Of All Things, I Became a Crow

Side Story #15

Side Story #15

*Rainelle’s POV

I thought the party was just a little grander.

But I didn't know that the scale would bring all the nobility within the Empire together.

“...I thought it was a big banquet, but it was actually such a big scale one.”

"Rainelle, the empress conceived, did you think something less would pass?"

"Uh, it's not like the child was born..."

"It's enough to celebrate. So don't think like that."

・・・・No, it doesn’t amount much to the birth.

Those words lingered on the tip of my tongue, but in the end I didn't say it. All the nobility of the Empire have already been summoned, so how can I stop it? No, was it possible to throw such a grand party in such a short amount of time in the first place?

"...How could the nobility of the entire Empire gather so quickly?"

Karmeut replied with a cough,

“...There is nothing that cannot be done with money and manpower.”

“…that’s true, but……”

It seems that I should grieve for the servants who were squeezed with a tight time. Yeah, they’d have no way to open their mouth if the boss was the emperor...

...and the more I think about it, the more I feel sorry for them.

Thinking so, I looked at Karmeut.

"What is it, Rainelle?"

"...Because I feel sorry for the servants."

“...I gave them enough extra pay, so it should be fine.”

Karmeut, who added the word “probably,” smiled. Then he held out a hand and laughed.

"My one and only lady, why don't we go?"

I smiled a little at the action and held his hand.

"Yes, my one and only knight.”

He smiled kindly and began to escort me cautiously. Laughing and delighted at his action as if he was handling a piece of cracked glass, I held his hand tightly.

His slight act of giving back reassurance was expected, but it brought me joy all the same.


*3rd person POV

It could be said that the news of the Empress's pregnancy was so incredible that even the nobles in the whole territory gathered in a short time.

The size of the Empire was very wide, and there were many territories as well. Of course, there were a lot of nobles to manage such territories, so it was a big deal to have them gather in the Capital in a short period of time.

However, the party was large and magnificent, and the nobles gathered there chatted in groups of twos and threes with twinkling eyes.

It was not often for all the nobles of the Empire to gather in one place, and it was also a very perfect place to make connections.

“Did you hear that the Empress has conceived?”

“Yes, of course. Isn't that why all the nobles of the Empire gathered to celebrate?"

“His Majesty is also amazing. It must not have been easy to do this in a short period of time…”

"Isn't that how much he love Her Highness the Empress?"


What stopped their chatter was the sound of the trumpet announcing the entrance of the Imperial couple.

At the sound, everyone closed their mouths and bowed their heads.

The huge door opened, and the Emperor and Empress entered with a friendly atmosphere.

"Raise your head."

Hearing the Emperor's low, dignified voice, the nobles straightened their postures and looked at the Emperor and Empress couple sitting in their seats.

"Everyone, thank you for coming here to celebrate."

Saying so, the young emperor swept his eyes on the nobles slowly. Those who were weak under that gaze flinched and slightly averted their heads.

His gaze was intense and full of power. In a way, it was also a gaze close to a warning.

"As you all know from the news, the Empress has conceived. It is a great joy that the future of the Empire has been conceived in the body of my one and only companion, the mother of this Empire, and the queen of all birds."

“Congratulations, Your Majesty.”

"Congratulations, Your Highness the Empress."

The nobles raised their voices and congratulated them. The Emperor, who looked satisfied with their attitude, continued.

"But unfortunately, the Empress will be leaving now. I want you guys to stay here and enjoy the banquet."

Saying that, Karmeut, the Emperor, immediately got up from his seat with Rainelle and then left the banquet hall.

The remaining nobles had no choice but to look dazed at the absurdity of the behavior of the Emperor and his wife. They were the main characters of this party. There had never been a case where the main character leaves immediately after only showing their face.

However, soon the nobles began to enjoy the banquet while chatting with each other.

All nobles knew that the Emperor loved and cared for the Empress very much. Because of that, it was not difficult to guess that they left after saying their greeting so as not to put too much strain on the Empress' body.

And above all, it could not be denied that the absence of the Imperial couple was a more comfortable situation to share exchanges with each other.

That was why the nobles started having fun while talking happily, even though the main characters of the party were missing.


*Rainelle’s POV

"...Can the main characters just say hello and leave like this?"

"Rainelle, who would dare to tell you not to do that there?"

I shut my mouth at the remark. Indeed, that was right. Who can tell the higher ranking ones what to do without fear?

"Uh, but...?

"Above all, I will never let you do anything that will strain your body."

Saying so, Karmeut's gaze shone resolutely. I nodded my head at the expression on his face that seemed to convey that no matter what I said, he wonn't back down.

...Above all, how could I complain to someone who gave so much to me like that?josei

"...Yeah, I understand. Thanks, Karmeut."

"It's a matter of course."

Karmeut lightly kissed me on the cheek and held my hand tightly.

"Hey, Rainelle."


"There's a place I'd like you to go with me for a second."

Karmeut's expression when he said that was quite serious. Going where? He said this right after saying that I shouldn't overdo it, so where are we going?


When I asked directly out of curiosity, Karmeut replied with a gentle smile.

"I'll guide you."

"Huh... ah?"

I was startled by his sudden action of picking me up. Perhaps finding my reaction amusing, he smiled and kissed me on the cheek again.

“Can we go like this?”

"... I would have been less surprised if you had told me in advance."

“Sorry, but I want to carry Rainelle. I didn’t want you to overdo it.”

I sighed and hugged him by the neck. Then, the sound of Karmeut’s low laugh tickled my ear.

He walked longer than I expected while holding me, as if it wasn't hard or finding me heavy.

"...Huh? Isn't this inside the Imperial Palace?"

"Yes. It is here."

At those words, I looked around.

This was one of the gardens of the Imperial Palace. It was a place where it was pretty deep.

Wondering why Karmeut brought me here, I tilted my head, but then he opened his mouth,

"Rainelle, can you close your eyes for a moment?"

"Huh? Okay."

I was curious, but I closed my eyes. No, I even covered my eyes with both of my hands so I wouldn't see by mistake.

Then I felt Karmeut walk further inside.

When should I ask him when to open his eyes?

I was still holding back my curiosity and kept closing my eyes when he said,

"You can open your eyes now.

Hearing that, I opened my eyes right away. Then my mouth opened wide at the sight that I saw.


In the back of the garden, in the deepest part, within the wall of shrubs and flower trees, was a nest.

Inside of the nest, which was large enough to fit even a large bird, was meticulously filled with soft-looking fur, and flowers or sparkling ornaments were inserted in the middle of the branches.

In addition, a large tree stretched out its branches above, creating a natural roof. If I was asked where the coziest nest was, I would pick the big, nice, and cozy-looking nest that was in front of me now.

"Karmeut, this is..."

"...If you give birth in the form of a bird, not a person, I thought you might need a nest then."

He spoke calmly, but his cheeks were stained red, perhaps because he was embarrassed.

“I don’t know if you will be a small crow or a big bird… but I thought it would be better to be bigger than too small.”

Saying that, Karmeut scratched his cheek and looked over carefully.

“...I asked Hempel-nim and I made it myself. How is it?”

"...You made this yourself?"

"Of course I didn't do the transplanting of the shrubbery or the trees, but I made the nest."

Having said that, Karmeut continued to look at me, seemingly unsure. In response to his behavior, I turned and approached the nest.

How meticulously it was made. The nest did not budge even when pressed hard. In addition, the twigs were as soft and flexible as possible, and there was elasticity.

To think that he made a nest of this size by himself without having someone else do it… Thinking so, indescribable emotions welled up in me.


"You don't like it, Rainelle?"

At that, I shook my head. Then I went over to him and gave him a hug. I said,

"This is the best gift I've ever received."


"Thank you so much, Karmeut. For doing so much for me."

Saying so, I buried my face in Karmeut's chest. Then I pulled out my wings, hugged him with them, and whispered.

“My child, I hope you will be born soon.”

“...I hope you two are safe and sound.”

"Yeah, I'll make sure not to get sick. Karmeut's child is here after all."

Saying so, I took Karmeut's hand and placed it on my stomach. Then with my lips, I wordlessly said,

And together with Karmeut, I want to hold you. If that happens, I'll be really... really happy.

"Of All Things I Became a Crow" side story: Finish

Translator(s) note: Next we will get into the special side story. Wondering what the child will look like~


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