Omega Summoner

Chapter 1538 Stabilizing The Dimension

Chapter 1538 Stabilizing The Dimension

"There is only one person that I know that can answer your questions, but he is currently busy right now. He is up in the skies and trying to fix the huge crack that is present in the world." Levin Cloud stated.

"How is he doing by the way?" Peridot wondered as she looked up in the sky.

"We should not worry about that guy because he is probably complaining a lot right now. We should now proceed to search for this god that turned into a demigod. Alert all of the other guild members and send them the images of the search target." Solstice stated as she suddenly got a message from the shadow unit.

[The Distorted God Apophis has descended unto the ruined Temple of Horus. They have used a hundred thousand people as a sacrifice to bring about this descent.]

"New plan. The demigod might be headed to the ruined Temple of Horus. Do not waste any time in following the other tracks as the one on the right is where we will go. We might be able to win as long as we can deal damage to the Distorted God Apophis." Solstice stated as she looked at the quest that was given to everyone.

"Let us go!" Creepysoo stated as he summoned Night Mares for those that do not have fast mounts.


"Why the freak is it so hard to close!?" Adrian shouted as he was the only demon on the southern side.josei

Adrian immediately rose to the skies as soon as the twenty minutes were up to start fixing the problem. He thought that there would be other demons that will be present with him but there was no one. He suddenly felt the crack spreading which is why he did not even bother looking for someone and started to patch the cracks.

Adrian immediately started to mend the cracks in the dimension using carefully molded spatial magic. One mistake and the cracks might become bigger due to the fact that any use of spatial magic is volatile in this situation. Fixing spatial cracks is not that difficult but it is time consuming, but this situation is different.

The spatial cracks should be patched up carefully and precisely to the point that Adrian has to use all of his concentration. Since he cannot protect himself, he made sure to have Sirius, Kanlaon and Saena flying around him. If Adrian could sweat right now, then he would be sweating buckets due to the immense effort trying to fix small cracks.

"Master, would you like my assistance?" Paradox suddenly asked which almost made Adrian lose focus.

"Do not startle me like that when I am already near the end of fixing the small crack. I might have punched a hole in reality." Adrian stated.

"Apologies, master. I am merely telling you that I can ease your burden by aiding you. If I aid you then you would have 50% decrease in time. Would you like for me to aid you, master?" Paradox stated.

"If you can do that then why were you silent earlier?" Adrian stated in sarcasm.I think you should take a look at

"Apologies, this spatial crack is not in my database as it is fairly new. I needed to have the master fix it for a few minutes before I can aid you. This is the reason for my late response." Paradox stated.

"You do not need to explain. Just do it!" Adrian stated as Paradox suddenly flew in front of Adrian.

Paradox is now in the form of an astrolabe that is three dimensional. As soon as Adrian agreed to its suggestion, Paradox suddenly turned into a large sphere that could swallow Adrian whole. Adrian is suddenly inside of Paradox or rather the hollow inside of it.

Inside Paradox is like a small, encased dome where specks of light could be seen flickering. Adrian touched the speck of light, and it suddenly created a box screen in front of him. The box screen showed cracks and it was actually a representation of the cracks in the dimension.

He touched the box screen and he immediately felt some of his mana vanish as it was used to fix the cracks. Adrian is stunned as he never thought that it would be that easy. He usually had to concentrate in order to fix things like this as he needed to understand the depth of the crack, but this is no longer needed.

"I am the one dealing with the calculations needed for mending the spatial cracks. All the master needs to do is to provide energy and direct it." Paradox stated.

Adrian smirked as all he needed to do now is basically trace the line and provide the necessary energy. All the output and needed focus was done by Paradox which means he can finish the job faster than before. There is a downside to having Paradox be the one computing for everything which is the inability for Adrian to go in combat.

[You cannot go into combat when your weapon is in this form.]

[If hit by any attack, the form will be broken, and the user must wait for five minutes before activating it again.]

"It is so easy! You are such a great partner, Paradox!" Adrian praised his ego weapon.

ƥ Paradox usually does not react to its master's praises but something inside of it has changed. For the first time, an ego weapon actually felt something warm in its core. It was not the ego weapon overheating, but it was a foreign sensation for an item that has awakened its consciousness.

"I live to serve the master." Paradox replied as its calculating capacity actually unknowing increased by 1%.

Adrian finished fixing the small cracks and is about to start on the large spatial crack on his side. He needed to wait for the other elders before he could start because he is the one sealing the formation. A few seconds later, a large magic circle started to spread across the dimension and it was only visible to demons.

"It is starting." Adrian stated.

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