Omega Summoner

Chapter 1057

Chapter 1057

"Dada!" The small dryad shouted with glee.

Solstice and Creepysoo immediately laughed out loud when they heard what the small dryad child stated. Elder Ceo is nodding with admiration as the newly born guardian does have resemblance to Levin Cloud but also the face of the previous guardian of the Mist Elves.

"Congrats! Big Bro is now a father. It was a good thing that I recorded that clip. I will now send it to the group." Creepysoo stated as he giggled while laughing at the future reaction of the group chat.

"It seems that I have become an aunt already at my tender age. Even though it is virtual reality, I congratulate you for successfully giving birth. I always thought that only women could do that, but I guess I did not factor in the race." Solstice stated but she is actually holding her laughter as well.

Levin Cloud, on the other hand, is already beet red from the embarrassment. He did not expect that a small dryad child would actually call him father. He now knows why the elders of the dryad and leshy species said that he needs to be careful when giving his blood.

Levin Cloud looked at the child dryad and she does have resemblance to him. It is not facial resemblance but energy resemblance as he created another being like him that has life and death energy. She definitely benefitted from his blood as her form is close to Levin Cloud's humanoid form.

She has bright green skin with her hair being pale thorny vines that looked dry. She also wore clothes made with a mixture of dried branches and luscious leaves. The most important fact is that she has the mist of the Misty Forest as her aura.

"I am not your Dada." Levin Cloud stated as the small dryad girl asked for a hug.

When she heard those words from Levin Cloud, she started to immediately cry, and he began to panic. Levin Cloud immediately picked up the girl with his large arms and swung her around gently. He often uses this technique to his younger siblings when they start crying as they do not get what they want.

The small dryad girl immediately calmed down and went to sleep. She had the look of peace in her face as the familiar energy from Levin Cloud made her be comfortable. Levin Cloud placed her near her real body which is the tree and her figure disappeared. Her projected body is just a manifestation of her desire to interact with the beings.

The mist elves are all joyous upon seeing that a new guardian has been reinstated. Elder Ceo told them to protect their new guardian as this is the child of their previous guardian and the guest guardian that came to them.josei

[You have been linked to a newly sprouted Dryad via blood.]

[Please give a name to your descendant.]

Levin Cloud does not want to admit it, but the small dryad girl is indeed his daughter. He did not expect that he will have a child in the game even though he is barely a full-grown adult. He is now thinking of a name for the child as she is now connected to him via ancestry.

Dryads and Leshies have a deep connection when it come to their children. They have strong parental emotions to the point that they will sacrifice their life in order to protect them. Even Levin Cloud feels a tug whenever he sees the small dryad girl as if his instincts tell him to protect her. It also does not help that she is incredibly cute.

Since Levin Cloud's parent which is the dryad Makiling is already deceased, he did not feel the strong parental connection. He did get the affection of all the elder dryads and leshies in Alfheim and they showed him that he is never alone.

Dryads and Leshies have their caring nature given to them as a natural response for being the ones to maintain the forest. The forest is their body and life, but it could also be said to be their child. In the end, Levin Cloud had to accept the fact that he is now responsible for another life inside the game.

He will transfer a part of the small dryad girl's body to Alfheim after he returns. So even if the Mist Elf settlement gets destroyed, she could get revived in Alfheim. He got snapped back to reality by Solstice with a clap as they were discussing what their next course of action is.

"It seems that you finally returned back to us. Does the shock of being a daddy made you that confused?" Solstice stated.

"Let him be. I even saw my stern uncle become immediately soft when my first cousin got born. Maybe something does change when you get a child. He also became able to smile." Creepysoo muttered.

"Have you thought of a name for your child, Guardian Levin Cloud?" Elder Ceo asked.

"I am going to name her Persephie. I took the name from one of the wives of the Gods of the Underworld who is also a Goddess of Life. She has both life and death energy because of my blood so it is only responsible of me to also take care of her." Levin Cloud stated.

[You have named your descendant, Persephie.]

[You have gained access of the Root. You can now travel to the place where your descendant has taken root as long as you are on the same world as them.]

Levin Cloud did not expect that type of ability because it is the same as teleportation. He suddenly felt that making kids is a great way of getting around, but he erased that thought when he could see all his friends teasing him. Once Persephie woke up, Levin Cloud told her the name that he has given him, and she immediately liked it.

Elder Ceo then gave them a mission like the ones given to the others. She gave them a mission to save their ancestor's soul from damnation. Even the Mist Elves learned that they need to save their ancestor from being confined in that cursed form.


Quest Name: Return the Elven Rider of the South back to the Mist

Description: Elder Ceo wants you to send the Elven Rider of the South to peace. Make sure that she returns back to the mist as the Mist Elves believe that their souls return back to their homeland when they are dead.

Difficulty: S

Clear Condition: Be in the raid party that defeats the Horseman of Pestilence and survive until he gets killed.

Failure Condition: Do not have anything to do with the defeat of the Horseman of Pestilence.

Reward: Title – Savior of the Mist and Max Affinity with the Mist Elves

Failure: None

Note: The reward for this quest could be changed depending on the contribution on the raid against the Horseman of Pestilence. This quest could be shared but the effects of the title will decrease every ten people that have the quest.

They got the quest as expected and they are now ready to leave. Persephie started to cry, and it took quite a bit of time for her to calm down. Levin Cloud needed to explain that he needs to be away for a while, but he will visit her when he can. She has Elder Ceo and the mist elves looking out for her while he is away.

Levin Cloud also took a branch from Persephie's tree as he needed to plant it at Alfheim. Once he does that then she could come and go to Alfheim as she pleases to meet with others of her kind. She would also be safer there than here in the Misty Forest. Even if Elder Ceo awakened, he is not sure if they could save her if a dark god is really the one hiding in the deepest parts of the Misty Forest.

Levin Cloud also told the group of what they might expect from the Misty Forest. Even Adrian said that he wants to go there once everything is over. A dark god hiding in the forest is not something normal and the mist is also strange. He might make his own mist become even more powerful if he can assimilate that power.

They have some theories on how the mist came to be and Adrian even said that maybe a gate to the underworld is open there. The most noted chat about is the fact that Levin Cloud has become a father when he has just become a legal adult. They are now just waiting for the results of the ones that went to the east.

Peridot, Lycan and Kabrakan have yet to say anything in the chat. In fact, they have gone radio silence after a few days when they said that they have found the clue about the Rider of the West. They might have been transported to an instance dungeon.

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