Omega Summoner

Chapter 1454 New Evolutions For Soulbounds

Chapter 1454 New Evolutions For Soulbounds

Adrian told his guild members that they are free to go for now as the Shadow of Apophis will not attack anymore for the time being. They were given teleportation scrolls though as they will be called upon when they are needed. The guild members rejoiced as this is what they really joined the Pantheon guild for and that is freedom.

Most of the guild members scattered as they discovered things when fighting with each other. The loners of the Pantheon Guild might not want to admit it, but they learned a lot from fighting with allies. They also learned a lot of their weaknesses which they departed the Temple of the Sun in order to fix it.

"What about us? I do not have anything urgent to do." Levin Cloud stated as he was not doing any quest for now.

"I am also free." Creepysoo stated.

"Me and hubby are not which is why send us back to the central continent. I will also need to borrow some of our shadow unit." Solstice stated as she was investigating something back at the central continent with Lycan.

"Do not work them too hard, sister. Also, it is fine to complain about her when she is being too much." Adrian stated as he opened a portal and told the members of the shadow unit that they also need to do things on their own.

"Do not worry guild master. The guild advisor may look strict but the things that she tells us to are incredibly fun and helps us a lot." One of the members of the shadow unit stated.

"If that is what you guys are into then I will not stop you." Adrian replied as they seem to enjoy it.

"Have they been broken to the point that they now enjoy torture?" Adrian thought as he did not want to voice his worries out loud.

"I am also stuck here in the western continent as the eastern continent is not even that safe for me." Peridot stated.

"I need to fight another powerful foe as my shield is almost at the point of breaking. I can almost get it to Mythical Tier." Kabrakan stated.

"Maybe you can aid us then. My daughter and I are hunting for a rogue elemental in the western continent." Vayu stated.

"Let us go then!" Kabrakan stated with excitement as him, Vayu, and Soleil took off to find the rogue elemental.

The Evergreen guild and the Briar Rose guild are also off to do their own things as well since they have done their jobs. The guild leaders of the two bid their farewells to Adrian but it seems someone was still left. 

"So, what are you going to do?" Adrian asked Frey.

"I do not know for now, but it seems that my goddess has been trying to contact me. Do you perhaps know of an area where the light of the stars is reflected without obstruction?" Frey asked.

"You can use the grand observatory at the second floor. I can lead you there." Cairo stated.

"Can you please help her then?" Adrian stated as Frey thanked all of them.

"What are you going to do then?" Levin Cloud asked his best friend.

"I think it is time for me to search for the materials in evolving my soulbounds. Charon, Dodu and Kimat have all their requirements showed to me." Adrian stated.

"If that is the case then we can help you with that." Creepysoo stated.

"I think I will really need that because we would need to travel to a death realm for Charon's items." Adrian stated.

Adrian saw the evolutions available for Charon and it presented him with two. He did not expect that two evolution possibilities would be available. It actually made him even more confused as both evolution paths for Charon are incredibly great.


Possible Evolution Path for Charon

1.  Dread Overlord

2.  Lifeless Overlord


Evolution Path Name: Dread Lord

Description: A powerful undead that commands fear and dread. It is an incredibly rare undead that is said to have been born from the fears of the living. It is said to be the incarnation of the fear that the living has for the undead. It emits a powerful aura that creeps up on the surroundings and fills it with dread.


Evolution Path Name: Lifeless Lord

Description: A powerful undead that commands life and dead. It is an incredibly rare undead that is said to have been born from the resentment of the living. It is said to be the incarnation of the all the resentment that the dead have for the living. Its very presence saps the life out of the area as it emits an aura that make the living suffocate.


Adrian could surmise that the two evolutions are different beings, but the core of what Charon is about is still the same. An evolution should only be an upgrade of the former form which means that Charon should still have the same skills more or less. He also looked at the evolutions for Dodu as it also gained new evolution paths as well.


Possible Evolution Path for Dodu

1.  Uboth-Sathla

2.  Elder Black Sludge

3.  Shoggoth


"All of the evolutions for Dodu are dark and scarry sounding." Adrian thought as he looked at the descriptions for each one.


Evolution Path Name: Uboth-Sathla

Description: A monster said to be born from the mysteries of the unknown universe. It is a huge protoplasmic mass resting and is known as a being of monstrous fecundity, spontaneously generating primordial single-celled organisms that pour unceasingly from its shapeless form.


Evolution Path Name: Elder Black Sludge

Description: A powerful slime that is said to have the ability to corrode anything in its wake. It is incredibly acidic, but it loses its physical invulnerability as a result.


Evolution Path Name: Shoggoth

Description: Amorphous creatures composed of a malleable protoplasm, something akin to a colossal amoeba. They are capable of forming whatever organs or appendages they require for the task at hand, although their usual state is a writhing mass of eyes, mouths and wriggling tentacles.


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