Omega Summoner

Chapter 1552 Equinox Summons A Primordial III

Chapter 1552 Equinox Summons A Primordial III

"Ili-ili tulog anay… Wala diri imong nanay… Kadto tienda bakal papay… Ili-ili tulog anay"

The lullaby was heard once more but it was more evident than before. The first time that they heard the song, it was only like a whisper to their ears. This time, they all heard the song clearly as if the ones singing the lullaby was near them.

The lullaby had a sweet yet eerie tone, but it calms anyone's heart just by hearing it. The lullaby is not only sung by one voice as it was something like choir singing since there is harmony. Adrian unfurled his wings and stood by the Anubis Warriors until they heard a version of the song that they could now understand.

"Little one, little one, sleep now... Your mother is not here... She left to buy some bread...Little one, little one, sleep now."

The entire area became silent as the fog rolled in. The sky was not day, but it was not night as well, but it was a clear sky. The thing that changed greatly is the fact that a large full moon could be seen on the horizon. The moon was not small at all as it looked like it was rising from the waters below. The had a large smiling grin as well as if it was smiling at the people hazing at them. The clear waters that they were standing on suddenly became dark in color as if it was dyed with ink.

"The Champion of the Twin Gods, Equinox, greet the Primordial Goddess of Death and the Sea, Magwayen." Adrian stated as he bowed towards the goddess of death.

(Author's Note: Magwayen is pronounced as Mag – Wa – Yen for those wondering.)

"The Anubis Warriors greet the Primordial Goddess of Death and the Sea, Magwayen." The Anubis Warriors stated simultaneously as they bowed to the goddess as well.

A large, towering goddess clad in the dark waters that seem to connect to her like hair is suddenly in front of Adrian and the Anubis Warriors. The players were extremely shocked upon seeing the Goddess Magwayen as there was no one in front of Adrian when they were observing him closely. They were only able to see the Goddess Magwayen when Adrian himself greeted her.

"Little one, little one, sleep now... Your mother is not here... She left to buy some bread...Little one, little one, sleep now." The Goddess Magwayen sung as her voice made everyone calm as the sea that they are standing on.

"It is great to see you as well, Goddess Magwayen. I, the Champion of the Twin Gods, am in need of your help and benevolence. Thank you for answering my call despite your precious time." Adrian stated.

The Goddess Magwayen cannot be described as a beauty because she was covering her face with a thin veil that seems to be made of the dark waters. If one looked closely, the Goddess Magwayen is not wearing any clothes, but her beautiful and slender body silhouette could still be seen as the only cover for it was her hair made of the dark waters below them.

The most prominent thing that one could see on her would be the large conch shell that she carries so gently with her beautiful hands. The large conch shell seems to be made of a crystal-like substance close to diamonds as it gives off a twinkle in the dark waters. Also, she was five feet tall in height which really makes one wonder why the players did not see her immediately.

"I know what you want from me, little one. You even made use of the gift that I gave you for the benefit of others when I told you to use it for yourself." The Goddess Magwayen stated in a displeased tone which made the Anubis Warriors nervous.

The voice of the Goddess Magwayen was extremely beautiful yet there is a hint of disappointment in her tone. The small conch shell that Adrian used as a sacrifice was a gift that she gave him when he accidentally reached her domain in the Death Realms. She gave it to Adrian because she found it intriguing that a Champion of the Twin Gods actually managed to reach her or get to her domain when it was the most avoided one.I think you should take a look at

"I did use it for myself, Goddess Magwayen. I used it for the completion of my duty as the Arbiter of the Dead. It just so happens that a lot of souls of children will be saved as a result." Adrian replied.

If the Anubis Warriors were not afraid of the Goddess Magwayen, then they would have given Adrian praises for his quick thinking by now to diffuse the disappointment of the goddess. One might think that the Anubis Warriors are overreacting, but the Primordial Gods of Death are different to the other god kings of the underworld.

Even the God of Death Abaddon treats the Primordial Gods of Death with extreme respect as they are the most powerful gods in this universe. The Primordial Gods of Death were beings that came to be a few moments after the God of Death Abaddon. They are literally just a step below him in both power and hierarchy.

The Goddess Magwayen is the most unique of all the Primordial Gods of Death as she embodies not only death but also the sea. In fact, Adrian was actually shocked earlier when he tried to summon the goddess because she actually answered his call before the ceremony was finished. The Goddess Magwayen does have a humanoid form when Adrian met her because she was an entire sea.

The dark waters that appeared below them is actually the physical manifestation of the Goddess Magwayen. She was the dark sea herself and that all beings standing on it was standing on her. She only took on a humanoid form because she was before other mortals or else their brains would not comprehend her existence.

"As quick witted as ever, my little one. No wonder you are my favorite among all those that became the Arbiter of the Dead. Still, to think that the Anubis Warriors could not even escort a few hundred thousand weakened souls is bothering me a little bit." The Goddess Magwayen stated as she shifted to a smaller humanoid form to pat Adrian's head.

"We are ashamed that we are not powerful enough to help them, Primodial Goddess Magwayen. We will make sure to train ourselves in order to become stronger and to meet your expectations." The Anubis Warriors stated as they bowed to the floor.

The proud Anubis Warriors that were valiant and headstrong which garnered the awe of the players were suddenly acting like scared puppies. The players could only re-evaluate their stand on the goddess that appeared before them. Still, they cannot feel any pressure from the Goddess Magwayen which is why they thought that she was not that strong.

"Master, you must ease yourself in blocking the pressure from the goddess. You might become internally injured at this point because you are protecting the others. It would serve them well to know the pressure of a powerful goddess for their growth." Paradox reported to Adrian as he was actually protecting the other players from the goddess' pressure.

"You know that if I did that then they might turn to dust immediately as she is a Primordial." Adrian replied to Paradox.

"I think that all of you are still doing a great job which is why it is asking too much of you to save these poor children. A few lesser gods of death would have sufficed in helping them, but it seems that they need to be reminded of their job." The Goddess Magwayen stated as if she was making a blanket statement that the lesser gods of death were not doing their jobs correctly.

Just as she said that statement, numerous pale wisps suddenly came to her which were actually letters from the lesser gods of death. All of them were profusely apologizing for their inadequacy and promised that they will become stronger to do their jobs better. The Anubis Warriors suddenly felt that there would be a ton of comments from the lesser death gods towards them for letting Adrian summon the Goddess Magwayen.

"Such noisy little brats. Do you job right and I would not have any comments. Should I train you myself?" The Goddess Magwayen stated which suddenly made another round of letters come to her.

"I am sure that the Gods of Death are already having a difficult time, Goddess Magwayen. There has been a shorted of death gods since many perished in the war with the gods. They are doing their jobs terrifically despite the hardships." Adrian stated which made the lesser gods of death look at him like their savior.josei

"That is an issue, but I can solve that easily by creating more death gods. Do you want to become one, my precious little one?" The Goddess Magwayen asked Adrian which made all the players freeze.

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