Omega Summoner

Chapter 1326 The Angel’s Warning II

Chapter 1326 The Angel’s Warning II

"What are you all doing?! Get the Light Phoenix!" Zadkiel shouted as the angels did not immediately dive into Avalon to get the Light Phoenix.

"You seem rather impatient for an angel that received the title of Temperance. You are afraid because I found out how to counter you. You cannot move from your location or else the restriction that you placed will vanish." Adrian stated.

"Are you sure, Mistress Zadkiel?" One of the angels asked to verify but she was only given a glare.

"If any of you dare to enter my territory, do not expect that you will make it out alive. It is not the first time that I plucked an angel's wings out. If that is not enough, then I should show you what you are dealing with through blatant intimidation since you are brainless to not notice." Adrian stated as all of his soulbounds that are hiding in Avalon made their presence known.josei

A huge shadow engulfed Alpha Island as Sirius emerged from its shadows. The Abyssal Fenrir was hiding there while monitoring every individual in Avalon. Just with his large size, he already looked monstrous as he howled.

The next one that is keeping an eye on Avalon shot straight into the clouds and returned to his massive form. Kanlaon's large head then peered into the clouds as all his six dragon balls shined and released powerful elemental energy. All the elements raged with just Kanlaon's dragon roar. His powerful roar made all of the people tremble.

The next Soulbound that returned to his original form is Charon. He emitted intense death energy as he woke up from sleeping on the small shrine near the Church of the Twin Gods. His size might not be as large as the previous two, but his presence is definitely chilling to say the least.

The next one that erupted in power is Kimat as he roared and changed to his true form on top of the mountain. He proudly announced his presence by summoning lightning on his location. He also glared at the angels that dared to attack his master's territory.

Adrian did not show Wisteria and Dodu as they were tasked with something different. He did not want all of his soulbounds to show their real might as he only planned to intimidate the angels. He also needs to preserve his cards as a lot of players are also in his territory.

Seeing the powerful monsters guarding the territory made the angels shudder as they could feel the killing intent. The monsters are not attacking them because they are not in the confines of the territory, but they know that they will immediately get struck the moment they enter. They could feel the killing intent crawling on their skin as if death itself is creeping in.

"Do all of you still dare to enter? I have already punished the ones that need to be punished for their offense. If you leave now, then you will all keep your lives." Adrian stated with confidence.

Zadkiel looked at the situation before her calmly and judged whether she could escape if things go south. She only followed because Mikhail was pestering her to oversee the situation. She never really intended to show herself as she believed that the angels will be able to retrieve the Light Phoenix Egg.

Zadkiel then looked at Adrian and his autonomous spear that can attack her without restriction. Her ability to seal things comes with a price and if she adds another then she would definitely be attacked. She calculated the risks as she knows that there are other Arch Demons that are present in the territory that did not show themselves.

"We shall give way as we are gracious perfect people. Consider this a warning to you, Lord of Avalon! You are already incurring all the wrath of the angels and our force will come to you like a blinding light." Zadkiel stated as she took away the seal that she used.

Zadkiel looked at the angels and told them to come with her as she does not want to fight a losing battle. The great takeover will commence soon, and they are preparing to bathe the world in light. Losing necessary battle pawns are not a good sign for the angels. They will be stretched thin if they lose any more of their brethren.

The angels are accumulating a lot more enemies than allies as they find themselves superior. The only ones that could be said is their allies are the humans under them. They do not treat the humans as their allies though as the angels are basically worshipped as proxy gods.

"In the end, they can only run away." Adrian stated for the angels to hear as he wanted a reaction, but they cannot as Zadkiel was watching them.

Adrian told his soulbounds to go back into doing their duties as the threat is gone. It was a good thing that the Light Phoenix Egg already hatched as the angels cannot claim that it is the same egg. The evidence was already destroyed the moment it hatched which is what Adrian really wanted.

The angels are also too prideful to admit that someone broke into their home then caused a rampage by breaking stuff and stealing things. They will never admit that they lacked in front of the world as they only said that the Light Phoenix egg was stolen but not where it was stolen.

"Are you sure that they will truly leave us alone?" Levin Cloud stated as he flew with Peridot on Moksha.

The guild members immediately returned to Avalon when they learned that it was being attacked by angels. They were prepared to kill Zadkiel should they really force their way into the territory. Even if they meant starting a full-blown war against the angels led by Mikhail.

"They will not because we are already in their hitlist. They are just waiting for everything in their side to explode before they move. Remember that we are also preparing for the fated day." Adrian stated as he returned to the territory.

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