Omega Summoner

Chapter 1337 The Thorny Pit V

Chapter 1337 The Thorny Pit V

"How could that be?! This place is not even bursting with divine energy. There is no way for it to have become a territory of a god." Adrian muttered.

"Is there something wrong, Guild Master?" Cairo asked as he saw Adrian talking to the air since he cannot see the spirits of the dead.

Adrian then explained what he is doing to Cairo which shocked the latter. Cairo also does not believe that the Thorny Pit has become a god's territory because he should have felt it. The High Priestess Estet and Sadiki should have felt is as well since they are vessels of gods. The two should be the most sensitive to divine energy since it passes through their body almost every possible occasion.

"Can we now leave, great one? We are so weary that we might disappear from this world without passing through the afterlife." The souls begged Adrian.

"I shall send you on your way but answer my question first. When you died in the Thorny Pit, did all of you feel a very powerful and dark energy?" Adrian stated.josei

The souls answered Adrian and told them that they did not as their mortal bodies died before they even reached the end of the pit. Just as Adrian is about to send them all away, a little spirit girl walked towards him while trembling. Adrian felt sorry for her because of what happened to her to die so young, but she did not expect that she would answer his question.

"Great one! I actually saw a glimpse of the energy that you were talking about. It was an energy that would make one puke just from seeing it as I died like that before getting eaten by the monsters. I did not see everything, but I did catch a glimpse of a greenish serpentine eye." The spirit of the little girl stated as she trembled while recalling her experience.

The spirits that lingered here could still remember how they died. Spirits that died a horrific death tend to forget it so that they can try to pass on to the afterlife, but they cannot. The soul is like the record for the world which means the way they died is already engraved in their core being.

Adrian took pity on the girl and patted her head to tell her that she will go to a nice place. Adrian then told her that she can request anything from him as he has great power in the afterlife. The little girl smiled but she only wanted to be reunited with her dead family that passed on before her. It seems the girl's family was killed during a raid, and she was sold as a slave but was thrown when her master became bored with her.

"Do not worry because I am sure you will meet your family there. I will make sure that the people there will treat you with utmost hospitability." Adrian stated as he took the hand of the little girl.

Adrian opened the door to Limbo which he told the dead souls to pass through. He would not have done so but he escorted the girl himself as both of them entered the door. Cairo, who was observing his guild master, suddenly dropped his jaw because Adrian vanished. He did not even teleport as there would be spell effects if he did.

The High Priestess Estet and Sadiki also noticed that Adrian suddenly vanished and asked Cairo. Cairo is also dumbfounded as he was just looking at his guild master for a few seconds and he vanished. A few seconds later, Adrian reappeared at the same spot that he vanished from which scared the three.

"Ghost!" Cairo shouted in surprise.

"How rude! I was just escorting a brave young girl to the afterlife." Adrian replied.

"Did Champion Equinox pass through the door of death? How are you still alive?" Sadiki asked as he knows that a person with a mortal body cannot pass through the door of death.

"You are in a different form!" Cairo noticed as Adrian changed to his Netheros form since his attire is all dark, purple and silver color.

"Of course, I changed my form. You cannot enter the underworld without becoming a being of death." Adrian stated.

"Does that mean the souls of the departed has met the God Osiris?" The High Priestess Estet asked as she knows that the souls of the departed in the western continent are in the jurisdiction of the God Osiris.

"Not all of them but the brave young girl did. I am sure she will be happy for a while with her family." Adrian stated as he invoked his rule to call upon a God of the Underworld to escort the little girl.

Adrian was smiling with a pained expression until it turned into rage. His demeanor suddenly changed as he commanded Kanlaon to summon all the heat that he can muster. Adrian started the first move as the bundle of centipedes are just a cover for the real horror below.

"Elemental Dragon Summon: Red Dragon!" Adrian stated in rage as a red magic circle appeared above him that summoned a red scaled dragon.

[The Red Dragon that you summoned has used Fire Rain.]

[The Red Dragon has turned the area into a sunny place.]

[All light and fire magic will have 10% increase in damage.]

The red dragon summoned flaming fireballs that rained on the Thorny Pit which made the people worry. The High Priestess Estet is worried that the centipedes might retaliate as they were provoked. Even Sadiki is a bit concerned as that number of centipedes are not easy to defeat and could wear them down.

"Champion Equinox! Maybe we should calm down." The High Priestess Estet stated.

"There is no time because the thing down there has already completely overtaken this whole area. It has turned this place into its hallowed ground. There is a reason why the souls of the dead did not pass onto the afterlife and was trapped here." Adrian stated.

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