Omega Summoner

Chapter 1205 Find A Sun I

Chapter 1205 Find A Sun I

Adrian brought Vitae and Mortem with him to the western continent. The first location that they visited is the Temple of Bastet as he could just ask the High Priestess Estet to call upon the Goddess of Protection Bastet. When Adrian along with Vitae and Mortem arrived at the city below, the two young teens could be seen very curious of the world outside.

"This place is full of cute cats!" Vitae stated as she could feel the bustling life of this city.

"The air here is also full of the scent of death, but it comes from the other side of that mountain." Mortem stated as he looked at the mountain range where the Great Gorge is located.

Adrian then explained to them what this place is and why they came here. He needed to talk with the Goddess Bastet to ask about the Sun God. He would have gone to the Temple of Storm but that is on the other side of the Temple of Bastet.

"I see. I actually saw that beautiful goddess when she was in Avalon, but the elders told us to not talk with her." Vitae stated.josei

"They were wary of her because she was not really allied with the Twin Gods nor their enemy. Also, the elders were afraid that they could force convert us to become their prophets." Mortem stated.

"You two really do synergize a lot. I guess twins really do have a special connection. I will be here to protect you anyways. Also, I am not really alone in that endeavor." Adrian stated but he whispered the last sentence to himself.

Adrian could feel the presence of the Silent Death Order as they give off a specific death energy signature. He always feels this death energy signature when he plays with Vitae and Mortem. He has also been introduced to the Silent Death Order when the Church of the Twin Gods was reformed.

"Are both of you done sightseeing? We should head to the temple at the top of the mountain now." Adrian stated as he teleported to the temple entrance with Vitae and Mortem.

"I mean…why did you even ask us when you would just teleport us here?" Vitae and Mortem stated unanimously which made Adrian chuckle a bit.

"Champion Equinox! We are pleased to meet you once more!" One of the golden warriors stated as he could remember Adrian's face.

"I am here to speak with the High Priestess Estet. Can you tell her that I seek an audience?" Adrian asked but he suddenly heard footsteps coming from the inside.

"Move away!" A familiar female voice stated as she forcefully went outside the temple.

The female voice came from the High Priestess Estet herself as she looked like she was in a hurry. The reason for her current state is due to the fact that she sensed powerful fluctuations of life and death energy in the city below. As she was going to investigate, the powerful fluctuations suddenly shifted to the entrance of the temple along with a familiar energy signature.

"Champion Equinox! Welcome! May I ask what brings you here? I hope you are not here to declare holy war or something." The High Priestess Estet stated as she fears the latter.

"Holy War? Why would I do that?" Adrian replied but then the High Priestess Estet looked at Vitae and Mortem with worry.

"If you mean them then we are just going out for a stroll. Those two are the Prophet of Life Vitae and the Prophet of Death Mortem. They wanted to see the outside world as they are often just in Avalon." Adrian stated which made the High Priestess Estet sigh with relief.

"I see. Thank the goddess. Come inside then as we should not let prophets wait outside of our temple as that is discourteous. Everyone! Prepare the finest refreshments to present to them!" The High Priestess Estet shouted with authority.

"No alcohol as they are still underage." Adrian stated as they entered the finest waiting room in the temple.

Adrian marveled at the beautiful room inside the mountain as the roof is made of glass that lets natural sunlight shine inside. There are also flowers and berries planted inside as it is an indoor garden. Vitae liked the room very much as she could feel that life is being cared for. The refreshments are also served immediately when they entered the room.

"Why did you think that we will declare Holy War?" Adrian asked as he does not know the basis of this Holy War as it might have escaped his mind when the elders of the church was telling him.

"Holy War is when a prophet of a god comes to the temples of other gods to demand blood. Only prophets could declare them as even I an avatar of the Goddess Bastet cannot do so. This is the reason why prophets are very important people as they are able to influence the world.

The losing force in the Holy War will have the god or goddess they serve be an underling of the god or goddess that wins. The followers of the losing god or goddess would also need to pray to the winning god or goddess." The High Priestess Estet stated.

The High Priestess Estet feared the issuance of a Holy War when she recognized two prophets in the temple doorstep. To make matters worse, they were prophets of Primordial Gods and that would leave them utterly defeated should they clash. The stronger the gods then the more power they could grant their believers.

"Do not worry because I only brought them to sightsee. What I really need to get is details about the Sun God that you said was your leader or any Sun God for that matter. I need Solar Energy to evolve one of my soulbounds. I have an upcoming fight against people that want to take my territory and I need to become strong enough to trample them on my own." Adrian stated.

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