Omega Summoner

Chapter 1080

Chapter 1080

Just looking at Adrian made Gigan feel as if the whole room is expanding and contracting. He is mesmerized by what is happening inside the cauldron because the color is slowly turning white. Adrian is rapidly expending mana though, but he could see that he will not need mana for the next process.

Slowly and surely, the mixture turned into a pure white solution just like the thing that is stated in the book. A beautiful explosion of color could be seen coming out of the mixture when it has been perfectly combined. A rainbow literally came out of the pot when Adrian was finished which would make one suspect that it has something to do with a legend.

"It might not be a leprechaun's pot, but I made a rainbow come out of one. Maybe if the room does not have a roof, then it might have spilled over to the sky." Adrian mumbled as his mana has once again been expended by the process.

Gigan raised the cauldron from the magma river as the mixing process has succeeded. He could accurately see that the stone that they need has been correctly produced. Adrian is also proud of himself as this is only the first step in a two-step process.

"We have made the main ingredient! The Philosopher's Stone has been completed!" Gigan stated as he jumped for joy.

Just as Gigan said, the thing that they created is the stone that all alchemists want which is the Philosopher's Stone, but it is not the refined one. The Philosopher's Stone that they created is basically the raw form that has yet to be able to do any wonderous thing.

Item Name: Philosopher's Stone

Tier: Legendary

Type: Raw Alloy Ore


-Able to turn any type of energy to a random different attribute.

-Can change the elemental substance of any thing just as long as it has enough time to be exposed to it.

Restriction: It cannot be used continuously or else it would suck in all the energy in the surroundings and even the users.

Mana consumption: 10,000 Mana Points per use

Times it can be used before energy depletion: 10 Times

Description: The legendary stone said to turn anything into another thing although it is not it its perfect state. Just a little more and you might be able to create something wonderful for the first time in your life. It was created by the Great Artisan Gigan and Equinox.

"Since we have created the Philosopher's Stone as a core, the only thing needed is the mechanism to control it. Let me just get my hammer and smash this thing into the needed piece for the project. I would need half of it for myself. The other half will be created for the one you want." Gigan stated as he split the stone in half.

Oddly enough, the raw form of the Philosopher's Stone is actually in the form of a rectangle. He cut it in half and produced two equal squares. Adrian did say that Gigan might want it if he fails the first one, but it will not get destroyed even if he fails so the former graciously agreed.

"The stone that I will make use of any type of energy and turn into another element. Yours will be different as you need a specific type to be processed. Yours will be trickier to create but easier in the processing." Gigan stated.josei

Adrian already explained his situation to Gigan and even he finds it difficult. He showed Gigan his Nether Energy and even the latter is baffled by how potent it was. As Gigan described it, Adrian's Nether Energy is something like absolute death which means the reverse of it is absolute life.

The reason Adrian could not overpower his Nether Energy is due to the fact that no opposite has existed to his knowledge. Adrian wanted to use the Aether Reactor to transform his nether energy to its opposite, but it would also mean that he will not be able to convert it into other elements.

Adrian did not care if he would not be able to wield elemental energy as the Daemos do not have the ability to do so. Even if he has the Aether Reactor to transform his mana into other energies, he will not be able to control it as shown by Gigan when they conducted test. The same is true for the Philosopher's Stone as it cannot use any of the Origin Magic applied to it.

Origin magic is only used to bind the process and not actually really a part of it. The Philosopher's Stone is an item that can be called as an enigma since it could transcend the boundaries of nature. It can completely turn something into another thing as long as the necessary resources are given.

"The next thing that we need is to collect scales from elemental dragons. After that would be to find a mineral called Orichalcum in the mines here in Nidavellir. I think you can get the elemental dragon scales themselves as we have a dungeon for that. You should be able to kill off a colored dragon after all." Gigan stated.

The colored dragon that Gigan are referring to are the dragons that have specific elements tied to them. They are not true dragons like Kanlaon, but they are a high-ranking species that will not be easy to handle. Only a few residents of Nidavellir could kill them but Gigan knows that Adrian can do it as he easily defeated the Obsidian Golems.

The thing that made Adrian shudder is not that but the metal that Gigan stated. He did not expect that Orichalcum will be available here in Nidavellir since it is a mythical tier metal which can greatly conduct energy. He wanted to say something, but Gigan left Adrian as he needed to mine all day for him to get the needed amount.

"I have four more days left. I better hurry then." Adrian muttered to himself.

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