Omega Summoner

Chapter 1279 The Pantheon VS Fallen Knights III

Chapter 1279 The Pantheon VS Fallen Knights III

It seems that the world may have forgotten that the Demon did not get his nickname just because of his race. This nickname was given by the ones that saw how he fought in wars as all he leaves in absolute destruction. He embodied the description of the Daemos race as beings of destruction which is why he was coined the Demon.

[You have used Asmodian Prowess.]

[Primordial Energy will take slower to regenerate because it was used in the skill.]

[Nether Energy will take slower to regenerate because it was used in the skill.]

[Aether Energy will take slower to regenerate because it was used in the skill.]

Adrian did not know that there would be hidden debuffs to using the skill. It makes sense because he emptied out his energy reserves just to make sure that the skill is at its full power. He could feel that his Nether Energy and Aether Energy reserves are depleted and will take time to be full once more. He does have ways in order to get it back again, but he would use it on another team fight.

Adrian went down the stage with the eyes of everyone glued on him. The gods that do not know him are apprehensive because they have plans in motion for the mortal realm. The gods know that an Asmodian being there would derail their plans. They are already being slowed down by the Daemos but an Asmodian Daemos is something that they did not expect.

Adrian went back to the stands and his friends all cheered for him. They already knew that Adrian was strong and that he would definitely take care of some of the players. They thought that the other team would at least have a fighting chance but was not even able to get a hit.

They already knew of Adrian's strategy in using Asmodian Prowess as they have practiced it. Even they feared the effects of that skill because they were also sent kneeling down when Adrian used it. They were able to break free of it because Levin Cloud used a spell that grants invulnerability towards status effects.

They thought that the enemy would also have a priest capable of that at least but they were wrong. The priest players that were part of the first round were all damage buffers. They were priests from the Temple of War which mainly focused on buffing the damage dealt and damage defended.

What the group did not realize is that Levin Cloud also has some Asmodian Blood within him as he is a Faekin. He was also able to cast that protection spell because he has an extremely rare passive ability that can negate the first few seconds of a status ailment. It seems that the kneeling effect of Asmodian Prowess is considered as a status ailment.

The players watching also saw that not every player kneeled immediately from the effects of the skill. Some players kneeled after the first second as they had passive skills that can cancel status ailments once. They were not able to negate the status effect because Asmodian Prowess uses all ten seconds as a status effect which means the effect refreshes ever second to keep the enemies kneeling.

The Fallen Knights guild could be seen silent as the fallen guild members revived on their side of the stand. The gloomy aura could be felt as if they have lost their will to fight because of the utter humiliation they have just witnessed. Even the overconfident guild members of the Fallen Knights are thinking whether they could actually win against Pantheon.

The ones that are not silent are the ones that bet on the Pantheon guild winning the second round. Some are even celebrating that Adrian would get the most kills award which made them jump for joy when they bet on him for that category.

"I think you just blew away their ego." Levin Cloud stated to Adrian as they were still celebrating.

"Yeah! You should have left some for us to blow away as it will no longer be fun destroying them if they are already crestfallen." Creepysoo stated.

"Sorry about that but you do know our policy when it comes to people that challenge us." Adrian stated.

"To destroy them to the point that they will never bother us again." All of them simultaneously stated as they laughed.

Adrian made that impromptu slogan as they needed to put something in their Guild Slogan. They did not want some cheesy philosophical sentence in their because that is not how they roll. They are also people that play the game to have fun without bothering others.

They all know that the guild challenge will not be the first one because Avalon is a treasure trove. It is not just the top guilds that want a piece of Adrian's territory but also the midsize guilds. The Tree of Life and Death is not something that anyone can have and the effects of it being planted in the territory is amazing.

It is not just the Pantheon Guild that has this issue because another example would be the Evergreen Guild. Their territory is also a prime target for a takeover because they have a Tree of Life planted there. Some guild territories have mines that basically print money which means anything useful in a territory will be subject to the greed of others.josei

Adrian knew that the Fallen Knights guild were already targeting his territory back at the auction. In fact, he knew that a lot more guilds wanted to do so as well but they were gauging Adrian back then. It was only the Fallen Knights guild that too action but if they did not do so then another guild would have done it.

Adrian told his guild members that they must make an example of the Fallen Knights guild or else there would be numerous flies always buzzing about. They need to win in an outstanding manner that will strike fear to the hearts of other guilds. They want to make them think at least twice before ever issuing a challenge towards them.

​ "Do not worry about the first loss. You guys did not expect that such a thing would happen. We shall show them our might on the next round as planned. Remember that we worked hard for this, and nothing should ever get in our way of victory." Dame shouted as she knew that she had to remain strong in times like these.

"The winner of the first round of the match goes to the Pantheon guild. The Gods of War liked the display of force that the Pantheon Guild did and is pleased with the proceedings. One hour break shall be given to both parties to strategies. Remember that impressing the Gods of War is the most important thing in this fight!" The mediator announced.

An hour of break has been given to both parties so that they can strategize. The Gods of War gave this reprieve because they want to see a more interesting fight on the next round. They should at least make it more fun to watch since they are using the arena that the Gods of War use.

The one-hour break is the best thing that ever happened for the editors in the broadcasting station as they could use this time to edit the real time footage that is given to them. For the people logged in at Pandemonium, they could watch the match at the speed at which the game shows, but broadcasting is different since there is a three times time acceleration for the game when compared to the real world.

"The one-hour intermission is over. All participants for the second round please enter the arena." The mediator stated as all members of each guild entered the arena.

When the two guilds saw that all of the participants are inside the arena, they all thought of the same thing. The strategies that they thought of included securing the win on the second round should they win the first. For the Fallen Knights guild, they know that this is their defining moment in the guild war.

If the Fallen Knights guild lose in this round, then they would lose the entire challenge and would need to pay their territory or something equivalent to the Pantheon guild. For the Pantheon guild, the second round will determine whether they will have a need for a third round.

"They thought of the same tactic as us." Mord told Dame.

"It is the defining round after all, but it is a pity for them that they are to face our might of fifty. As long as no one gets careless, we can win this round. The first-round players were not able to use as many skills which means they could let lose in this round. Remember the practice when it comes to opponents." Dame announced as they already prepared for a situation like this.

"Without further ado, let the second round...BEGIN!" The mediator announced as the sound of horns filled the sky.

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