Omega Summoner

Chapter 1058

Chapter 1058

Peridot, Kabrakan and Lycan headed to the eastern continent to gather clues about the Horseman of War. There are almost no clans in the eastern continent that have mounts as partners as people tend to cultivate oneself rather than with another.

Peridot had to return to her master and ask her about the specifics of the clan that rides mounts. Her master told her that there was a clan back then that has cultivated with demonic beasts. They have been wiped out back then because their ancestor was transformed to the Horseman of War.

They were wiped out because the eastern clans feared another would rise in their place, but they were just fearful of the power that their clan holds. The clan was called the Demonic Beast Clan as they cultivate with demonic beasts since birth. One could say that they are even born with their demonic beast partners.

It is said that each member of the Demonic Beast Clan has great affinity to their partnered beasts that they become twice as powerful when working together. The proudest warrior of this clan was once called Guan Fu and he is really great at riding his demonic beast called the Peerless War Horse. He was the best general and even the nephew to the grandmaster of their clan.

The Peerless War Horse became an immediate threat to even the other clans as he was very powerful when they synergize. It even bumped the Demonic Beast Clan to the top clans as their companion beast shares the same cultivation as them. This is also the reason why Guan Fu and his Peerless War Horse became the representative of the east to repel the dark gods.

"Basically, their clan is already gone and now we have no idea where the traces of their records are." Lycan grumbled as he does not like looking for clues when they have no leads at all.

"We can still look for the clues because I know where their former sect is located. It is now in a forbidden area called the Den of Beasts which is a special place here in the eastern continent." Peridot stated as she took out a map and pointed to a location near the northeast of the eastern continent.

"Why is it called the Den of Beasts?" Kabrakan asked as this is the first time he heard of that forbidden zone.

"It is a forbidden zone but also something like an instance dungeon because an array is needed to get teleported there. The array is also owned by the three great families in Kunlun and their permission is needed in entering that. I have not entered it because it is restricted but they say that it is like another world filled with dangerous beasts.

It is like a pocket dimension where powerful beasts roam around, and they even guard some treasures. It is a place full of danger and opportunity in which many of the powerful clans in the eastern continent want to get in." Peridot stated as she described the basic description of the forbidden zone.

"Wait! How did a place that is in the real world got trapped in a pocket dimension?" Lycan asked as he is not familiar with the time and space shenanigans that happened.

"Legends says that he grandmaster of the Demonic Beast Clan had a scroll that could devour everything. In his dying breath, he ripped the scroll apart and summoned a giant black hole that absorbed everything in the vicinity. The only thing left is the formation array and the eastern clans took decades to decipher it.

When they deciphered it, they were able to enter a pocket dimension that is teeming with treasures and monsters. The normal monsters that were around that area became superior species and they brought evidence of that when they exited the pocket dimension." Peridot explained.

"Then all we need is the right to enter that array, right?" Kabrakan asked.

"No need. I can just waltz right in with you guys as the Ryujin could enter the array at least once a month. They barely enter the array so I can use up the entry pass with us." Peridot stated as she summoned Moksha.

The three rode Moksha to the area of the forbidden zone without much trouble as no one would dare to block the princess of the Ryujin. The NPCs that are riding on flying swords are even making way for her as they know of the majestic mount of the Ryujin Princess. They arrived at the location of the array, and they are greeted by the guards.

"Welcome, Lady Peridot. You great master has already informed us of your entrance to the array. Do you need us to escort you even inside?" The guards stated energetically as getting favor of the Ryujin Princess is something that anyone wants to get.

Being on Peridot's good side is already a great blessing to any of their families as the Ryujin are the best gift givers. They are waiting to get the chance of their lifetime to turn their life around. They just did not expect that she would be walking to their door.

"No need but thank you for the offer. Me and my companions will just take a look at the forbidden zone as I was just curious about it." Peridot stated.josei

The soldiers guarding the array could not believe their ears when the Ryujin Princess said that she just wants to stroll in a forbidden zone. She is really as spoiled as they said, and she must also be loaded with treasures to protect herself or else she would not be given permission to enter the perilous Den of Beasts.

"As you wish, my lady. We will now fire up the array. We wish you a safe journey inside and may you enjoy the view." The head guard stated as he escorted the three to the array. Peridot gave a Wonder Fruit to the head guard as he was very courteous. The head guard graciously accepted it and even made the other soldiers feel envious.

"Why does he get the reward when we are the ones that activate the array anyway?!" One of the soldiers whispered.

"Be careful or else the commander will hear you. You might get punished but you are correct. That wonder fruit gives five years' worth of cultivation and she just gave it just like that. Rich kids are really different, and she is even spoiled just like the rumors say. I wish to be blessed by the crumbs of what she eats. I bet it would give me a month's worth of cultivation." Another soldier stated.

The three went inside the array and the soldiers fully activated the array. The light enveloped their bodies as they got swallowed by this light. A few seconds later, they felt their bodies being transported to another dimension and it has the same feeling when Adrian uses Teleportation on them.

The three then arrived in a pillar of light coming down from the sky. They looked around them and they are in another dimension because this world has three suns. The three immediately discussed their game plan as they are not here to battle beasts but to find the traces of the Demonic Beast Clan.

[You have entered the Den of Beasts.]

[You cannot use the chat functions when inside this forbidden zone.]

[All treasures that is picked inside the Den of Beasts will drop upon death but items that are inside before entrance will not drop.]

[You lose all experience points gained in the Den of Beasts if you die.]

[No penalty will occur if you die here, and you will just be transported out of the dungeon.]

[You can only enter this place once per month once you are sent out or get out.]

"Why did you lie about the thing that we will do here?" Kabrakan asked.

"My master said that the matters of the Demonic Beast Clan are taboo here in the east. So much so that their cultivation manuals that shared their aura with demonic beasts have been burned. All accounts of their teaching have been lost which is why rearing beasts in the eastern continent is not that great." Peridot stated as people with mounts could barely be seen in the eastern continents.

"I see. It was a good thing that you did not tell us that or else we would have not easily kept our mouth shut." Lycan stated.

"I do not know about you, but she told me about it." Kabrakan stated as led the way to the area pointed by Peridot.

Lycan could not say anything as he was made dumbfounded by the kinds younger than him. He made sure that this must never be known to the others or else he might get laughed at. It was a good thing that chat has been disabled in this dungeon, but they will soon know that they wish that they have the chat function.

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