Omega Summoner

Chapter 1539 Stabilizing The Dimension II

Chapter 1539 Stabilizing The Dimension II

The large magic circle made of arcane magic spread towards Adrian's direction. He thought that the elders were a bit behind on the time which is quite worrying to some extent as they are usually early. Something or someone must have stopped them from reaching their designated location early.

"I pity any being that actually tried to stop them when a spatial crack this huge is happening." Adrian muttered as he remembered an instance when he was taught to fix a spatial rift or crack by Ascalor.

Adrian clearly remembers a bird monster thing that they were food back then. Ascalor did not even think twice and gently used the energy of the spatial rift and transfer the monster towards it. There is only one thing that happens when beings without immunity to spatial distortion enters a spatial rift and that is complete obliteration.

Adrian clearly saw the bird monster become shredded to pieces. Even the blood and guts of the bird monster was destroyed and turned to dust. There is an extremely small chance of a miracle to happen like the bird monster entering the rift but that is only a one in a million chance. Adrian even once asked if there were humans that were sucked by a spatial rift before and returned stronger, but Ascalor only looked at him with judging eyes.

Ascalor told him that entering the spatial rift might be a miracle but travelling through it must have extreme luck in order to arrive at the other end. Since spatial rifts are unstable, a normal human body would arrive at the other side as a pile of mush. This is also a case-by-case basis as spatial rifts are not always the same as even two spatial rifts close to each other could lead to different worlds.

"Master, shall I commence the Great Arcane Spell 'Rift Conversion'?" Paradox asked.

"Yes. Let us now proceed." Adrian stated as he drank a mana potion to recover all his mana back to full.

"Commencing the Great Arcane Spell 'Rift Conversion'. Changing the master's form to a more suitable one that leads to ease of the body." Paradox stated as Adrian's body started to shift to his Aetheros Form.

"Using Aether Dust that the master passively creates to enhance the spell further." Paradox reported as the Aether Dust that Adrian created flew towards the magic circle.


"Should I say that the mana storm is making it lucky that there are no flying monsters around?" Adrian thought as there were no monster presence nearby.

ƥ Adrian with the help of Paradox easily connected their mana to the spell. The deep violet color of the mana circle flowed through Adrian's body as the runes hidden from sight started to glow. The runes that are normally not seen is now fully visible because Adrian is using arcane magic.

"Are we all connected through the spell corridor?" The voice of Koronn echoed.

"I am connected now." Bronx stated.

"I cannot hear the first one. He might not be that great in using magic if his line is choppy." Ascalor stated in order to tease Koronn.

"Did someone speak just now? All I heard was static." Koronn stated.

"I am already here, and I can hear how the two of you are arguing like children." Adrian stated as he did not expect that he would hear the ramblings of the two elders even when a world destroying rift is on the sky.

"Since the brat is here, we shall now commence the great spell. I also noticed that someone has reinforced the magic circle with something. Did you do that brat? It is the energy that one of your forms possesses." Koronn stated.

"Paradox, my ego weapon, has reinforced the spell. It should be more stable than before as it is using my own Aether Energy. It even emptied my tank to reinforce the spell." Adrian replied.

"Interesting!" Koronn exclaimed as there was a hint of interest in his voice.

"Is the area around all of you clear?" Ascalor asked as they must not be bothered while they are using the spell or else, they would have to start from scratch.

"My area is clear as I already made sure that anything that is five meters from me will have their time stopped." Koronn stated.

"My area is clear as well. I have deployed both barriers that stops physical and magical force." Bronx replied.I think you should take a look at

"I am clear as well. It took quite some time for me as I needed to thread carefully when using my spatial barrier." Ascalor stated.

"So, you were the reason why we were late. I thought it was the young brat." Koronn stated.

"Enough bickering because we need to close the spatial crack now. Some beings from that dimension are trying to seep into this world already. The descent of the Distorted God Apophis has already opened it wider than any event in a hundred years." Bronx stated with a stern voice.

"I am clear as well. My soulbounds are protecting me." Adrian stated.

"Since the brat is ready. We will now commence." Ascalor stated since he did not want Bronx to become mad at them.

The deep blue magic circle that is only visible to demons started to glow and make it visible to all living beings in the western continent. It is not only the strong individuals of the western continent that could see the magic circle manifest but also the most ordinary citizen.

"Reverse Time in order to restore order!" The voices of the four Arch Demons echoed in all of the western continent.

The voices of the four Arch Demon wrung even to the places where the depths of the sand have been buried. Some of the inhabitants of the western continent even thought that it was their gods speaking as something changed the moment that they uttered those words. The mana storm that was ravishing the entire western continent suddenly stopped from spreading to a larger area.

The pressure that the mana storm was inflicting on the western continent even became bearable even to the ordinary people. The mana storm suddenly started to recede back to the original area here it originated. The people could visibly see that the dark clouds that is the mana storm started to shrink.

The mana storm then turned into a small black cloud that is the size of a pebble as it shot towards the spatial crack. It seems that the origin of the mana storm was of a foreign energy that is present beyond the rift. Once the origin of the mana storm has returned back to the dimension, the suppression that was given by the mana storm has vanished completely.

"Seal the space to protect the world from outsiders!" The voices of the four Arch Demons echoed in all of the western continent once more.

As if it was a decree by the gods, the large spatial crack that was hidden by the dark clouds of the mana storm suddenly started to fix itself. The large crack that is now visible to anyone in the western continent started to slowly close as the dark lights coming out of it is starting to get sealed. The beings on the other side that wanted to enter the mortal realm started to riot.

The beings on the other side tried to escape their realm and enter the mortal realm but the barriers that was already reinforced has sealed them off. The spatial crack that was large enough to cover the entire western continent has receded quickly and closed. The large crack was closed in under one minute as if it was not even a big deal.

"Return the stability of the realm by using force!" The voices of the four Arch Demons echoed in all of the western continent.

A powerful energy suddenly exploded from all four of the Arch Demons and it spread all throughout the western continent. The unstable and shaky dimension started to become firm as the people in the continent felt that the unnerving feeling has vanished.

It was not just the people of the western continent that have felt the dimension stabilizing as even the demigods from other continents felt it because of the large power that the Arch Demons have used. The entire western continent became dimensionally stable for the time being as all the Arch Demons have used their energy to make it.

[You have successfully completed the Great Arcane Spell 'Rift Conversion'.]

[All of your mana has been depleted to complete the spell.]

[You are not afflicted by Mana Deficiency due to the perks of your current form.]

As the dimension has already become stable, the elders suddenly appeared next to Adrian as they can now freely teleport. Adrian connected with his friends immediately as he needed a report on what they are doing.

"We have completed the Arcane Spell. We must now return to the territory as lots of spatial rifts are still sprouting out in the world right now." Ascalor stated.

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