alice can make this sound, "I am A.I., I don't understand love…"

With the superior mobility of TR-4 Dandelion, he quickly reached his destination. josei

Ahhh, found it. A naked figure drifting slowly in the boundless space. Her snow-white skin dazzling like a star under the reflection of starlight, and her long emerald green hair scattered casually, exquisite as if it were a craft.

"Alice, exhaust the air in the cockpit."

Inle carefully flew to the front of the C.C.. The cockpit door opened, Ade stood up and opened his arms. The figure accurately jumped into his arms, and he hugged it tightly. The law of conservation of momentum made the two of them hit the inner wall of the cockpit backward. The hatch closed and the cockpit began to regain air pressure.

He looked at the figure in his arms and was momentarily lost in thought. Her glowing golden pupils locked with his own, and her lips curved into a smile. Through his pilot's suit, he could feel her skin gradually regaining its elasticity. The green light above the cockpit came on and the air pressure returned to normal. He fondly let go of his hands and took off his helmet. He just wanted to say something, his lips were blocked by a soft touch, and something reached in. Time seems to have been suspended by someone. After a long while, he felt some dizziness in the head, is it because of the lack of oxygen? Oh right, I can breathe with my nose.

Then the touch on his lips suddenly disappeared, and he gasped heavily, replenishing the oxygen to his brain and lungs.

"Very good performance this time. It was a reward just now." Her voice was still so cold, but now it sounded like heavenly music, "Your eyes are a little red. Are you touched to the point of crying?"

"How is it possible. I just awakened my New Type ability. I was so excited that I almost cried. Otherwise, how do you think I found you?" His breathing finally regained stability, only then did he notice that the other party was naked. "You should put on something. I have the clothes I changed down before in the mezzanine under the seat."

"Oh, quite well prepared." C.C. held the back of the driver's seat and floated to the bottom of the seat. Ade had to stare at the electronic screen of Inle with full attention, "Actually, you can pretend to think about the clothes after a while later. I won't mind it today."

"That… by the way, even the spaceship explosion can't kill you?" Ade awkwardly changed the topic, "I understand that your clothes were burned, but why your hair are fine?"

"This is the first time I have encountered a spaceship explosion, so I can only say that this is the case. As for the hair, the hair also seems to be recognized in the 'I' category. That's the only explanation I can think of." C.C. finally put on the clothes, a pair of pants plus a jacket only.

"Extremely high temperatures and extremely low temperatures can't kill you, and you can also survive from zero air pressure and zero oxygen." Is there really such a thing as absolute immortality? This is more unscientific than New Type. "What if the temperature raises high enough to vaporize flesh and blood? Or as low as absolute zero? Body destruction? Removal of internal organs? Strong electric current? Pouring cement? Ah …"

Seeing a playful smile on C.C.'s face, Ade immediately shut his mouth, but it was already too late. C.C. pushed the inner wall behind her and float in front of Ade, the two sides were so close that they could hear each other's breath. Ade suddenly remembered the day of the contract.

"Sorry, Ade, it seems I was too unconcerned about my covenanter. I didn't notice that he had such unspeakable and twisted desires. But for the sake of you behaving so well today, I can satisfy your less excessive desires." He seemed to hear the sound of his own gagging. C.C. pushed him and slowly drifted away, "Of course it's a tease. You didn't take it seriously, right?"

"Ahem, this is a scientific researcher's instinctive desire to know the truth. Do not misunderstand it." The front flap of her jacket was not fastened, and he saw a flash of something, "Have you ever thought about what extreme circumstances your immortality will fail? Like falling into the sun?"

"It's not necessary to solve Code and Geass with the sun." C.C. made a thoughtful face, "Probably a satellite hitting the earth should be able to kill me. By the way, did you just say that you awakened your New Type ability?"

"Yes. Just close my eyes, and then a ding in my head, and then I perceived your location. Otherwise, how can I find you in the vast universe?" By the way, it is New Type, isn't it? He suddenly felt not sure about it. "The key is, you are not a New Type. I don't know if it is because of the New Type sense or Geass. Amuro will come the next week, I can ask him about NT at that time. "

"Geass holder is also a New Type …" C.C. thought of something, but did not say it out. Ade did not ask either.

"Why are you flying so slow? I was thinking if you were shot out like a cannonball, then it would be really hard to find you."

"It did start out that way, then got lucky, I hit a meteorite fragment to slow down." C.C. said turning around and taking off her jacket to reveal her bare back, "The wound is gone. There was a long gash here."

Ade looked for a while until C.C. turned back, then he pretended to look around at the view. He seemed to hear C.C.'s soft laughter; it must have been an illusion.

"Do you have a clue who's got you? Oh, the people might have died, you probably didn't see it. Also, why are you flying around with no alert when it's obvious that someone is hunting you? Have you been hiding on Earth? Schneizel is also a shareholder of Anaheim, didn't he know you were on the moon? There are so many things I need to run through all over again."

"Don't worry, things aren't as bad as you think. I'll give you the answers one by one." Something looming made his mouth go a little dry, and he tried not to let his eyes drift to strange places, "Now let's go home first, shall we? And you, Alice, thank you too."

"You're welcome, Miss C.C., it's all Ade's credit."

Oh, I almost forgot that Alice is also here! Although she is an A.I., it is still a bit embarrassing. By the way, Ade suddenly remembered a more important thing, "Alice, turn around! Right hand! Lancelot's right hand!"

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