Omega Summoner

Chapter 1325 The Angel’s Warning I

Chapter 1325 The Angel’s Warning I

"Congratulations! You are now a summoner that owns a powerful phoenix." Adrian stated as he saw the cute gold and white bird Ochia was hugging.

Ochia cannot believe that she was able to get a Light Phoenix. She was the Envoy of Echidna, who is the Goddess of Monsters or called as the Mother of Beasts. She was blessed to tame beasts easily and even give them a powerful buff when using them. In terms of summoning ability and skills, she is more powerful than Mariposa.

Now that she has a Light Phoenix by her side, she can now go toe to toe with Mariposa against her insect monster army. Ochia is extremely thankful to Equinox as she did not expect that he would help him to this extent. She thought the rumors circulating about him being deceitful were false as he kept his end of the bargain very well.

"I would not have been able to do it if not for your help. I am very grateful to you and would like to owe a debt. Should you need me for something, you can call for me. Can we add each other on the friend list?" Ochia asked which shocked her guild members as she did not trust anyone easily.

Ochia is very picky with her guild members and only agreed to recruit who she could count on. Even her friends are a small number because of this but she seemed to have been charmed by the Lord of Avalon. Her guild members could see that there was some sort of interest being reflected in her eyes.action

"I only held my end of the deal that you paid me for. You do not need to pay me back or anything. I will add you to my friend list if you want it. It does not hurt to add another Envoy of a God into my friend list." Adrian stated which shocked Ochia a bit as she did not expect to be found out.

"How did you know?" Ochia asked genuinely as she was hiding her job class from people.

"I can see your divinity in a sense. I am quite perceptive of things like that because I am the Champion of the Twin Gods. You will also learn to discern about things like that if you practice." Adrian stated as he smiled but his conversation with Ochia was cut short by a sudden blast that activated the barrier of the territory.

"Enemy Attack!" One of the Daemos Corps shouted as a blast of light is shot towards Delta Island.

"It seems that our time will be cut short, but I accept your friend request. I need to deal with the urgent things that are happening." Adrian stated as he took out his wings to follow Saena that already flew towards the location of the incident.

Adrian arrived next to Saena as she intimidated the ten angels that attacked Avalon. They did not come because of peaceful visit but because the angels that were previously here alarmed them of what happened. They might have also sensed the power of light that the Light Phoenix emitted when it hatched.

"Return the Holy Light Beast to us, filthy demons!" An angel shouted as she demanded to get the Light Phoenix that just hatched.

"It seems all of you are not aware how auctions work because of your constant high horse and looking down on human society. I guess I should teach you what happens when you suddenly attack the territory of others. Saena, punish the invaders." Adrian stated as he is very infuriated that the angels dared attack his territory when he was hosting something.

The moment Adrian gave Saena the order, she erupted in powerful light as she used her full strength in creating a storm. Saena unleashed her powers as a guardian of the Tree of Life and Death as the powerful storm that she created that trapped all ten angels that came to harass him.

The angels thought that they could easily escape the powerful storm that Saena has cooked up, but they were wrong. She is now attacking as the guardian of the Tree of Life and Death which means she is vastly more powerful than when she is not within the territory. The angels also attacked the barrier which means it agitated the Tree of Life and Death.

The angels are not easy opponents as they created a light prismatic barrier around all of them to deflect any damage that the storm may cause. Adrian does not plan to kill them because they did not kill anyone from his territory but that does not mean that he will let them escape unscathed. He needs to instill some sort of fear towards these angels that have a grudge against him.

"It seems your beloved goddess did not tell you how I humiliated her in front of the other gods. I bet she is too ashamed to tell you anyway like the delicate flower that she pretends to be." Adrian taunted.

"You dare filthy demon!" The leader of the supposed group stated but Adrian did not fall for their petty taunts because he always heard it.

"How about all of you say something that is original. Saena, increase the power." Adrian stated as he increased the power of Saena's storm using Nether Energy.

The light barrier that all the angels created started to falter as soon as nether energy was mixed up into the storm. They could see that the storm was mixed with a very powerful energy that could even eat light itself. In the end, the barrier that all of them tried to maintain vanished and the angels were swept up by the powerful storm powered by nether energy.

Just as the angels were about to get into critical condition, an arrow of light is shot from a location that is a bit far from them. The arrow of light pierced through the storm and diffused it. Adrian raised his eyebrow as that was not an easy feat, but he was already planning to diffuse the storm as he does not want to kill the angels yet.

Adrian looked at the direction here the arrow was shot and saw an angel with three pairs of wings. She is also exuding an aura that could rival the elders. He instinctively knew that this was one of the seven highest ranked angels that are in the army of the Silver City.

"Mistress Zadkiel! Thank you for saving us." One of the angels stated as they were released from the grip of the storm.

"You were given one simple task and that was to retrieve Michael's Light Phoenix egg and you cannot even do something so simple. You shall be punished later but now go and get the egg." Zadkiel stated.

"The thing is… the egg seemed to have hatched already, Mistress Zadkiel." Another of the angels reported as they could feel a burst of light energy from Avalon that can only signify the birth of the Light Phoenix.

"Then get the bird. Do I have to tell all of you what to do?" Zadkiel stated.

"I am afraid that would be unwise as that would constitute to trespassing. The one who owns the Light Phoenix is also a guest of my territory. I shall not let you tarnish the reputation of my territory just because you happen to lose an egg of a beast that you are keeping.

What makes all of you so sure that the Light Phoenix Egg that was found here was the one you guys supposedly kept? If you cannot prove that then best be on your way." Adrian stated although he also trespassed the Silver City.

A light arrow is suddenly fired towards Adrian, but Saena blocked it with her wing. The light arrow did not even scratch Saena's feathers as she also has buffed defenses. She became enraged and created wind blades by just flapping her wings. She aimed all of the wind blades towards Zadkiel that dared harm her beloved master.

"All of you need to be judged!" Zadkiel stated as a powerful aura suddenly burst out from her that affected those that are around her.

[All of your spells have been sealed by Zadkiel, the Temperance.]

[You can only use spells once you damage her to a certain degree or she is no longer within your sight.]

Adrian is rather shocked that all types of spells cannot be used but that did not mean he cannot use weapons. He summoned his Primordial Armament: Spear as a weapon to test things out. Even if he is in another form, all the spells are still locked but the innate abilities attached within his weapon is not affected.

"You have a very interesting ability. Let us test its limits." Adrian stated as he hurled the spear towards Zadkiel.

Zadkiel did not move from her location and fired multiple arrows to stop the incoming spear. She did this so flawlessly that she even got praised by the angels. Adrian has another idea though as he smiled because he realized something.

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