Omega Summoner

Chapter 1155

Chapter 1155

"Champion Equinox, I think it is time to actually knock some sense to him. He is currently lost in his rage just like he always has. His personality has never changed as anything related to father can be a trigger to him." The Goddess Bastet stated as she took out her magic artifacts which is a sistrum and an ankh.

"Sirius!" Adrian shouted as he commanded his soulbound to incapacitate the current avatar of Seth.

Sirius rushed out of Adrian's shadow as he aimed for the throat of the avatar. The attack did not connect though as a wall of sand suddenly came out of the ground to block him. Sirius then used his sharp claws to destroy the sand wall, but it turned into a sand wave that attempted to swallow him instead.

It is not only the sands stirring as the wind and lightning raged upon the desert. The God Seth has lost it as if he is in a trance of rage. The Goddess Bastet could not join the battle as she is busy protecting the Sand Guardians which means it is up to Adrian to stop the enraged God Seth.

"Seriously, why are gods sometimes childish." Adrian stated as he summoned his spear primordial armament.

His clothes changed to that of an eastern warrior looking style as his spear could be controlled via his will. He then ordered Saena to use the collected paralytic poison in her body and use it on the avatar of the God Seth. She immediately released winds that can apply the paralysis status and the poisoned status.

Saena did not skimp on using all the poison and paralytic toxin that she has collected yet the avatar is not stopping. There is a noticeably change in the avatar though as his movement became slower than before albeit he was already not moving much in the first place.

"Perfect Assimilation: Kanlaon." Adrian stated as Kanlaon's soul fused with his body.

Adrian's appearance changed to that of a hybrid dragon and demon. He also has the six dragon balls swirling around him. Adrian could feel that his destructive power would be enough to kill the avatar which is why he decided to change to an Aetheros.

The dark clothes that Adrian wore suddenly changed to that of a white armor laced with golden laces. His aura changed to that of death to something filled with life. His armor is still the same, but it has a different vibe now that aether dust covered him.

He now has a tamed and calm look compared to before as if he has the bearing of a monk. The dragon balls that rotated around him even made him look like he is a monk that has achieved enlightenment. The spear that floated around him also changed in color to a more jade like color compared to the dark metal aesthetic that it has when he is a Netheros.

Adrian summoned Kimat as well in order to make sure that the lightning would be grounded. He does not want stray lightning to hit him or the others. He first tested whether the avatar still has some sense of reason in him as he could be seen to be driven by pure instinct.

Adrian commanded the spear to go straight towards Seth's avatar to see if he would block it. The spear rushed towards the target in a fast pace and Seth's avatar actually sensed it. The spear is then blocked by two scimitars created from sand which is wielded by Seth's avatar.

Adrian's spear got deflected away but he easily controlled it back to his side. Adrian could feel that his control over the spear got lost for a brief moment because the strength of Seth's avatar that deflected the blade is not normal. The heavy blow made the spear tingle and even Adrian felt that sensation as the spear resonates with his mind if he does not wield it himself.

The God Seth's avatar then stomped his foot on the ground and numerous sand copies appeared. The sand copies took the form of the avatar and seemed to have at least half his strength. What irritates Adrian is the fact that the God Seth's avatar created at least twenty clones.

Adrian had no choice but to make Sirius and Kimat deal with the clones while he fought against the avatar himself. Adrian no longer thought that he could deal with the God Seth's avatar using half baked attacks which is why he held onto the spear himself.

"I can probably tank hits right now because I got Kanlaon's Genesis Dragon Scale as a skill. I can also use elemental attacks because of the dragon balls. All I need to do is think of the element that I need to use." Adrian thought as he gripped his spear and charged towards the God Seth's Avatar.

Adrian immediately used wind dragon ball to buff his speed and even applied Chrono Shift towards himself. His speed became fast enough that his body started to leave afterimages with just one simple motion. He made use of his extreme speed to initiate the first attack against the avatar by coating his spear with flames.

Even though Adrian is extremely fast in this state, the God Seth's avatar actually parried his attack. He is not the god of storms for nothing as even his avatar can be fast and unpredictable as the storms. What the God Seth's avatar did not expect is the sudden burst of flame that ensued when the spear and the two scimitars collided.

The explosion is powerful enough to make the God Seth's avatar step back for a few feet. The explosion also created a cloud of smoke in which Adrian is also caught up in and inhibited the vision of the God Seth's avatar. Without any delay, a cold wind suddenly swept across the area as a spear coated in frost pierced through the smoke.

The God Seth's avatar managed to react quickly enough, but Adrian managed to get a clean hit towards the right shoulder. A layer of frost could be seen afflicting the right shoulder of the avatar but the madness that he is experiencing is numbing him from the pain. Without even batting an eye, the God Seth's avatar brandished his two scimitars and cleaved towards Adrian.

Adrian's stance made it hard for him to immediately dodge which is why he opted to use Enhanced Blink. Adrian appeared behind the God Seth's avatar, but the latter swept the sands and created sand blades that blocked the former's attack.

The God Seth's avatar suddenly turned around with an empowered attack. Adrian used Chrono Lag on the avatar, but he did not get slowed for the whole duration of the skill. Adrian could only use the dragon balls to block the attack as the blade will hit his neck if he does not do so.

All six dragon balls reacted to Adrian's wishes and blocked the attack of the God Seth's avatar. What he did not expect is that blocking the attack will create an elemental storm that will even damage him. The elemental storm that was created because of the clash of the scimitar and the dragon balls covered a large area.josei

The sand copies that are near them all shattered into dust as the intense damage of the elements colliding could even create a whole crater. If one looked at the sand below their feet, then they could see that it has became glass. When the smoke is no longer present in the area, Adrian and the God Seth's avatar could be seen riddled with wounds.

Adrian is a lot better compared to the God Seth's avatar as he is in his Aetheros form that has great defensive and healing qualities. He could also be seen as slowly regenerating because he is affected by the Genesis Dragon Scales which negates a lot of the elemental damage.

The God Seth's avatar could be seen kneeling on the sands as he is heavily wounded. There are also traces of protection magic casted on him which means the Goddess Bastet interfered at the last second as she also deemed the elemental storm too dangerous. Even Adrian lost 30% of his health from that explosion which means it could have killed him if he did not have Kanlaon's dragon scales.

"Are you now able to think calmly, Brother – Uncle?" The Goddess Bastet asked the God Seth.

"I am now. It seems that my fits of rage have grown worse as that blasted Distorted God Apophis has been acting up lately. I no longer know how I can keep that distorted god at bay for too long. We need the incarnation of our father or at least a part of his soul to shower the skies with light.

It would also take that light goddess down a peg as a true sun god will return upon the world." The God Seth stated as he has now returned back to sanity.

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