Omega Summoner

Chapter 1551 Equinox Summons A Primordial II

Chapter 1551 Equinox Summons A Primordial II

The conversation of Adrian and the Anubis Warriors met the ears of every player there because they were excited to see a god being summoned. It was even one of the gods of the dead, but they did not know what Adrian meant of a primordial. Only a small number of players know of the real ranks of gods as they only know that they are gods where some are more powerful than others.

Adrian actually hoped that someone would answer his call and he even asked the God Abaddon if the latter could break the rules for him. He then received an oracle from the God Abaddon of a small Chibi of him with a tissue as if he was crying that he could not help. 

"If you were able to send that then you should have broken the rules a bit and helped me." Adrian muttered but he knew that breaking the rules of life and death is more catastrophic compared to breaking time and space. He does not want a random immortal being that cannot die being born after all.

Adrian then remembered that he has something from the underworld when he was frolicking or rather having a tour. He took out a small conch shell that had the energy of the dead which made the Anubis Warriors flinch. The Anubis Warriors looked uneasy when they saw that small conch shell as they knew which god of death uses such thing.josei

"It seems that we have overstayed our welcome here, Champion Equinox. We must get going." The Scimitar Anubis stated as he was the first one to see the small conch shell.

"Why?" The Sword Anubis asked as he was tapped on the back by the Spear Anubis as the latter's line of sight pointed at the small conch shell.

"You guys are not going anywhere for the moment as I am constantly feeding all of you energy. I need all of you to welcome the goddess that I am going to summon after all. It was all of your idea and you guys must see the fruition of your brilliance." Adrian stated clearly and audibly.

The Anubis Warriors started to feel nervous, and they would have started to sweat if they could. The players on the other hand were excited to see a god of death descend. The Anubis Warriors wanted to tell them to not be excited when it was that goddess that would be summoned.

"Since I will need all of your help, I will need to tell all of you some tips if you want to live." Adrian stated with a clear voice but some of the players thought that he was joking.

"You are not pranking us, right?" One of the players asked.

"I do not prank others when it comes to death. This is a serious matter and the being that I will summon is one of the highest goddesses of death. If you cannot look at her directly then avert your gaze as that will increase your chances of survival. Also, make sure that all of you do not faint as she might drag your spirit to the afterlife as well." Adrian stated which made all the players gulp.I think you should take a look at

All the players made sure to take a mental note on Adrian's words as they do not want to get dragged to the afterlife by a goddess, but some might like that. Adrian changed his form to his Netheros Form as he needs to represent death as he will be summoning a goddess of death. Adrian flew up high in the sky and wrote runes using his mana that he scatters around. 

In just a few minutes, Adrian has already created a barrier in the hallowed ground. The death energy in the surroundings became even heavier as he intensified it. The area became colder as well as some mists started to roll in as well which calmed down some of the children.

Adrian held the small conch shell and slowly descended to the ground. He then placed the small conch shell at the center of the magic circle that he created. The small conch shell suddenly melted into the ground immediately upon placing it on the ground. 

The surroundings that were already cold suddenly become even colder. The players had to huddle up with each other to feel the warmth of their bodies. When they tried to speak, the players breath would actually be visible as the air is almost freezing.

"I shall now start with the sacrifice needed. I would need at least 50% of all your health and the same amount of your mana as well. This is to show that we want the help wholeheartedly after all." Adrian stated as wisps of red and blue light came out of the players that melted into the magic circle as well.

All the players did not even felt resistance as they gave out their offerings for the children. They could even see the child spirits huddling with each other as they also felt cold. Adrian also sacrificed half of his health and mana but his had a different color.

Adrian's health has the color of nether energy as he mixed some of it while his mana has the color of aether energy as per his instruction towards Paradox. As soon as Adrian offered his health and mana, the space suddenly shifted as if they were transported to another dimension. The players could also feel that they were no longer in the western continent as all communication has been blocked.

"Huh?! When did the sand transform into water?" One of the players stated as the sand that they were stepping on has changed.

"Ili-ili tulog anay… Wala diri imong nanay… Kadto tienda bakal papay… Ili-ili tulog anay…"

An unknown song in an unknown language reverberated around them as if a choir was singing it. It was an eerie yet calming song that thugs on the soul of every person there. The song was a lullaby that moved the hearts and ears of those that listened.

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