Omega Summoner

Chapter 1455 New Evolutions For Soulbounds II

Chapter 1455 New Evolutions For Soulbounds II

Dodu's evolution path was decided from the things it has devoured. Adrian thought that it must have fed it too much dark gods as the evolution paths that it got are all monsters called disasters. He did not even know the first type of evolution that Dodu has. 

"At least Kimat has a distinct evolution path which will not let me choose." Adrian stated as he looked at the evolution path for Kimat.


Possible Evolution Path for Kimat

1.  Tempest Lodestone Kaiser Tigris


Evolution Path Name: Tempest Lodestone Kaiser Tigris

Description: A divine beast said to have been lost in the annals of history. It is said to be the center of superstorms that can wipe out continents. It is said that the Tempest Lodestone Kaiser Tigris came to be when the first lightning hit the ground. It is considered a divine beast and an emperor among feline monsters.


Adrian is happy that Kimat's evolution path is just one, but the requirements are insane since there are eight. Charon and Dodu's evolution only have five requirements for each path, but Kimat has eight. He has expected this as the evolution is that of a divine beast but each item in there is basically something he has never heard of.

Adrian checked the requirements for each of Charon's evolution first. He is confident that he can ask the undead about these items since he is friends with the prince of the undead. Creepysoo could practically help him in getting these items and there are also descriptions for each item requirement.


Evolution Requirements for Dread Overlord

1.  Soulbound must be at least level 250 (Completed.)

2.  Soulbound must have absorbed at least 10, 000 souls (Completed.)

3.  Soulbound must integrate the item called "Dread Heart". (Incomplete)

4.  Soulbound must absorb the energy from an area that is filled with fear and dread. (0% - Incomplete)

5.  Soulbound must have the blessing of a Greater God of Death or someone equivalent. (Incomplete)


Item Name: Dread Heart

Item Description: A heart of a powerful being that is said to have been filled with dread and fear for at least a thousand years. Only undead that have lived in fear and dread can have this heart. It is said that any undead that has this heart is fearful of the living, but their very presence can kill the living.


Evolution Requirements for Lifeless Overlord

1.  Soulbound must be at least level 250 (Completed.)

2.  Soulbound must have absorbed at least 10, 000 souls (Completed.)

3.  Soulbound must integrate the item called "Soul Devouring Heart". (Incomplete)

4.  Soulbound must absorb the energy from an area that is filled with resentment of the living. (0% - Incomplete)

5.  Soulbound must have the blessing of a Greater God of Death or someone equivalent. (Incomplete)


Item Name: Soul Devouring Heart

Item Description: A heart of a powerful being that is said to feed on the souls of others. Any undead that has evolved to contain this heart is said to suck the life essence of everything around it and turning the area into a barren land. It is said that an undead with this heart can absorb the life essence of any being within a kilometer radius.


Adrian continued looking at the requirements for Dodu's evolutions. Compared to Charon, Dodu has three of them completed requirements which makes it easier for Adrian. He only needs to complete the two requirements for Dodu and it will evolve into the being he desires. The only problem is that he does not even know where to get the items as well.


Evolution Requirements for Uboth-Sathla

1.  Soulbound must be at least level 250. (Completed)

2.  Soulbound must have absorbed at least 10, 000 bodies. (Completed.)

3.  Soulbound must devour a part of divine being. (Complete)

4.  Soulbound must devour the item called "Heart of a Protoss". (Incomplete)

5.  Soulbound must have the blessing of a Greater God of Life or someone equivalent. (Incomplete)


Item Name: Heart of a Protoss

Item Description: The heart of a being that is said to be the progenitor of all life. It is said that they were the first to come alive in the world before humans have been born. It is said that the Protoss are the blueprint for the humans that are alive now. It is said that they are still some of them that are alive, but no one knows where they are.


Evolution Requirements for Elder Black Sludge

1.  Soulbound must be at least level 250. (Completed)

2.  Soulbound must have absorbed at least 10, 000 bodies. (Completed.)

3.  Soulbound must devour a part of divine being. (Complete)

4.  Soulbound must devour the item called "Acid Dragon King's Heart". (Incomplete)

5.  Soulbound must have the blessing of a Greater God of Nature or someone equivalent. (Incomplete)


Item Name: Acid Dragon King's Heart

Item Description: The heart of an extremely rare dragon that is said to be born once every ten thousand years. It is said that even other dragons do not attack or bother the Acid Dragon King as they release a torrent of potent acid that could melt the scales of even the toughest of dragons. Acid Dragons are also extremely feared by the dragon community which is why they are often killed before they even grow up like the Gluttony Dragons.


Evolution Requirements for Shoggoth

1.  Soulbound must be at least level 250. (Completed)

2.  Soulbound must have absorbed at least 10, 000 bodies. (Completed.)

3.  Soulbound must devour a part of divine being. (Complete)

4.  Soulbound must devour the item called "Everlasting Dark Heart". (Incomplete)

5.  Soulbound must have the blessing of a Greater God of Darkness or someone equivalent. (Incomplete)


Item Name: Everlasting Dark Heart

Item Description: The heart of a devil that is said to have mastered the darkness element but made their magic ran rampant which turned them into a being called the Everlasting Darkness. It is said that they were transformed to this being because of a dark god but no one knows if this is true. If one touches the Everlasting Dark Heart, then they might be trap in eternal darkness for five straight days.


"Dodu's evolution requirement might only be one item, but I do not even know where to start searching for the items. The easiest would be the Acid Dragon King's Heart but a dragon that rare would be difficult to find as well. Why does my cute slime not turn into a Slime King instead?" Adrian muttered as he looked at Kimat's eight requirements.


Evolution Requirements for Tempest Lodestone Kaiser Tigris

1.  Soulbound must be at least level 250. (Completed)

2.  Soulbound must have absorbed lightning filled with divine energy (Completed.)

3.  Soulbound must integrate the item called "Lodestone Heart" (Incomplete)

4.  Soulbound must integrate the item called "Tempest Core" (Incomplete)

5.  Soulbound must fuse the Lodestone Heart and the Tempest Core to create the item called "Storm Bringer Core". (Incomplete)

6.  Soulbound must devour five "Eye of the Storms". (Incomplete – 0%)

7.  Soulbound must turn its mortal flesh into a divine flesh body. (Incomplete)

8.  Soulbound must have the blessing of a Greater God of Wind. (Incomplete)


Item Name: Lodestone Heart

Item Description: An item that is said to be the heart of the land that draws in the power of lightning. It is said to be an incredible mineral that can be found only in areas that have been bathe in lighting for at least a thousand years.


Item Name: Tempest Core

Item Description: An item that is said to be formed when there is a special mineral bathe in the power of a storm for one week. This item that is bathe in the power of a storm should then be blessed by three Wind Elemental Kings. It is said that whoever has this item can call upon powerful storms in the area that can even level the land itself.


"Seeing that the Eye of the Storms is not considered as an item means that Kimat must devour five natural storms occurring in the world by himself. I might not be able to complete his evolution in the month that is needed before the Shadow of Apophis rises once again. The best course of action would be evolving Charon and Dodu as they have the least requirements." Adrian stated.

"I agree because we cannot finish Kimat's evolution even if we are going to help you." Levin Cloud stated.

"We can start with Charon as we can ask the Undead King, my father, about his needed items as he might have an idea about them." Creepysoo stated. 

"If you have already a chosen path, what evolution will you choose for Charon?" Peridot asked as she will be coming with them as well.

"Charon's abilities are great for numerous enemies, but he is incredibly disadvantaged when it comes to handling few enemies. I think the path of a Dread Overlord would be better since it gives him access to another means of defeating the enemies. Lifeless Overlord is just an upgrade of Charon's current evolution which is good, but he is limited." Adrian stated.

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