Omega Summoner

Chapter 1286 The Pantheon VS Fallen Knights X

Chapter 1286 The Pantheon VS Fallen Knights X

Peridot turned to her true form which is that of a Ryujin which delighted the Goddess Tiamat as she was watching from the sidelines as well. She decided to watch because her children as going to be fighting and she wanted to see the exceptional one which is Peridot.josei

Peridot's serpentine form looks completely different compared to before because she actually underwent evolution. She still has the serpentine dragon look but she now looks divine compared to her previous look. Her scales are pinkish in color that made it look like they are made with pearls while her hair that flowed freely looked like silver strings.

She also has a beautiful orb on her forehead which the gemstones that fused into a globe entered. When the globe entered the orb present in her forehead, all the elements around her shuddered as four different colored clouds surrounded her. A red, blue, green, and gray cloud surrounded Peridot and each of these clouds represented an element that she could control.

"Torrential Rain!" Peridot stated as the blue cloud suddenly expanded in the battlefield and sent forth gusts of strong wind and rain. It also clouded the vision of those in the area which obscured their vision towards Adrian and Levin Cloud, but she did not stop there.

"Blazing Heat Wave!" Peridot stated once again as the red cloud that surrounded her expanded and sent blasts of condense heat energy towards her enemies. The assassins that were trying to kill her could not resist the intense heat near Peridot and released their invisibility. Kabrakan used this chance and pummeled the assassins to death.

"Tempest Winds!" Peridot added as her gray could expanded and sent out fierce howling winds that released wind blades and knocked back any that did not have firm ground. Some of the arrows and spells that relied on trajectory are lost as well.

"Terrestrial Quake!" Peridot stated as the green cloud suddenly seeped into the ground and created powerful tremors that shook the entire arena. The tremors did not only affect her enemies but also er allies as well but it affected her enemies greater. The mounts of the knights could not stand properly which made them subject to the onslaught of Vayu and Soleil who was facing them.

"Amazing! To think a Fairy Dragon would once again be born into the world!" The Goddess Tiamat stated as that is what Peridot evolved into when she changed form.

Fairy Dragons is not really like the Faekin, but they were named as such because they have the rare ability to harness the power of nature. They are rare species of dragons that have the potential to be a guardian of nature or calamities which earned them the name Fairy Dragon. This is due to the fact that the faekin are often depicted as guardian of nature or calamities depending on their mood.

The main symbol for the Fairy Dragon is a special crystal embedded in their body called the Draconic Moonstone. It is a special orb that has a beautiful appearance of the moon when moonlight shines upon it. The Fairy Dragons is also blessed with the ability to heal and dispel curses which is why they are described close to being divine due to this special trait.

"Stop her!" One of the rear units of the Fallen Knights guild stated but they could not actually do anything to Peridot.

The spells that Peridot uses might not be very powerful to immediately kill her enemies, but they are very disruptive in nature. Each of the spells she used is making sure that the enemy team does not have a way to fight back or counterattack. The rear unit is having difficulty defending against her spells even though they have elemental mages in their groups.

"I cannot stop the rain." A Hydromancer from the Fallen Knights guild stated.

"I can only minimize the heat that is affecting us, but I cannot cancel it." A Pyromancer from the Fallen Knights guild stated.

"I managed to decrease the shaking of the earth, but it is only temporary." A Geomancer from the Fallen Knights guild stated.

"I blocked the wind blades, but it is not a permanent solution." An Aeromancer from the Fallen Knights guild stated.

It is only natural that they cannot counter the powerful area of effect spells that Peridot is conjuring because she is using her mana to maintain it. With her perfect control of the elemental spells, only someone that has greater elemental affinity than her could cancel it. The best that her opponents could do is lessen the effects of her spells have on them.

The Fallen Knights guild that has high morale that thought that they will win suddenly started to feel hopelessness. Their guild master is currently fighting a vampire player while their vice guild master is unable to kill the undead prince. They thought that they have the upper hand because they killed the enemy guild's guild leader and vice guild leader, but they are entirely mistaken for thinking so.

The enemy guild leader and vice guild leader revived while the enemy team suddenly transformed into more powerful versions of themselves. The continuous buffs and heals that they are using will not last much longer because the mana that their support players have is starting to dwindle at a fast rate by the numerous damage they are soaking up.

Just when the Fallen Knights guild thought that they just needed to endure until the enemy guild loses mana or stamina, they are reminded of the fact that Equinox and Levin Cloud are still alive. The two suddenly vanished of their radar when Peridot suddenly transformed into her full dragon form.

"Everyone! Be careful of Equinox and Levin Cloud!" Dame shouted as even she lost track of them because of her fight with Solstice.

"You should pay attention to the enemy in front of you." Solstice stated as she poured a lot of her Blood Essence into the attack. As soon as Dame shouted her warning, a powerful white and black energy could be seen exploding from behind Peridot.

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