Omega Summoner

Chapter 1156

Chapter 1156

"I apologize and a bit ashamed of my sudden outburst. It has been long since I have felt the healing light of the Sun that Atum has created. I was just a bit too excited when I sensed the presence of the light of Atum. The reach of my divine sight can only reach the western continent where my followers are contained." The God Seth stated.

Adrian could agree about the reasons of the God Seth, but he still wants a tangible prize. He held out his hand towards the God Seth and told him that he expects something that expresses the god's sincerity. He is not going to just say that everything is fine and dandy because he is not some pushover hero.

"As expected of demons, your kind really does not yield unless you are given something tangible. I shall give you this then." The God Seth stated as he suddenly held up his palms.

When the God Seth held up his palms, sand started to swirl, and a trinket started to form. The trinket is in the form of a jackal sitting down. It is also made of a golden metal that shines when light touches it. One may say that it is something that holds authority because Adrian could feel divine energy from it.

Item Name: Trinket of the Desert Jackal

Tier: Mythical

Type: Small Statue


-Enables the user to safely traverse the sands of the Western Continent by lowering the odds of getting caught in a sandstorm.

-The Divine Energy of the God Seth, God of Storms, is present in this artifact which gives anyone holding this small statue luck when in the deserts of the Western Continent.

-It can be used as a symbolize for the Authority of the God Seth. You can use it to command the Temple of the Storms in the western continent to do what you want. (Max of 3 Commands)

Description: A vague antique trinket that is said to be linked to the Gods of the Western Continent. It has the image of a jackal standing upright that also gives of the chaotic energy of the storms. If this is presented to the Temple of the Storm in the Western Continent, then they will have some authority over them. It is said that only those acknowledged by the God of the Storms, Seth, will receive this trinket in their lifetime.

Adrian gazed at the small statue and promptly took it as it is a great item that can be used to mobilize a whole church. Adrian could actually move the Church of the Twin Gods if he wishes but their activity location only has the central continent. Now, he can get assistance in the western continent should he needs it.

"You are not giving this for free though as this item is too important to just be given like this." Adrian stated as he knew that the power to command a whole church is not given just because he was inconvenienced.

"As expected of the Champion of the Twin Gods, you must already be used to these kinds of situations." The God Seth stated as he chuckled a little.

"You are not wrong with that. Something as great as this means you want something in return." Adrian replied as he knows how to deal with gods.

"I am giving you a quest since you have already met the light of Atum. I want you to investigate where it came from. I shall be watching you via my trinket. It will react when the warm light of Atum gets near you." The God Seth stated as Adrian is given a quest.

Quest Notification!

Quest Name: Find the Light of the Sun

Quest Description: The God Seth has felt the light of their missing God Atum touch your body. He wants you to investigate if it really is Atum's Light or just a fragment of his soul.

Quest Difficulty: B

Clear Condition: Find the Source of the Light that the God Seth felt from your body.

Clear Reward: Random Epic Chest

Failure Condition: None

Restriction: Only one person can have this quest.

Duration: None

"I should tell you this just in case, but I cannot take on the Distorted God Apophis by myself for too long. My storms might be chaotic and powerful, but that snake seems to be amassing followers as he is slowly growing stronger. I fear that in two years, that darn snake will be more powerful than me." The God Seth stated.

"It is almost dawn, Brother – Uncle. Your fight against the Distorted God Apophis is almost time. You should prepare for it if that thing really is becoming more powerful. I shall tell the others that you need help as it would od us no good if that snake were to arrive here." The Goddess Bastet stated.

"I shall take your word for it, Sister – Niece. I shall now depart as a fierce battle awaits me. I shall instruct my avatar to also help you cross these deserts towards your temple as we do not know if followers of that snake are to appear before you." The God Seth stated as he vacated the body of his avatar.

The intense divine energy left the body of the avatar and he weakly limped down to the ground. It seems that his body is in a state of exhaustion due to receiving the power of the God Seth for a great duration. He still showed that he can maintain consciousness though as he stood up a few minutes after gathering his breath.

The avatar of the God Seth is named Sadiki and it seems that he is also a high priest in the Temple of the Storm. Adrian wanted to know the difference between him and an avatar of a god which is why the Goddess Bastet explained the to him their duties.

Unlike the Champion of a God, the Avatar of a God is basically a vessel in which the god themselves can manifest through. This custom has already been in the western continent since time immemorial as it is a way for them to be close to the gods and vice versa. The gods would descend to their avatars and perform deeds of service or preach to them when necessary.

They created this practice to make sure that the divine barrier will not get damaged. Being an Avatar of a God also takes work as one needs absolute faith in their respective god to be able to fully accept them in their bodies. One should also be born with a unique constitution that aligns with the divine energy of the god.

In exchange for this, the avatars will get considerable influence and power in their temple as they basically receiving their gods in their bodies. It takes quite a lot of time and effort to be in sync with a god, but the western gods have done it flawlessly over the centuries. This does not mean that they always have an avatar because one cannot become an avatar should they do not want to.

There have been cases of people being compatible with a specific god but choosing to live as their own. Some people just want to live peacefully and die peacefully rather than be an incarnation of a god. One example of a player becoming an avatar is Frey as she accepts the Goddess Freyja in her body to manifest.

There are many ways to become an avatar of a god but that does not mean that everyone can become one just because they have the right conditions. The god themselves must also choose you as their vessel for the time being.

"You must have been quite tired, Sadiki. You can still rest as we shall move once they have woken up." The Goddess Bastet stated as she looked at the Sand Guardians that are currently asleep.

"Thank you for thinking of me, Great Goddess. I would want to rest but this is the time where our prayers are needed. The God of the Storms need our aid now to battle the serpent." Sadiki replied as he knelt down towards the rising sun and prayed to the God Seth.

Adrian asked the Goddess Bastet on what the deal is with this Distorted God Apophis, and he is shocked upon finding out the connection. The Distorted God Apophis was actually one of the first gods in their previous world that traveled to the Void and returned. He did not show any signs of becoming something else until they found Pandemonium.

Due to becoming distorted, the Distorted God Apophis wanted to devour the universe and plunge it into absolute darkness. The Sun God Atum fought against him every day when the sun rises to make sure that the Distorted God Apophis will never crawl up from the dark abyss that he was sealed.

"If the God Seth is having difficulty fighting against a sealed Distorted God, then what is its power when its seal becomes undone?" Adrian thought to himself and shuddered upon realizing the danger.

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