Omega Summoner

Chapter 1280 The Pantheon VS Fallen Knights IV

Chapter 1280 The Pantheon VS Fallen Knights IV

The signal for the second round of the guild war started and both sides immediately casted all the support spells that they could. The Fallen Knights guild learned from their mistake and the support players immediately cast a spell that will reduce the effects of status ailments. They also fortified the defenses of all their guild members with the buffs given by the tanks.

If there is one thing that could be the described as the advantage of the Fallen Knights guild, then that would be their numbers. Due to their sheer number of fifty, they could overlap buffs towards their team members and themselves. In Pandemonium, buffs can overlap as long as they have different names which is why the Fallen Knights guild made sure that their support players do not have the same job classes.

A lot of top guilds also do this strategy when it comes to raids to make the process of defeating a boss monster easier. Of course, each buff will also have their independent cooldown which is a pain to track. The support players must keep track of each guild member in order to refresh their buffs towards them.

The buffs can overlap with buffs that have the same effects but with different name. The thing that is not possible is overwriting the previous applied buff to refresh its duration timer. This restriction is only applicable when multiple types of the same buff is applied to a player. This restriction does not apply to buffs that can be applied to oneself.

If the support player does not want to waste mana, then they have to be very calculative and present minded. Just a slight second error will cause their buffs to fail and not apply to the players that they have given it to. Since the Fallen Knights guild have practiced this application before the guild war, they have mastered the timing and effects of each buff that they need to cast.

Another important thing that Adrian and his friends noticed is that the enemy team did not stand in ceremony. This might be due to the fact that Adrian floored them earlier without even letting the fight back as much. The only thing that was memorable that the Fallen Knights guild did earlier was bark at Adrian for being alone in going against them.

All ten important guild officials of the Fallen Knights guild summoned their mounts. Nine horse monster mounts could be seen being ridden by the guild officials while the guild master rode a griffin. The griffin that Dame, the Fallen Knights guild leader, is not a normal griffin that has eagle wings, but a wingless griffin of the species called the Minoan Griffin.

The Minoan Griffin looks just like a griffin without wings, but their body is covered in white fur while the mane looks like a colorful ensemble of feathers. One might say that the Minoan Griffin having no wings is a weakness, but it is actually not because they are fierce hunters of the land. Despite their elegant looking stature and build, the Minoan Griffins are vicious carnivorous monsters that destroy their prey.

The Minoan Griffin has full control of wind magic as it could release wind blades by just casually swiping on air. It also has a powerful sonic voice that could carve out mountains and could also scale mountains as their claws can burry deep into cliffs. It also has a flexible and agile body that could make it easily dodge attacks aimed towards it. In other words, it is one of the most perfect land-based mounts to be ever tamed in the game.

The only problem in taming these beasts is the fact that they are too proud. They will never bow down to anyone that they do not want to acknowledge. The Minoan Griffin would rather die than to be made a mount. The fact that Dame achieved this means that she has earned the acknowledgement of a temperamental beast.

The mounts of the other guild officials are also not ordinary horse mounts. They are variants of horse monsters that are also quite difficult to tame but Dame took the spotlight when it comes to mounts. They really do look like a knight company now that they are lined up.

"All Rise!" Dame shouted as the nine guild officials stood in a line with her.

"Charge!" Dame shouted after and a powerful golden light erupted from within them that coated the riders and the mounts.

This is the skill effect of the Chivalrous Charge skill that only knight job class players can use. It is also a skill that can only be used when mounted to their companion beast. Knight class players might be weak in terms of one on one, but they become monsters when they ride their mounts.action

The Chivalrous Charge skill is a skill that combines not only the knight's attack power but also the mount's attack power. It also grows more powerful with the distance that they charge. It is a skill that could be called a powerful starter that deals a devastating blow. There is also a hidden mechanic in using this skill.

If this skill is used by a knight company, then the damage will multiply per rider as long as they do not break the formation. Adrian thought that he could knock them back using the Quantum Dispersion skill, but they were immune to knockback due to the skill effects. It is truly a skill synergy that rewards efforts of practice and hard work.

"I shall handle this!" Kabrakan stated as he suddenly roared, and his body armor changed to a stonier armor.

"We shall support you." Levin Cloud and Peridot stated as they cast protective buffs to Kabrakan.

"The Earth's Embrace!" Peridot casted as a stony sheen could be seen covering Kabrakan.

"Breath of Mother Gaea!" Levin Cloud casted as a silhouette of the Goddess Gaea appeared behind him and blew air towards Kabrakan that increased his defenses by 200%.

"I am the Mountain!" Kabrakan shouted.

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