Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 233

Chapter 233: The 10 Million Year Galaxy

Chapter 233: The 10 Million Year Galaxy

Aker resisted the urge to take his phone out to kill time, staring at the prison door in boredom. For a man like him, there is nothing more boring than staring at a prisoner for a long time.

"Captain Aker, your act of directly jailing the Federation Council Senator is a serious violation of the legal process." Ronah began to vociferously denounce Aker after the unknown number of turns, "I am a duly registered Senator with criminal immunity. I am not subject to arrest or criminal trial without the permission of the council president, even for an active crime."

Aker was dumbfounded, "How can there be such a bullshit law?"

"That is true." Ronah said with a solemn look, "Let me out immediately, I want to see the Prime Minister."

"Putting you in here was an order from the Prime Minister himself, so it's kind of with the permission of the council, right?" Aker coughed very embarrassedly.

Rona smacked his lips and started pacing around the circle again.

When the sun was about to set, Aker received a report that Dr. Lingus was leaving Dakar, so he handed over the job of guarding Ronah to his men and hurriedly went to see Dr. Lingus off.

At the end of the night, a blonde officer with sunglasses on his face walked in calmly. The soldier in charge of the guard looked at the other party's shoulder patch, and immediately saluted a standard military salute.

"Good work." The blond officer nodded indifferently to him and took out a stamped document from his pocket and handed it to the soldier, "On instructions from the Prime Minister, it is necessary to arraign the suspect Korozo Ronah, I hope you can cooperate."

After carefully examining the documents and seals, the soldier took the officer and the prisoner into the interrogation room while he himself guarded the outside of the interrogation room.

"Your Excellency, I'm sorry I'm late." The blonde officer in the interrogation room daintily removed his sunglasses, "I've turned off the closed-circuit television, so at least in this room, you can feel free to speak."

"I knew you wouldn't let me down, Edward." Ronah nodded slightly in satisfaction after a slight surprise, "I can't believe you can even fool the regular army."

"I've had contact with people in the system before, and I paid attention to learning a few tricks at that time, not something to brag about." Char smiled modestly, "I had planned to bring you out of prison directly after Lingus left, but Bright Noa made a surprise visit because of his son, and now the whole city is under martial law, so I'm afraid it's hard to do what I want."

"I appreciate your kindness, but there is no need to break out of jail, or definitely not." Ronah showed a sorrowful smile, "Edward, the advantage is actually on our side."

"Oh?" Char leaned forward slightly in interest, "What does that mean?"

Ronah's five fingers tapped the table in turn, showing a very torn look, Char also didn't urge, just silently waiting aside. After about thirty seconds, Ronah finally made up his mind and stared straight into Char's eyes, "If I can't get the means of communication, I'm afraid you'll have to operate from outside."

"You can trust me." Char's eyes looked at him with sincerity.

"Edward, don't let me down." Ronah was silent for a moment, "This is the conversation between Noa's son and Lingus' daughter that I recovered from Kshatriya's deleted communication log. Currently, the only backup was uploaded by me to the MS developed secretly by the Ronah family, no second person knows about it except me."

"Why would Noa's son follow … Lingus' daughter in rebellion?" Char's face became serious, "Personally, although I despise Bright Noa's political maneuvering, I have to make a fair assessment of his character. Given Hathaway Noa's tutelage, he shouldn't be a character who betrays his father's political stance because of a mere woman."

"You're right, it's true that it's not because of women, but because he knows the truth about the Wheel of Angels." Ronah grinned, "The Wheel of Angels is not an Ark of Noa to save mankind from destruction as Lingus advertised, the truth is just the opposite. It is a mega brainwashing device powered by NT as the core with the purpose of exterminating the free will of all mankind - this is what Lingus' daughter herself said to Hathaway Noa."

"Lingus is out of control after all …" Char couldn't help but lose his mind slightly, "I didn't expect it to come so quickly."

"Holding the power of life and death of all mankind in his hands, but hiding his ambition well until now, I must admit that Lingus is a magnificent man, but that's as far as it goes." Ronah clenched his fists, "Edward, the Wheel of Angels must be in our hands. As long as we have it, building the Babylonian Empire of the cosmic century will no longer be a dream."josei

"Is Your Excellency planning to use this truth to make a deal with the Prime Minister?" Char was worthy of Char and came to his senses in an instant, "Or is it through Prime Minister Marcenas to spread this news to the major powers around the world?"

"Naturally the latter, Marcenas' wisdom is not enough with the strategy." Ronah snorted disdainfully, "At that time, Lingus will become a target, the Wheel of Angels will become a battlefield, and even Amuro Ray will be unable to support himself under the siege, while we can take advantage of the chaos to seize the core control room of the Wheel of Angels."

"Is your trump card the secretly developed Mobile Suit that you mentioned earlier?" Char asked logically.

"Exactly that. When the time comes, we also have to rely on your driving skill." Ronah only hesitated less than a second and told Char the password of that MS, "When you get the communication records, you can just as well get familiar with the MS."

"And once we implement this plan, humanity, which has finally entered a period of rapid development, will regress back to the foolish stage of killing each other for the sake of power and profit. Although I don't approve of Lingus himself, I still feel sincere admiration for his outstanding contribution to humanity, while you are just a pathetic soul bound by gravity." Without hesitation, Char drew his sidearm, "Goodbye, Your Excellency."


The soldiers guarding the door heard the gunshots and darted in, catching sight of Korozo Ronah, who had fallen in a pool of blood, and the blond officer who held a sidearm in his hand.

"The suspect intended to forcibly take my sidearm and I shot him dead by mistake, as evidenced by the security footage." Char casually put the sidearm away and said righteously to the soldier who came in, "You, immediately report the situation to Captain Aker and secure the scene here. I will go report to Prime Minister Marcenas."

After saying that, he naturally strode away.

"Ronah's secret weapon can be used instead." Char, who left successfully, said to himself, "This MS … Rafflesia."

Nearly ten hours had passed since being driven off the car by Char, and the sky had long since dimmed completely. Without the inescapable light pollution of the city, the summer sky in the northern hemisphere of the desert was so clear.

The young girl craned her neck and stared blankly at the stars, and it took her some effort to find the most famous summer triangle. Her eyes roamed with the Milky Way that separated the two banks of Altair and Vega, and gave up her futile efforts after she could barely identify Sagittarius.

A cold breeze blew out without warning. The girl subconsciously raised her arms to protect her face and pressed the switch in her palm, the brown cloak wrapped tightly around her slender body rattling in the wind. The coolness seeped through the soles of her shoes and stockings into her feet, causing the thinly-clad girl to shiver involuntarily. In a trance, she remembered that she had pretended to have menstrual cramps.

That was when Mineva was just after her thirteenth birthday. Because the construction of the Wheel of Angels was at a critical juncture, Ade's time at home every month was very limited, plus since then, he refused to give Mineva a bath, Mineva had lesser and lesser opportunities to be with him. Feeling lonely, Mineva, in order to have more time to spend with Ade, started pretending to have menstrual cramps.

An NT is so easy to lie to another NT. She didn't even have to tell a lie, she just needed to sneak in the shower every day and run cold water over her hands and feet, then lie in bed and arch her back and cover her stomach and grunt. After that, she just needed to say that she felt her hands and feet cold. Then, every woman in the house would tell Ade with certainty that this was a clinical manifestation of menstrual cramps.

Ade was instantly frightened to learn that the little girl had menstrual cramps, and would come back to accompany her each month near her period. He would be anxious because of her inadvertent frown, but also would cover her feet a whole night because she said that she felt her feet cold.

"Who made you not want to spend more time with me? You know how good I am, right?" At that time, she was just smug about her cleverness, and one day, she even couldn't help showing off to Ple with it.

"That's great." But Ple said to her, "You and Uncle Ade are finally back to being in a normal father-daughter relationship."

The following month, her dysmenorrhea miraculously healed itself.

Memories and the sound of the wind together gradually dissipated. Mineva looked down and dusted off the sand, saw the food and water half-buried in the sand and dust, which was left to her by Char, and suddenly laughed unstoppably.

The next second, the laughter was swallowed up by the roar of the thrusters as an MS fell from the sky and landed less than 20 meters away from her. A slim figure tumbled out of the cockpit, grabbed a sling, descended to the ground, and then walked quickly toward the girl.

"Why did you activate the transmitter so later?" The voice of reproach was mixed with a strong feeling of worry, "The climate in the desert is unpredictable, what if an accident happens?"

"Yes, the climate in the desert is unpredictable, what if an accident happens?" Mineva continued to laugh in a low voice, "Sister Nunnally, why can't some people think of such a simple truth?"

Nunnally sighed and silently walked to stand beside Mineva.

"He always said it was for my own good." Mineva leaned her body on Nunnally, "For my own good, so I couldn't go to school like other kids; for my own good, so I had to grow up with Haman who didn't like me at all; for my own good, so he was too busy with political battles and didn't have time to accompany me; for my own good, so he left me alone on the moon. For my own good anyway. Good."

"That last thing was really for your own good." Nunnally added, "You have to thank him for that."

"Heh, he never trusted Uncle Ade, he trusted nothing more than his own judgment." Mineva closed her eyes feebly, "When I first learned that he was wanted all over the world for throwing Junius7 to Earth, I found myself not surprised at all. Isn't this also a 'for your own good'? Only this time, it's for your human good instead."

"That man …" Nunnally gently patted the back of the young girl, "He has long lost everything after countless identity changes, what remains is nothing but a self that cannot find a reference. It was normal for him to do these things, you don't need to waste feelings to hate him."

"I don't hate him, on the contrary, I'm very relaxed now." Mineva left Nunnally's shoulder with a smile all over her face, "I used to be naive enough to think I wanted a normal family, but then, I came to understand that how can I get something that I don't even know what it really is?"

"So that's why we're so alike." Nunnally gave a wistful look, "So, have you found it now?"

"The thing I really want…" Mineva looked up at Altair, slightly out of breath.

She was once autistic, but thanks to Ade's persistence in caring for her day after day, entertaining her, and telling her funny stories - which she didn't think were appropriate for children - she gradually regained her ability to talk to people. This is a memory that belongs only to her and Ade, which even Nunnally and Ple didn't know.

So it's only natural that a child like Mineva would have a father complex, right? Just as Ade has always believed, she is just too young and sensitive, childishly blurring the line between love and attachment. As long as she can grow up normally, fall in love normally, and form a family with others normally, this kind of strange feeling will naturally fade away and be washed away with time.

… if she hadn't accidentally heard Ange's oblivious screams in the bathroom afterward.

"Pure love cannot exist for long." Mineva said in a certain tone, "Lacus, C.C., and Sister Ange, their feelings had long morphed into some kind of parasitism that started with love, and by relying on their parasitism, Uncle Ade was able to maintain his sanity. "

"At that position, he can almost dominate the fate of mankind, right? It is indeed an incredible thing to be able to always maintain sanity and not be overwhelmed by power and desire." Nunnally narrowed her eyes, "Symbiosis?"

"Yeah, symbiosis, and I'm … " Mineva took a deep breath before exhaling heavily, "I'm very envious of such a twisted relationship."

"Then there's no turning back, hum?" Nunnally looked away with a complicated expression, took the young girl's hand, and led her towards the MS.

"Well, here goes." Mineva took one last look back at the night sky and followed obediently at Nunnally's side, "What about you, Sister Nunnally, have you found what you really want?"

"As I've said many times, I simply want to continue my revenge drama." Nunnally whispered to Mineva, and also to herself, "I just want this, well, I just want this."

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