Omega Summoner

Chapter 1289 Victory And A Warning III

Chapter 1289 Victory And A Warning III


"I have heard their side, Luminaria. I believe that they do not have any malice when they said that the barrier did not hold. If you are to be angry at someone then you should be angry at the god of war that maintained the barrier. Why was the barrier so frail that the powers of those of the mortal realm pierced through it?" The Goddess Nemesis stated as she faced the Goddess Luminaria.

The Goddess Luminaria knows why the barrier was fragile, but it was not fragile enough to be easily destroyed by players. The power behind Void Demolition is indeed powerful for a barrier that has been depowered. The Goddess Luminaria knows that she is the reason why the barrier is not at its full power.

She made sure that the god of war assigned to the barrier would lower its potency so that she could meddle in the affairs of those that were fighting. She already knew that the one fighting were the Champion of the Twin Gods and the Envoy of the Twin Gods. She bribed the god of war to lower the potency of the barrier to make her plan much easier.

What she did not expect is that the plan that she thought up would bite her. She did not expect that the Goddess Nemesis will be present in her full self. She thought that it would just be an aspect of her or a subordinate. The Goddess Luminaria made sure that she will not be stopped by just the presence of the Goddess Nemesis.

"Do you wish to pursue your meaningless ramble, Luminaria?" The Goddess Nemesis asked which made the Goddess Luminaria become severely angry at the former.

The Goddess Luminaria looked at the Goddess Nemesis with contempt because she did not even bother calling her with the goddess title. The Goddess Luminaria wanted to rebuke her, but she was older than her and more respected. She can also defeat her should they fight because she is not in her domain.

The Goddess of Justice and Vengeance does not have a celestial domain because she herself is the domain. She can set up a domain wherever she likes and even encroach upon the celestial domains of other gods when she punishes them. This is what makes the Goddess of Justice and Vengeance unique and what also makes other gods fear her.

"I will not forget this, lowly vermin!" The Goddess Luminaria stated in fury, but Adrian suddenly antagonized her.

"That is also what an angel said when I plucked her wings. She was actually sobbing and begging me to stop when I did that." Adrian stated in an underhanded and dark tone.

The Goddess Luminaria suddenly burst out in anger as the surrounding around her suddenly exploded in light. The staff that she carried suddenly created hundreds of magic circles that will launch Light Rays at Adrian. The other gods saw this and are shocked because the Goddess Luminaria did not even bother with basic etiquette.

The Goddess Luminaria is a guest and should act like a guest. The fact that she was antagonized with just a few words meant that she already came here with malicious intentions in mind. She did not even care to show respect to the Gods of War and just outright became hostile in their own domain.

​ "Stand down sparkling bitch or I will cut you down. I have been patient with you, but you are starting to act up without even giving us some face." The God Ares stated as he pulled out his sword.

The other gods of war also pulled out their weapons as they also felt that they have been shamed by the Goddess Luminaria's action. If a host cannot control their guests, then that would mean the hosts have failed to be even decent.

"Damn, your mouth could basically start the destruction of the universe. Were you like...the snake from the story of creation that has been reborn as a human or something?" Levin Cloud whispered to Adrian as his best friend's words basically made the venue become hot.

"Tell me! Should I be amused that these lowly vermin continue to disrespect me? They even dared to lay their hands on my precious children!" The Goddess Luminaria stated as some gods sympathized with her. Some gods did create some beings and they would definitely curse the mortal that will wipe them out of existence, but she was just being too dramatic.

"If you wanted to be respected then you should be respectful to the other party first. I have been curt enough to call you 'goddess' but you call us 'lowly vermin'. I do not know why you demand respect when you do not even have an ounce on your overly sparkling body." Adrian stated as he can no longer tolerate being looked down upon.

The Goddess Gaea is basically being a hype woman and nodding with Adrian is saying. The God Abaddon and the Goddess Nox are also nodding their heads to what Adrian said. Baron Samedi and Maman Brigitte are basically cheering Adrian on with paraphernalia that has a chibi face of Adrian on it.

"A being from the mortal realm has more class than you. If you stand down now, then I shall be courteous with you and not press this matter further. This should be the same for you, Champion Equinox. Stop antagonizing her so that she can calm her rage." The God Ares stated.

"I will only stop once that lowly vermin apologizes and kneels before me for the sin that he has committed." The Goddess Lumiaria shouted.

"Why should I apologize when I have done nothing wrong? Do you wish to weigh my conscience in the scale of the Goddess Nemesis so that we can prove who has sinned between the two of us? I shall offer all of the divinity that I have collected in my body. What do you say?" Adrian taunted the Goddess Luminaria.

The scale that Adrian is talking about would be the one that the Goddess Nemesis holds on to her right hand. The Goddess Nemesis often calls her right hand as the Hands of Justice because she carries the Scales of Justice on that hand. Her left hand is called the Hand of Retribution because she carries the Sword of Retribution with that hand.

Adrian challenging the Goddess Luminaria into what they call as the Test of Justice is a very confident and bold move. The only ones that dare to say that are ones that know that they are innocent for what they are being accused of doing. When the Goddess Luminaria heard Adrian mentioning the scales, she immediately tensed up because the other gods will know the farce that she has kicked in.

She thought that she planned it perfectly, but she did not know that someone more of a schemer is on the other side. The divinity that Adrian might carry may be small in amount, but divinity is not something that can be easily acquired. The Goddess Luminaria knew that she cannot take the bet because she will be on the losing end.

"To think that a mere demon will challenge me to a Test of Justice when I am the benevolent Goddess of Light? I applaud your humor as you have made me laugh. I shall view this small exchange of ours as a mere lighthearted teasing. You must be severely frustrated that my children defeated you or something.

I have been quite rude to the Gods of War as well. I promise that I will not do it again in your domain. I shall now be off since my followers need me." The Goddess Luminaria state as she cancelled all her spells and vanished from the area.

"She escaped." Levin Cloud stated.

"She did." The others agreed as Adrian is not easy to fight in a battle of wits.

In fact, Adrian is the undisputed debater in their school and would often win debates for the school. Even his own sister is afraid to debate him when the topic is not about business. In a war of words, Adrian does not get aggressive despite the other party mocking him. He always remains levelheaded which would often make his opponents commit mistakes or run away from debating him.

"She did not take the bait. I really wanted to see her get punished. She is quite sly." Adrian stated as all his friends looked at him with judging expressions. The faces of the others basically say the phrase, 'That is coming from you?!'. They could not believe that those words came out of Adrian's mouth.

"You should be careful with your mouth, Champion Equinox. A sharp tongue can do you more harm than good." The Goddess Nemesis stated as she arrived near Adrian's group.

"She started it. I just finished the battle ad basically slapped her in the face. You should punish her if I were you." Adrian stated without fear.

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