Omega Summoner

Chapter 1338 The Thorny Pit VI

Chapter 1338 The Thorny Pit VI

Adrian's sudden declaration made the two vessels of the god's shudder. If the thing that was supposedly sealed there has awakened for a long time, then it has already gotten power from its surroundings. The two does not want to believe Adrian because they do not want the western continent to be in danger, but the fear has started to creepy up in their hearts.

The Fire Rain skill used by the Red Elemental Dragon summoned multiple fireballs in the area and made the sunshine in a place full of darkness and death. The fireballs raining down on the Thorny Pit is not the only thing that Adrian is cooking up as Kanlaon is gathering as much fire energy into his flame dragon ball to send down the pit.

Adrian wants to destroy all the monsters blocking the way down in order to see if the shadow of Apophis has revitalized itself. He fears that the fragment of the distorted god has become stable enough to wreak havoc into the world. If that happened, then it has the same power as a demigod or even more.

The Fire Rain skill made the Thorny Pit into a flaming pit as the fireballs ignited the bodies of the coiling centipedes. It seems that the centipede monsters are somewhat flammable as their body fluids are released during mating season which seem to increase the effects of the flame. The clicks of the centipede monsters could be heard as their bodies sizzled.

The group thought that the centipede monsters would actually try and escape the flaming pit, but they did not. This made the people around the centipede monsters wary as they might explode. Sadiki and the High Priestess Estet have different ways of thinking though as they know that something is up.

"Warriors that can burn their enemies! Be ready to descend once we get a pathway." Sadiki commanded as he also thought that this is not the behavior of monsters being burned.

"I shall help you. Sun Ray!" Cairo stated as he lifted his spear staff and summoned a ray of light from the skies to pierce through the centipedes.

"Kanlaon, release it." Adrian commanded as he took flight to see the effect of the attack that Kanlaon will do.

Kanlaon released the giant flaming ball that looked like a sun. All the people there watched as Kanlaon dropped the giant flaming sun down towards the Thorny Pit. The smell of burnt centipede monsters flooded the area as numerous experience points flooded Adrian and Cairo. If only the two were present, then they would have increased their levels by quite a lot, but it got distributed to the party members which included the other warriors and priests.

"Kimat! Saena!" Adrian summoned the other two as well and they released attacks towards the pit.

Lightning came from the sky and crashed towards the Thorny Pit as well. Saena used her ability to bend light to also redirect the heat of the sun towards the pit to destroy the centipedes. The smell of burning centipedes and smoke from the pit rose to the sky which created an ash cloud so dark that the people from afar saw it as an ominous sign.


"The Golden Warriors of Seth and the Priests of Estet have come to the Thorny Pit and setting it ablaze." One of the priests of Ammit reported to their leader who is the vessel of Ammit. The expression of the person could be seen in panic. He was the one that is supposed to watch over the Thorny Pit as instructed by the vessel of Ammit, but he was off doing something else at this time of day.

"I thought I told you to always watch over that pit even if it costs you your life." The Vessel of Ammit stated as she suddenly choked the servant's neck. The servant tried to claw his way out of his predicament, but he cannot overpower the Vessel of Ammit. In the end, the servant died as his neck got snapped like a twig.

"Everyone! We shall charge towards the Thorny Pit and punish those that deem to control our territory. Those that do not want to move will end up like that fool over there. Know that this is the punishment of those that do not do their duties even if it as simple as watching over a place." The Vessel of Ammit stated as she summoned her mount which is a gigantic alligator as it fed on the body of the dead man.

The warriors and priests of Ammit did not waste time as they do not want to be like the man that just died.  They do not want to end up in the belly of the beast mount of the Vessel of Ammit. They at least want to die honorable deaths of falling on a battlefield.


The flaming inferno that is the Thorny Pit got the attention of all those that wandered near it. It was not just the warriors and priests of Ammit that noticed but also the other mercenaries. They all went to the Thorny Pit to investigate but did not get close as they saw the golden warriors of the Temple of the Storm. They do not want to be targeted by those people as they are known to chase their prey.

The people that already saw the golden warriors earlier are shocked to see that the dragon was not actually their prey. They then saw a demon with four wings flying on the air as the dragon above shot down powerful flame magic. They have heard of this demon through word of mouth as he was the rumored Champion of the Twin Gods that destroys kingdoms that displease him.

"A lot of people have started to gather. I think the Temple of Ammit has already caught wind of what we are doing." The High Priestess Estet stated as she knows that their activity is no longer a secret.

"We just need to stop them from entering the area while we dig out the foul being hiding beneath the soil. The Champion of the Twin Gods does not look pleased with what is happening here in the Thorny Pit. If you would like to stop then you should tell him that first." Sadiki stated as he could see that Adrian is raging with fury.

"Can you stop him, Champion Cairo?" The High Priestess Estet asked.

"Nope." Cairo replied without even batting an eye as he knows that his guild master cannot be stopped. If he could then he would have done so during practice sessions. He also does not want to stop as well because it was the command of his patron god plus, he is getting lots of experience points from this just by releasing spells.

Just as the Thorny Pit is being burned right in front of their eyes, the sudden roar of a terrifying beast is heard. The powerful roar did not come from a small monster but from an incredibly large predator that came to view in just a few moments. A large reptilian monster suddenly barged right through the entrance of the Thorny Pit and a dangerous female was riding atop its back.

"Is that a dinosaur?" Cairo exclaimed as he could not believe such a large crocodile is being ridden by a person.

"She has come. This will be difficult as she even came with her favorite mount." The High Priestess Estet stated.

"Do not worry because I shall get that beasts head." Sadiki stated.

The one that came before them is the Vessel of Ammit named Anipe. She wore armor made of gold that resembled scales of a crocodile while having a cloak that seems to be made of a lion's mane. She also has a nuzzle on her face as if she is hiding what her lower face looks like.

"To think that the Vessel of Seth and the Vessel of Estet dares to do arson in the territory of the Goddess Ammit. It seems that all of you want to start an all-out war between our temples." Anipe stated with great anger as this situation made her look bad in front of other people.

"We are not doing anything bad, Anipe. We are just cleansing this area that has been cursed according to the Goddess Estet. She detected that a powerful negative energy came from this area and feared that it might affect the whole western continent. We have heard of the strange occurrences in your territory such as suddenly snowing when that is impossible in the western continent." The High Priestess Estet stated as she gave a false explanation of why they are here.

Anipe suddenly shuddered but did not show it as it will signal that she is hiding something. She fears that the secret of the Thorny Pit is already out.

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