Not Super Robot Wars at All

Chapter 234

Chapter 234: Lovers

Chapter 234: Lovers

With Alice's work, the lighting lights in the dark and cramped space suddenly lit up. The girl waved her arms excitedly, looked at Ade like a pet, shook her head, and the dust raised by the action made the latter cough.

"Can the ventilation system work?" Alice nodded under Ade's gaze, "Then open it."

Dozens of seconds later, fresh air poured in. After completing the task, Alice walked lightly out of the general control room, and Ade carefully followed her and carefully looked at the environment around her.

"It looks like a deserted base, and it should belong to a small or medium-sized secret association." Ade's eyes crossed the narrow corridor and finally landed on the accumulated dust at the corner. "Has this been abandoned for many years?"

"All the data in the database has been formatted. It should have been formatted many times. I can't recover it." Alice turned to face him and walked backward with her hands on her back. "According to the built-in clock in the power supply, the last shutdown record was in U.C. 0089."

"U.C. 0089?" Ade was quite sensitive to this number, which was the year he was "born" again.

"Well, in U.C. 0089, when Ade was still…" Alice's voice stopped abruptly. The girl accidentally lost her balance because she walked backward and fell forward - yes, forward, for some reason, she didn't fall back in accordance with the laws of Physics - with an exclamation, "Oh!"

Ade quickly catches Alice, who hugged him and rubbed him twice in his arms before reluctantly standing again. She knew that it was on the way to find Mineva, which was not a good time to do something.

"Walk well and look at the way." Ade knocked on Alice's long hair with silver luster, and scolded her falsely. He had always been extremely conniving at Alice's repeated "false fall" behavior.

"Hey, hey." Alice didn't look embarrassed on her face. "Ade, Ade, I can't find the trace of human activities at all. Are we cheated… Eh, I found a strange device. It seems that we've seen something similar in Rei's laboratory."

"Rei? Lead the way." Ade followed behind Alice closely, took out his mobile phone, and dialed the number. The phone rang the second time and was connected. "Liu Mei, is there a problem with the information you gave? This is an abandoned base and there is no trace of human activities."

"Hey, can you calculate the time difference before each call? Do you know what time it is in the morning of Beijing time? I've never served such a difficult customer like you. If you go on like this, I'll really raise the price." The complaint came from the other end with a big yawn, "I can guarantee the authenticity of the information with my life, but I don't rule out the possibility that someone deliberately leaked false information to me."

Ade knew from his heart that now many people had guessed that he was looking for his daughter all over the world. It's only natural that someone wants to take the opportunity to use fake information to mislead him.

"I'm sorry for my bad attitude, Liu Mei" Ade immediately apologized, "it's about Mineva's safety. I'm a little impatient."

"It doesn't matter. I'm not angry at all." The person on the other end of the phone chuckled, "For some reason, every time I hear your personal apology, there will be an inexplicable sense of superiority. I don't want to understand the principle, but it doesn't prevent me from enjoying it."

While they were talking, Ade finally entered a room with a sense of science and technology after seven turns with Alice. He was stunned at the moment he stepped into the room.

"Here it is." Alice pointed to the same thing in the central sleeping cabin of the room. "I've seen something similar to this in Rei's laboratory, but she didn't tell me what it was for, and I didn't ask."

However, Ade recognized it at a glance. This is an old model of Innovator Conversion Device. "Lacus's abandoned secret base? In U.C. 1989, no wonder it was in U.C. 1989…"

"What? Lacus?" Wang Liu Mei didn't seem to understand what he was talking about. "I just said that even if someone plotted against you, there's nothing to worry about. Your body is like an angel, and Alice is still with you. It's really hard to imagine that anyone can hurt you."

As soon as she said, the sudden palpitation made Ade get nervous. Just as he was about to give instructions to Alice, Alice fell into his arms without warning - this was definitely not a fake fall.

"Ade, I feel terrible." The girl looked up at him, and her face was full of weakness, "No strength, the body doesn't move. I must be invaded by a virus. The cells are producing antibodies, which is expected to take more than 72 hours."

Alice's shell was still well maintained in human shape, and didn't turn into a pool of liquid metal. Therefore, it seems that it is not a fatal virus. It can be cured as long as the antibody is generated. Ade thought quickly. What forces in the human circle have the ability to create a virus that can paralyze Alice?

No, not one, except himself.

"DG virus? Ventilation system? No, all finished products and materials are strictly controlled. Only Rei and I are qualified to… wait… I took the samples home that day when I was going to heal Alice. I remember Lacus brought one back, and then I took both… Wait, have I used the backup?" Ade was shocked, "Liu Mei, help me - Hello? Liu Mei?"

Liu Mei's answers were the same intermittent "hello" and anxious "what's going on" and "can you hear me" in the speaker.

"The concentration of Minovsky particles is rising." While carefully putting Alice on the ground, Ade quickly described the current situation to the other end, but he didn't know how much Wang Liu Mei could hear. "It's a trap."

"… Ade… Insist… Be careful… Save you… Wait for me…"

Then the communication was completely lost.

Ade didn't panic, but waited quietly. If he's right, the other person just wants to get rid of Alice and create a chance to talk to him alone.

About five minutes later, a consciousness that was too familiar appeared in his perception. The consciousness fell from the sky to the ground, entered the base, moved to the same floor as him, and then walked towards him in an orderly way. In his mind, the complex emotions of intense and calm, joy and irritability appear from far to near. Ade couldn't recognize them clearly and didn't want to recognize them at all.

He didn't know how many milliseconds had passed, or how many microseconds had passed, the sound of footsteps finally sounded not far away, tapping in his heart step by step. The electronic door opened and a figure appeared at the door.

She was not as thin as she used to be. Although she was still slim, she didn't give people a sense of weak. The thin sword hanging around her waist added a sense of heroism to her. Compared with the past, she had grown a lot taller. Now she could at least reach his neck. Unfortunately, her slender legs were covered under her long skirt, so he couldn't see them clearly. Even her chest bulged a lot, not like a junior high school student at all?

The only constant was her soft facial features and her naturally curly brown hair, just like in the past.

"Long time no see." Ade felt a little thirsty because his voice suddenly became a little hoarse.

"Exactly, seven years and 195 days." The comer smiled at him calmly, "Mr. Lingus, are you all right?"

Ade breathed a sigh of relief for no reason when he heard that the other party still said honorifics as it did seven years ago. It's just honorific words. This is the only distance he can confidently grasp. Otherwise, he may not even know how to talk to her normally - he still doesn't whether he should call her mother or sister.

"You've changed a lot." Ade tried to keep a natural tone. "You asked Mineva to steal the DG virus for you? This kind of thing can't pass the security check. How did she give it to you?"

"I haven't seen you for such a long time, and the first topic is questioning…" Nunnally lowered her eyes. "It was sent to me hidden in a lovely bear doll. I'm afraid no one has the courage to open the doll sent by your daughter, right?"

"So your revenge drama has begun, hasn't it?" Ade sighed. "I was the one who wanted to kill your brother. Just come to me. Mineva is still a child. Why deceive her and involve her? You know how much she trusts you."

"Mineva is still a child…" Nunnally couldn't help laughing. "Don't get me wrong. I've never cheated Mineva, and I haven't even told her a lie. Moreover, the child is more sensitive than you think, and can easily see through lies and malice."

"It seems that our definition of deception is different." Ade shook his head. He found it hard for him to get angry until now. He even trusted the person in front of him in a corner of his heart, "Say it, your purpose. What do you want me to do after doing so much?"

"Actually, at that time, I also thought about secretly leaving a back door for myself and directly using drugs to make you lose your ability to move. But I also thought that if your enemy was lucky and hit that weakness, it would be too bad. So, I had to move my eyes to Mineva." Nunnally made a gesture of invitation, "Can you pass out obediently?"

"Where's mineva?" Ade measured the distance between them while asking rhetorical questions.

Seeing Nunnally come alone, Ade began to consider a plan to subdue her without hurting her. Although his athletic ability has not made a qualitative leap with his vitality, he had humbly asked Momoka for a lot of close combat skills over the years - it's a shame to wait for his wives to save him every time.

"She's still waiting in the palace for me to take you back. You can see her when you open your eyes again." Nunnally smiled sweetly at him, "As long as you cooperate, I won't hurt her."

"Since so —" Ade said and suddenly rushed toward Nunnally at an incredible speed. Just as his hand was about to touch her, he saw the figure in front of him shaking like a ghost, followed by a pain in the back of his head, and then he didn't know anything.

"If you can't fight, don't come close to fight. Really, what can I say…" Nunnally smiled bitterly and held Ade's fainted body, "Well, it's unexpectedly pleasant?"


When Ade opened his eyes again, Mineva appeared in front of him as Nunnally promised, but in a way that was somewhat unexpected.

The room where Ade was located was not large, and there was no natural light source. The room was decorated with a warm pink color. The room probably belonged to a girl, but the dense electronic equipment on the wall ruthlessly destroyed the overall decoration style of the room.

He himself was lying flat on a piece of furniture that was probably a bed. His wrists and ankles were handcuffed to the bed by metal tools, and he could see a large plush doll similar to Beargguy at the head of the bed. A strange girl was sitting on him now, her face flushed with shame or excitement.

"Finally willing to recognize the reality?" The strange girl leaned down and rubbed his cheek intimately. Ade only felt a strange sense of oppression in front of his chest, "I've grown up. Hum?"

His proud brain was blank, all brain cells were down, and generally refused to work. He couldn't analyze the current situation and didn't know how to get away. Just matching the face and name of the girl in front of him exhausted all his mind. No, not at all. The little girl in his memory was definitely not like this…

"The best way to deal with self deception is to hit him in the face with shocking facts. Am I right, Mineva?" Nunnally's voice came from about the direction of the door. "Do you need my help?"

"Please leave us alone, Sister Nunnally." Mineva stood up vigilantly, and the tone suddenly became icy cold. "Even you are not allowed to disturb the most important moment."

"Just kidding. Don't take it seriously." The entrance of the room was gradually covered by a mechanism, and Nunnally's teasing voice gradually decreased, "We are all NTs, you understand."

"Everyone is NT, I understand." Mineva mumbled it again, then shook her head, put her hands on Ade's chest and stared into his eyes. "Now, no one will disturb us."

"Can you get off me first and then untie the restraint?" Ade tried his best to concentrate and try to resume thinking. "You're too impulsive now. We need to talk about it."

"I refuse." Mineva began to unbutton her buttons. Her milk like skin reflected an attractive luster under the lighting. "I'm not a child anymore. I have the right to decide my life, and this is my decision."

"Don't take it off. Wait a minute!" Ade looked away from her at once.

"Don't take off the clothes and stockings? Oh, I understand." Mineva put her hand into her clothes, pulled out a piece of cloth, and put it aside. "The home is unexpectedly small, isn't it?"

Endless remorse filled Ade's chest, and the long-forgotten memory suddenly woke up. 8 or 9 years ago, Char warned him about his abnormal family environment. At that time, he was full of ELS in his mind and didn't take Char's words seriously. Now there is retribution.

"Not so." He could only argue in vain, "Only two people in love can do this kind of thing -"

"I love you." The girl kissed quickly on his lips, and there was a glimmer in her slightly moist eyes, "Don't you love me?"

"Love is different from love." Ade had never wanted to escape from reality like this. "This kind of thing requires the consent of both people -"

"Liar. Didn't she force you to do it with you? And Lacus, it could be regarded as seduction, right?" Mineva clenched her lower lip with her upper teeth and gently stroked his chest with her soft fingers. Her face became more and more red. "You said no, but your body is very honest."

"We can't do this!" Ade closed his eyes and shouted desperately, "You're my daughter!"josei

Mineva didn't answer, but took a deep breath and pressed down. The sense of tearing ran through the whole body instantly. The severe pain that had never been experienced made the girl's whole body tense, and ten finger marks on Ade's chest were clearly visible. After a long time, as if time finally began to slowly pass, Mineva gasped and crawled on his chest, with a happy and sweet smile on her face.

"So what?" She stretched out her tongue and licked him playfully. "We are all daughters. Why can't I?"

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