Omega Summoner

Chapter 1288 Victory And A Warning II

Chapter 1288 Victory And A Warning II

"Void Demolition!" Adrian and Levin Cloud stated as the two intense energies fused into one.

A powerful beam of cosmic energy is sent straight towards the eight guild officials of the Fallen Knights guild. The eight guild officials knew that they cannot easily block the attack from pure instinct. One would think that an ordinary black and white beam combined would be easy to dodge and have no power, but their mounts are a different story.

A knight and his mount are basically connected at the heart and if their mount fears something then that means something should be feared. The mounts saw the beam and their first instinct is to run away or even dig a hole where they could escape but the mounts could not move. It was the feeling of absolute certainty that they would die as even the commands of their knights fell on deaf ears.

Since the mounts are not listening to what they are saying, the Fallen Knights Guild officials used their powerful defensive skills that can negate damage for a certain duration. They activated the skills win an attempt to block the hit, but their mana suddenly became drained. They looked at the source of the one draining their mana and could see Creepysoo gathering the mana of the living around him.

They could see their vice guild leader Mord and his mount crawling as he tried to stand up. They thought that their vice guild master can take care of Creepysoo but it seems that the prince of the undead is not someone could stand up against. Creepysoo did not cast Essence Drain by chance as he was already told to do it should Adrian and Levin Cloud use their synchro skill.josei

Without the stable mana they could use, the eight guild officials of the Fallen Knights guild got swallowed by the powerful beam of black and white light that Adrian and Levin Cloud conjured. The beam did not stop there as it went straight towards the rear unit.

All the remaining members of the rear unit of the Fallen Knights guild saw what happened to their guild leaders with their mouths agape. As if by instinct, they conjured all the defensive spells that they could in order to protect themselves from the spell, but they all became worthless at the power of pure cosmic energy.

Just like its name, the spell demolished everything in its path and left it with nothing but the void. Dame, who was still fighting Solstice, saw this scene in sheer horror as all of her guild members died by being swallowed by the beam of light. The beam of light did not just stop there as it actually went straight to the barrier protecting the Holy Sanctum Arena.

The Void Demolition beam clashed with the barrier of the Holy Sanctum Arena and made it tremble before creating a hole towards it. The beam created by the skill did not stop with puncturing the barrier as it went straight to the location where Adrian and Levin Cloud intended it to hit. The beam of light went straight to where the gods of light are seated.

The gods of light feared that death ray, but they dared not to move because the Goddess Luminaria did not move an inch from the overly decorated chair, she was sitting in. If they move from their location, then they would get scolded by her. They would rather face the skill done by the lower beings than be dealt with by the Goddess Luminaria.

The Goddess Luminaria did not look amused by the sight of vermin attempting to harm her. She immediately created a powerful beam of light on her own to counteract the Void Demolition. She could be seen easily blocking the spell, but she was actually using 30% of her powers as a goddess to block the attack from lower beings.

She was also on her toes because she knew that she would get harmed if she did not block it correctly. Seeing that she has all eyes on her, she did not show that she was actually having a hard time and took out her staff. With her staff, she created a more powerful beam that cancelled out the Void Demolition skill.

The Goddess Luminaria knew that the skill was actually intended to hit her as the eyes of those she calls vermin are packed with bloodlust against her. Adrian and Levin Cloud did not find her very pleasing because she was the reason why they died earlier. She snickered at the thought that those vermin will actually harm her.

"I must teach these vermin a lesson." The Goddess Luminaria thought as she casted a more potent beam of light in an attempt to kill Adrian and Levin Cloud.

"That is as far as you go." The Goddess Nemesis stated as she took out her sword and cut the beam of light that the Goddess Luminaria created as if it was nothing.

The sudden cancellation of her attack that was filled with her mana made the Goddess Luminaria cough a small amount of blood. She glared at the Goddess Nemesis for suddenly attacking her with her Godly Jurisdiction. The fact that all the mana that the Goddess Luminaria spent on her spell went coming back to ger and dealing damage did not sit well with the angry goddess.

The Goddess Nemesis stared back at the Goddess Luminaria in a passive and stoic face. The Goddess Luminaria wanted to say something, but she could feel the presence of the Goddess Nemesis go bigger. The Goddess Luminaria knew that she was found out and this was her punishment for messing with the fight just now.

The Goddess Luminaria can only sit back down on her overly decorated seat and wait for the match to be over. Seeing that the other team only has one person left, this match is already as good as finished. She would raise her concern after the match and make sure that those two lower beings be punished.

Dame saw everything that happened and fell limp as even her mount fell limp. It was not just her that fell limp because every player felt the powerful force that washed through them when the Goddess Luminaria was serious. All of them except for Adrian kneeled due to the sheer might of a goddess but it was erased when the Goddess Nemesis made her move.

"It seems that we are not yet a match for a goddess." Adrian thought as he looked at the Goddess Nemesis because she easily cut off the Goddess Luminaria's attack despite it not being at her full power.

Adrian walked towards Dame's location and took out his scythe. He did not even let her say the words to surrender and just beheaded her with one swipe. The hopelessness and sheer shock could be seen in her face as she died. She turned into particles of light and the mediator announced the winners of the guild war.

"The winner of the Challenge is Pantheon! They will now receive the compensation promised to the winner. The opposing team did not surrender their territory but have given resources equivalent to it. Congratulations to Pantheon once again!" The mediator announced as the Fallen Knights guild were all sent back to the mortal realm.

"The matter with those people from the lower realm has yet to be finished." The Goddess Luminaria stated which made all the gods focus their attention on her.

"The matter should be settled, little goddess. My champion has already won the challenge despite some hiccups on the road." The Goddess Gaea stated in a calm tone.

"Settled! Your champion and envoy dared to attack me! All of you have seen it! I demand to the Goddess of Justice that they should be punished!" The Goddess Luminaria stated as she pointed towards Adrian and Levin Cloud.

"What do you have to say about her allegation?" The Goddess Nemesis asked Adrian and Levin Cloud.

"First of all, it was not our fault that the barrier was fragile that it would actually be punctured by a spell done by those of the mortal realm." Adrian stated in a calm but playful tone to look innocent but the gazes of the gods of war were not pleasant to bear.

"Second, she could have just moved away if she was about to get hit. I mean why stand there and act like a victim when she could have just stood up and walked a few steps away." Adrian added.

"If you feel offended by our action then I am very sorry you felt offended. Maybe our aim was off because you are like a blinding light that is difficult to open our eyes onto." Adrian added again in his playful innocent tone that sent the Goddess Luminaria into a fit of rage.

To those that heard Adrian, they might think that he is apologizing. To those with attentive ears, they can actually piece his words together as a mockery of the Goddess Luminaria. Some of the gods and goddesses actually started to laugh. Adrian even made the stoic Goddess Nemesis chuckle before she returned to her bland expression.

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