Of All Things, I Became a Crow

Side Story #14

Side Story #14

*Rainelle’s POV

“I heard the news, Rainelle. Really, really, congratulations."

To which I replied with a slight smile.

"Thank you for the congratulations, Adriana."

At that, Adriana laughed bashfully. Then she hesitated for a moment before letting out a deep sigh.

“…Somehow, this feels complicated. I can’t believe Rainelle is pregnant."

“...I was honestly surprised when I heard the news. Besides, neither the healer (priest) nor the Imperial family’s physician were sure that I was pregnant."

"Why... Ah, because Rainelle isn't human...?"

"Yeah, I think so. It was Hempel-nim who confirmed that I am indeed pregnant."

Adriana nodded her head. Then she suddenly said as she put on a sad face,

"I'm so sorry, Rainelle."

"...You’re bringing that up again? I've said it over and over again that it's okay. It's a thing of the past now."

“Still... It was such a big deal which I have to apologize for.”

I laughed bitterly. Certainly, that was the case, but it was a thing of the past, and it was burdensome to keep receiving apologies.

“...Are you going to keep talking about that when my child is listening? I’m going to be upset, Adriana.”

At those words, Adriana was taken aback. Then she groaned and opened her mouth in exclamation.


“Are you going to apologize again from now on?”

Adriana smiled awkwardly as I tilted my head while saying so.

"I won't."

"..and I've been angry enough, so I don't want to do it any more."

Adriana nodded her head. Then, I asked her a question,

"...By the way, isn't Adriana going to marry Namuel?"

At that, Adriana smiled. ...Was it my mistake? It didn't seem like a pleasant smile.

"...I'm done talking to Namuel. We agreed to give it more time."

"...uh? But you and Namuel…”

"It's true that we feel the same way. It's not that my love for him has died down, and it's not that I hate him. But......."

Adriana's gaze turned to me. I flinched involuntarily at that gaze, but she went on,

“...The incident of Namuel's rampage was not so simple as to say, 'Let's forget everything quickly and be happy.’ I know where it stemmed, but it wasn't just about us."


"A lot of people died, and the Emperor almost died. No matter how much they gave forgiveness, they couldn't easily forget it."

At those words, he looked at Adriana quietly. Then Adriana laughed and shrugged her shoulders.

“You don’t have to look that way. It's just that we’re calmly sorting it out."

"...Can you?"

"Of course. And this time, I talked to Namuel and he agreed.”

Saying so, she smiled brightly.

“If Rainelle gives birth, then we will get married.”

"Wow, really?"


Adriana smiled kindly.

“If Karmeut and Rainelle are happy… if I see you happy, then I think my heart will be more relieved. Namuel thought the same.”

I was grateful, felt sorry, and yet questioned those words.

"...what if I had a child late? And there are times when a couple didn't want children."

...Of course, it's not possible for me and Karmeut, but there really were times when couples agreed not to have children, so this question was asked. Adriana thought for a moment before opening her mouth,

“In that case, I think we would have postpone the marriage until as late as possible or agreed after watching the two of you be happy.”


"It's not the influence of Karmeut or Rainelle. It's just a necessary process for us to organize ourselves and be happy."

I was very grateful for the words. So I said with a smile,

"...if you get married, I'll come and congratulate you in person."

"Then I'd appreciate it. Oh, and..."


“Can I give the first gift your child will receive?”

I burst out laughing at that.

"Yes, of course."

While smiling and nodding at Adriana's behavior, I suddenly wanted to ask this question.

“Adriana, I have a question for you. I want you to tell me what you think.”

"......? What is it?"

She looked up at me reflexively while I put her hand on my belly.

“Will I give birth to an egg or a child?”

At those words, Adriana's eyes widened. Then she thought about it for a long time with a pretty serious face.

"...Wouldn't you know that only when you give birth...?"

"...Is that so?"

"...Either way, I hope it will be the less painful one."

I nodded my head heavily.

"... Will it hurt?


I was frightened at the thought of giving birth for a moment, but then I shook my head.

"But I hope I can meet my child soon."

"It must be a very pretty child. It's Karmeut and Rainelle's child."

Seeing Adriana smiling prettily while saying that, I smiled widely as well. ...Still, it was fortunate that I had someone to confide in like this. Adriana was someone I could talk to in a different way from Karmeut.


Since I scolded them last time, no birds have basically attacked the maids.

Perhaps even feeling sorry for attacking them so far, the magpies presented their own pretty and cherished things, such as sparkling pottery shards, flowers, and fruits.

...Of course, since it was in the form of dropping those things from the sky, it became something similar to another terror.

The birds seemed to be very interested in the child's presence, as they had been showing interest before I knew the fact. When I went out to the garden once a day, I always noticed them sang a melody or snooped around.

I was really comfortable with the cute looks of the birds and the behavior of the maids who acted enough to be said to be extremely sincere.


"Ah, Karmeut."

And Karmeut visited me from time to time. I looked at his shiny hair and smiled.

"How's the preparation for the party going?"

"There’s not much to worry about. Now that I've given instructions, the rest of the work is up to others."

When he said that, I laughed a little.

"What? Then, what Karmeut did until now should have been done like that."

""There are things that the emperor has to approve. Of course, even now..."

Karmeut stopped talking and quietly hugged me from behind. As he gently embraced me with a very careful touch, he whispered softly into my ear.

"Because the most important thing is always my wife. And especially when you have a child in your belly."


"Is there anything you want to do? Or something you want to eat?"

I couldn't help but laugh at those words.

"When I'm just mentioning food, not even saying that I want to eat, the maids move and bring it to me like using teleportation."


"Yeah. This is also ordered by Karmeut, right?"

“Of course not.”

I rolled my eyes as he kissed me lightly on the cheek. He said,

"How are the birds?"

"Whenever I come to the garden, they always hang around me. Look, there are some over there, too."

I said, pointing to a branch. There, magpies, sparrows, titmouses, and unknown birds huddled together, watching with sparkling eyes.josei

They weren’t coming down because Karmeut was by my side, but it was very funny to see the birds peeping as if they wanted to come over.

"It seems they are concerned about their Queen having a child."

"Yeah, I think that was why they attacked the maids before."

"They are good subjects, Rainelle."

"When I come out to the garden, they sing a song or dance. They look so cute that I don't notice the time passing."

At that, Karmeut chuckled.

"I'm curious now. I want to see it."

"Hmm... but the birds seem to be a little nervous when you're around. I don't think they see you as a target to attack, but seeing them don't come close..."

Hearing that, Karmeut let out a sigh mixed with regret.

"I'll have to watch secretly when I get a chance later."

"Make sure you take a look. It's really cute."

Karmeut nodded his head. Then he buried his face in my shoulder.

"...Can I be honest with you?"

"Huh? What is it?"

"...I still can't believe you are with a child."

At that, I turned my head and looked at Karmeut. Then he smiled and met my eyes.

"Because you're not human... I thought maybe we wouldn't have children."


I was momentarily speechless. ...Certainly, after all, Karmeut and I were crossbreeding(?). ...This expression is kind of weird, but it was true.

I was even more surprised because I had never thought of that.

As if he knew how I felt, Karmeut hugged me tight and patted me gently as he continued,

"So I'm really happy, surprised, and grateful.”


“We’re going to have a child that we hadn’t expected.”

Saying so, he kissed me on the cheek.

"Thank you, Rainelle. I'm always grateful to you."

I was taken aback by his words. Especially because I didn't know he was thinking about that.

“…I am very grateful too.”

At that, Karmeut raised his head and met my eyes.

"I'm happy to be with Karmeut."

"...So do I."

“I am happy to have a child. And I didn't know Karmeut was thinking that.”

“No, it’s just because I was worried about this and that.”

I briefly kissed Karmeut's cheek as I smiled.

“Thank you, though. And......."

I whispered “I love you,” softly. Then Karmeut gently curved his eyes.

"I love you too, Rainelle."

The words were short, but full of sincerity. Because of that, it brought even more happiness and became more heartwarming.


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