Omega Summoner

Chapter 1204 Life And Death Party

Chapter 1204 Life And Death Party

Adrian went to the elders of the Church of the Twin Gods with Vitae and Mortem to get their permission. In fact, he already knew that they will definitely not give their permission with the two prophets leaving. He just wanted to try and get their permission so that Vitae and Mortem will not hate him when he does not bring them along.

He prepared the perfect speech and even matched it with a tone of being apathetic. He has upgraded his acting skills to a degree where you will not cringe upon seeing it. His acting is not bad, but it was not good either as it is only in his head that it is good.

"Which is why it brings me to have you give me permission to bring Vitae and Mortem to my short trip to the west." Adrian stated as he already prepared to act dejected when the elders of the Church of the Twin Gods reject him.

"Sure." Elder Willow stated after looking at the other elders nodding. Adrian thought that the nod was actually them saying to softly reject Adrian, but it was actually them agreeing with his request.

"What?!" Adrian shouted and then he coughed to reorganize his emotions.

"I mean really?" Adrian followed up in a slightly higher pitch as he could not believe.

"I think the Prophets of the Twin Gods are in need of seeing some parts of the world. I mean, we cannot let them be confined here in Avalon forever despite them interacting with other people from other areas. They must see the world in order to see what they can do better as the Prophets of Life and Death.

One of the teachings of the Church of the Twin Gods is to 'Live your life to the fullest so that you can die peacefully when your time comes'. We believe that you will be able to show them the world without getting the attention of other prophets that are alive. Let them explore the world even for a little bit." Elder Willow stated with a smile that made Vitae and Mortem warm inside.

Vitae and Mortem smiled due to the warm words of Elder Willow as they always thought that they will be confined in Avalon forever. It is not that they think Avalon is boring, but they are also curious of the world for anyone their age. They wanted to experience the world just as they are told by the Daemos Corps that they often ask stories for.

[You have gained permission from the elders of the Church of the Twin Gods.]

[The Prophet of Life, Vitae, has joined your party.]

[The Prophet of Death, Mortem, has joined your party.]

[A synergistic effect has been triggered because the Champion of the Twin Gods has partied up with the Prophet of Life and the Prophet of Death.]

[All spells relating to Life Magic will decrease in cooldown by 20% for all party members.]

[All spells relating to Life Magic will decrease in mana cost by 20% for all party members.]

[All spells relating to Death Magic will decrease in cooldown by 20% for all party members.]

[All spells relating to Death Magic will decrease in mana cost by 20% for all party members.]

[All party members will have increased stats by 30%. (10% increase per important religion figures)]

[You Aether Energy and Nether Energy will have 50% increased effects and potency.]

When Adrian saw the increase in stats and everything else, he always fainted from the sheer greatness of the buffs. He might not be able to use spells using Life and Death Energy, but Vitae and Mortem can. They are what you call supports on steroids as they can perform all spells of Life and Death magic.

"Thank you. I bet the two are very elated to be able to get permission. They were very excited when they told me that they want to accompany me. I was a bit hesitant at first because we needed your permission, but I can now rest easy.

I will do my best in protecting them while they are with me. We shall return with haste after looking into the thing in the western continent that I need to look for. We shall now head out." Adrian stated as he took both Vitae and Mortem with him out the church headquarters.

"Do not hurry as you know that haste makes waste. Take your time so that they can see the world in great detail." Elder Willow stated.

"I will make sure to utilize them well. I bet I can even defeat an enemy a hundred levels above me with their support. Hehe." Adrian thought while leaving.

When the three left, Elder Willow tiptoed to the door and looked to see if they really left. He gave a signal to all the elders, and they started to jump for joy. They could be seen having a victory dance celebration as if they won the lottery or something.

"Finally! Those two are getting looked out for by someone else. I can finally rest and sleep when I am tired." A dark elf elder stated.

"Those two are such a piece of work when they grew up. They became slightly mischievous that my old bones started to become weary." A wood elf elder stated as a tear rolled down her face.

"I think my back just straightened itself when they left. It is a good thing that Equinox took them as they are rather attached to him and follows his words well." A dark elf elder stated.

"I actually liked the time when Equinox was so free and plays with them but that lessened because of the chaos happening in the world. Those three hours of peace and relaxation were like heaven to me." A wood elf elder stated and all of them nodded their heads in agreement.

"It was a good thing that we kept calm when Equinox said that he wants to join him. I almost involuntarily moved in to hug him from happiness." A dark elf elder stated and everyone agreed with him as well.

"It was a good thing that Elder Willow managed to keep calm or else I would have burst from joy." A wood elf elder stated.

Elder Willow was currently not looking at them as his face looks funny from his incredible happiness. He has never had a break from taking care of the prophets or any time for himself as the two often goes to him. If it not for his soft heart for the two, then he would have ignored them. He then corrected his face with a serious expression as he looked at the other elders.

If one actually looked at the Elders of the Church of the Twin Gods, then they can say that they look tired. If they were not elves, then they would have visibly aged by now. They would die for Vitae and Mortem but even they need to rest from raising them.

They cannot say no to them because they have a soft spot in their heart for them. One could say that Vitae and Mortem are rather spoiled by the elders of the church of the Twin Gods. This also shaped the two's rather spoiled and mischievous attitude.

"Deth" Elder Willow stated as a dark elf suddenly manifested from black smoke.

"Yes, Elder Willow." Deth replied.

"Make sure that the Silent Death Order follow the Champion and the Two Prophets closely but make sure that you are not detected. Intervene to save the two prophets when you think that the Champion cannot deal with his opponents. Ask a Daemos Corps member to also be your means of transport as well since this involves the safety of the two." Elder Willow commanded.

"As the elder wishes. We shall gladly throw offer our lives to make sure that the two prophets are safe." Deth stated as he vanished.

The Church of the Twin Gods have two powerful orders that are responsible for the protection of every key individual. The two groups are the Strident Life Order and the Silent Death Order. The Strident Life Order protects the Church of the Twin Gods actively and in the eyes of the public while the Silent Death Order does the opposite.

The Strident Life Order is headed by a female wood elf named Leif. She was the student of the General of the Elven Guards back then. She is also voted as one of the most beautiful NPCs by the players as she is often seen patrolling Avalon. Unlike wood elves that uses the bow, she uses a vine whip as her main weapon.

The Silent Death Order is led by a male dark elf named Deth. He is the son of the previous great warrior of the dark elves. He wields two sickles that can inflict the enemy with instant death. He is very devout to the two prophets as they often all him Cool Uncle.


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