Omega Summoner

Chapter 1287 Victory And A Warning I

Chapter 1287 Victory And A Warning I


Mord could not even scratch Creepysoo despite telling his team members that he will deal will the undead prince. A cavalry knight versus a mage would not be difficult as the former could easy cross the distance and reach the latter but that is not the case for Mord. The undead knights that are guarding Creepysoo made him unable to even land a single attack.

The undead knights filled each of their roles to the point that Mord is already full of curses. If not for this job class called Cursed Knight that has high tolerance against curses, then he would have died already. Due to his high resistance to curses, he only takes about a quarter of the damage from them which is why he can still fight.

When he is far, the undead knight archer Robin Hoodie would shoot multiple arrows at him. If he is too close, then the defensive tank called Mummie will deter him from even getting close. Should he get close, Voodoo Marie would target him and change her doll to his image then stab it.

If he goes out of range of Voodoo Marie's attack, then he would be on the defensive against Don Quixote. If by some miracle that he arrives near Creepysoo then the meat wall called Frankie would soak the attack. He has no chance of even getting a hit because an undead that has great regeneration is soaking all of his damage.

Mord knew that going against a player chosen to represent their country in the Pandelympics is not easy, but he did not expect it to be this difficult. He believed that he could get to his level as he defeated his country's representative once during a match in the arena. Just when he is about to try and launch an all-out attack, he suddenly felt two powerful bursts of energy.

"What is that?" Mord thought to himself.


"We must work together to defeat them!" One of the guild officials of the Fallen Knights guild stated as she blocked the fireball that was launched at her.

"Easy for you to say!" Another stated as he tried to resist the effects of the tornado that was launched in his general direction.

The eight guild officials that are said to be the cream of the crop for the Fallen Knights guild could not even hold a candle against the two elemental players. Vayu is running around in circles with them while Soleil makes sure to blast them with pure fire power. The eight thought that they would have the upper hand, but they thought wrong.

What the eight guild officials are glad about though is the fact that they are not receiving fatal damages. The buffs and heals that their team in the rear unit is still ongoing despite the interruptions. If the buffs and heals were to cease, then it would be no doubt that they will immediately lose.

"Escape in the shape of an octagon and those that are able should help the rear unit!" One of the guild officials from the Fallen Knights guild stated as all eight of them suddenly split up into eight sections.

All eight of them dispersed and thought that Vayu and Soleil will not be able to stop all eight of them at once, but they severely underestimated what an elemental could do. Vayu swung his katana and created a wind arc that pushed all those that collide with it to the center. Soleil created a blazing arc that could turn anyone into a flaming corpse should they passed through it.

Vayu and Soleil made an encirclement using their mastery over the elements to make sure that the eight do not interrupt the others. They might not be expending mana when using spells of their element, but their stamina is getting drained at large rates when they use large powerful attacks like these. The mounts of the guild officials sensed the danger from crossing the encirclement and proceeded to return to the middle.

"We are back just as where we were." A guild official complained but all eight of them suddenly felt incredible pressure from the direction where the dragon player of the enemy team was.


The rear unit of the enemy team is currently focused on defending themselves against the immense crowd control spells that Peridot did, but they are also protecting themselves from the predator around them. Lycan did not stop attacking the rear unit of the Fallen Knights guild as he was the only one left to deal with the since Solstice is going against Dame.

Lycan made sure to only injure them with cuts from his claws as he knows that he might die should he charge bravely to the front. He made use of his incredible speed and reflexes to dodge spells and attacks. There are currently only thirty players left in the rear unit of the Fallen Knights guild due to his and Soltices rampage.

The de facto leader of the rear unit is a vanguard player that carries a sword and shield. It seems that he is in charge of the defense and offense of the rear unit as he has great visual acuity. He is actually a great leader that is calm and could assess the situation quickly. He could also keep tabs on Lycan which is why the latter could not kill more enemies.

Lycan thought that he would have no chance to kill off the rear unit commander since he is getting locked on, but he suddenly saw an opportunity. The leader of the rear unit suddenly lost focus on him because of the sudden burst of powerful energy that came from Adrian and Levin Cloud's direction.

"Night Hunter!" Lycan muttered to himself as he suddenly burst of incredible power and speed. He then severed the head of the leader of the rear unit while the rest were still in confusion on what happened to the one commanding them.


What Adrian needed was not a simple distraction from Peridot but a major one where they would be forgotten. Peridot not only created immense spells that obscured vision, but she also shrouded Equinox and Levin Cloud from the gaze of their opponents.

"Let us start then." Adrian stated as he collected pure death energy in his two hands.

"Let us hope that we do this correctly." Levin Cloud stated as he gathered pure life energy in his two hands.

When both of them started the energy that they gathered did not have any distinct signature because it was miniscule. Both of them are chanting simultaneously but it seems that they were in harmony as if they are singing. The chant for their Synchro spell would be heard by others as if it was a song because the chants are derived from the Song of Life and the Song of Death.

The Twin Gods already knew what their champion and envoy are up to because they could sense the change in the life and death energy in the surroundings. The Twin Gods already expected that their champion and envoy could use their signature spell that made them be feared by all the gods. A spell that can turn even a god to dust should they get hit with it.

Adrian and Levin Cloud could then feel the sudden burst of energy that they collected as it suddenly multiplied by ten. The pebble like energy suddenly grew until it became the size of a basketball. It did not stop there as it exploded to a more powerful size that already dwarfed the two.

The gods that were watching trembled at the sight of the synchro skill because they know what that is. All of them that were calculating on whether their respective champions could go against the Envoy of the Twin Gods and the Champion of the Twin Gods started to believe it was impossible.

The fact that the two knows the spell Void Demolition is scary in a sense because the Twin Gods actually entrusted it to them. What the gods do not know is the fact that the two was only able to receive the skill because the Twin Gods descended on their bodies and embedded the skill on their soul when they used it against the Silver Banshee.

The Twin Gods are greatly impressed with their chosen envoy and champion because they were talented enough to recreate the spell despite it being of lower quality. The skill might not be able to kill a god, but they will not feel that the damage is like getting hit by a truck.

The two intense energies that the two released suddenly shrunk back down to the size of a pebble but the whole area trembled as the two energies were busting at the seams. When the two are satisfied with what they accomplished, they looked at each other and slammed the two energies towards each other.

"Void Demolition!" Adrian and Levin Cloud stated as the two intense energies fused into one.

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