Omega Summoner

Chapter 1079

Chapter 1079

Adrian used the Engraving Platform after reading the manual. He did not want to destroy such a priceless artifact that might fall in his hands. He also drew the magic circle with such detail that he did not know that time has passed greatly.

Gigan is also greatly impressed that Adrian has such concentration and did not bother him. When Adrian was finished with the first outer ring of the magic circle, he stopped and only to realize that four hours have passed. He did not expect such a time when doing something, but he has been told that he tends to lose himself in doing activities that require great concentration.

"I only finished the outer part and there are still three more. I already used up all my mana which is why I stopped." Adrian thought as he could see that the parts of the magic circle are indeed difficult to create.

He is deeply impressed with this thing called the Engraving Platform though as it eliminates the risks of using high tier runes. He does feel lightheaded when he draws the runes, but he could push through it with his immense concentration. When he stood up to stretch, he did feel his legs grow weak and he would have fallen down if his cloak does not make him levitate.

"I felt like I was seeing my mother when looking at how your concentration is. You have the same level of concentration as her." Gigan stated.

[Gigan's familiarity with you has increased.]

"Thanks." Adrian replied as he does not know what to say to that statement.

Adrian continued his drawing once more and completed the magic circle in under eight hours. He did not expect that he will take that much time as his time in Svartalheim is limited. Fortunately for him, the familiarity with the runes is getting better and he is now drawing them faster.

"Time to check, Runic Transfer!" Adrian stated as he activated the skill attached to the Engraving Platform.

He took the empty energy crystal and placed it on top of the Engraving Platform. The magic circle that he drew suddenly expanded and then contracted in under five seconds. A bright light filled the room when Adrian applied the necessary mana which made him squint his eyes.

When Adrian looked at the energy crystal, he could see the temporal energy being perfectly contained. It did not have any signs of leakage like before which means it has succeeded. Adrian handed the temporal energy crystal to Gigan and he mixed it into the solution.

When the temporal energy crystal was mixed into the solution, the blackish mixture suddenly turned grayish. Gigan mixed it carefully and saw that it is completely incorporated. A look of happiness appeared in Gigan's grumpy face as he never expected that he is closer to his goal.

Adrian then started on the next magic circle, and he finished it in half the time. He filled the empty energy crystal with spatial energy once it was engraved and observed. Just like the temporal energy crystal, the spatial energy crystal did not leak any energy.

Gigan once again mixed the spatial energy crystal into the mixture and noticed that the grayish color also changed. The whole mixture is now turning white, but it still has streaks of gray in it. Gigan suddenly noticed that the elements were not completely mixing like before.

"It is not completely mixing but at least it is not causing any type of explosion. I thought my workshop will explode once again but I guess we are safe." Gigan stated as he once again looked at the notes to see if they missed something.

"We missed the step where force must be incorporated into the mixture. It must be used to stir it instead of manually stirring it." Adrian stated.

"I see. Since you are the demon here, you can start working your magic." Gigan stated as he suddenly stepped back. He also took something from the pile of weapons, and it was a shield. Adrian did not know whether to laugh or cry as he saw Gigan's reaction.

Adrian is not that great at controlling force like a Diabolon but he knows how to manipulate it to some extent. Bronx once told him that force is some sort of invisible thing that they can push instinctively. There are three magics that Daemos could use but each of them has specializations and greater affinities.

The Djinn have great affinity towards Temporal Magic as their bodies are somewhat gaseous. The Imps have greater affinity towards Spatial Magic because of their nature to sense space. The Diabolon are greater at using force magic as they have the body built to withstand the great strain towards it.

Still, each of them could use the other with mastery but each of them tends to use what they hold great affinity to. Adrian remembered what Bronx told him when using force and focused. Just like sensing the fluctuation in time and space, Adrian pushed his senses to feel and see force.

Adrian opened his eyes, and he could see the fluctuations in time and space which is represented with their colors. Adrian could not see the color of the force, but he can vaguely see something that outlines the time and space energies. He always wondered what kept time and space apart as trouble happens whenever they clash.

He finally found the hidden detail that is between time and space. He could finally see a thin brown line that separates the two energies from mixing together. He thought that he was seeing things which is why he tried plucking it with his hands and a small explosion resulted.

"What was that?! It looked like you pinched the fabric of reality yourself." Gigan stated.

"I actually think I just did." Adrian replied as he did not expect such a reaction as well.

"Do not do that again though! I do not want my workshop to be swallowed into oblivion. I do not mind explosions but being swallowed into oblivion is another thing." Gigan stated.

Adrian practiced more but he no longer pinched the brown line that separates time and space. Instead, he would tap the lines to see the reaction which is usually leaving a dent on the floor. He finally received an enlightenment when it comes to Origin Magic. He received notifications that proved that he achieved something incredible.

[You have mastered the three fundamental energies relating to Origin Magic.]

[All skills that use Temporal Energy will have 10% mana reduction and 10% cooldown reduction.]

[All skills that use Spatial Energy will have 10% mana reduction and 10% cooldown reduction.]

[All skills that use Force Energy will have 10% mana reduction and 10% cooldown reduction.]

[You have now become a complete demon since you have gained mastery of the three.]

Adrian did not expect anything to happen when he did the thing earlier, but he is glad. Any type of mana reduction and cooldown reduction is welcome as he has spells that use time, space and force. He did not expect mastering how to manipulate the three will be a fruitful exercise.

"If I only mastered the fundamentals then there should be advanced and perfect level. If I achieve that then the cooldown and mana reduction might become bigger." Adrian thought as he became excited.

"I shall start mixing the mixture now." Adrian stated as he looked at the cauldron.

When Adrian looked at the cauldron, he saw that the lines that divide the temporal energy and spatial energy are in disarray. This disarray is what makes it difficult for the two energies to fully incorporate. Adrian knows that he cannot perfectly operate on all the lines which is why he needed the help of the Cube of Paradox.

The Cube of Paradox shared the same vision as Adrian has. It could also use the same skills that he has but that also means that he needs to use mana at double the rate. Adrian did not care about the double consumption as he needs to mix the two.


When Gigan saw that Adrian looked like he was dancing while floating as he is making odd hand movements, he looked at the cauldron and noticed that the gray lines are starting to become less. He did not expect that Adrian's odd ritual is actually what is mixing the solution.

To others, Adrian might seem like he is dancing but he is actually guiding the brown lines that are in disarray. He needed to be calm and composed as he guided these lines since once small mistake could create a rift.

Just as Adrian is doing this, Gigan noticed that Adrian's horns started to gain a luster like it is starting to become a gemstone. Gigan also noticed that Adrian feels like a great being that could push something or erase something with just a snap of a finger but he is mesmerized by the mixing process.

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