Omega Summoner

Chapter 1576  The Fall of the Current Ennead I

Chapter 1576  The Fall of the Current Ennead I

[A lesser god of the Ennead has died.]

[A lesser god of the Ennead has died.]

[A lesser god of the Ennead has died.]

[A lesser god of the Ennead has died.]

This notification has already appeared about ten times in the span of two hours. The players on the side of the Sun God Ra could not believe that they are experiencing such misfortune. What they did not know is that the other gods of the Ennead are killing each other.

While the players in the faction of the Sun God Ra is in full panic, the players in the faction of the Distorted God Apophis are in a festive mood. They knew that the gods that are in their faction will not kill their team members because they are in the command of the Distorted God Apophis. One might think that the Distorted God Apophis has a hold on the gods that she has corrupted but that is incorrect.

The Distorted God Apophis did not control their minds as she only gave them power that they need. The gods of the western continent that joined the Distorted God Apophis are basically those that know of the end of the current era. They got the knowledge of how they end up when everything becomes chaotic.

The Gods Babi, Ahti and Menhit along with Shesmu are the ones that learned of the real events of the creation. They were shocked upon learning that this is basically their 887th life since they always knew that they have existed since then. The Distorted God Apophis explained to them what really happens when they return to the source.

When the Distorted God Apophis kills a god in the western continent or any that is part of the Ennead, they will be sent back to the source which is located and sealed inside of the Distorted God Apophis' stomach. When the Distorted God Apophis defeats the Sun God Ra then that would mean the end of the current cycle.

A new cycle will be immediately born as the Sun God Ra will be reborn to a more powerful and younger version of himself. The young Sun God Ra would then slice the God Apophis into parts once more and recreate the gods of the Ennead. This happened multiple times but there were some times where the Distorted God Apophis failed in ending the current cycle.

If the Distorted God Apophis ended the current cycle always like it is predetermined, then the number of incarnations would have doubled. The Gods under the Distorted God Apophis returned to her side as she sat on a black gold throne. She looked at them and smiled as the next cycle would definitely produce more powerful gods as long as the God Thoth completes his research on the energy of the void.

"It seems that your avatars do not know what will happen. Give them the rundown as this time, I will no longer save all of you from deaths. Those that bring me victory at the very end shall be granted a boon on their next incarnation." The Distorted God Apophis stated as she left the avatars with their gods as she needs to command the 'blessed ones' that answered her call.

The avatars all knelt towards their respective gods as this was the first time that they have seen them in person. They always saw their avatars in their divine realm, but the avatars were only in their spirits. The gods that have descended have a much better grandeur and might compared to just seeing them in their divine realms.

Even the avatars that were upset with their gods could only kneel down and be quiet. They are quiet because the threat of being killed by the divine is now real. They will no longer be attacked using a holy bolt of lightning but by the gods themselves. The avatars have the same power level as new demigod, but their gods are different as they are divine.

To make matters worse, they can no longer have their gods descend on them because they are now physically present. The divine realms of the gods are also destroyed which means the gods cannot freely waste divine energy. The gods could still grant increased abilities to their avatars but this time they can fight beside them.

"It seems that you are still upset with me, my dear child." The Goddess Menhit stated as she looked at her avatar that wanted to die.

The Avatar of Menhit was a fierce woman warrior of the western continent but she can also feel other feelings other than aggression. She was once a mother but being an avatar is never a safe thing to do. Her daughter was unfortunately swept as a casualty of the harsh environment. She wanted to kill herself back then, but the Goddess Menhit did not allow her.

"You know why I am upset. I want to join my daughter in the afterlife, but you are keeping me here." The Avatar of Menhit stated.

"I know that I am not the best goddess, but you are my most favorite avatar that I have gotten, and I treat you like a daughter as well." The Goddess Menhit stated.

"If you treat me as your daughter then you would grant me my ultimate wish." The Avatar of Menhit shouted which made the others look at her.

"That is not your ultimate wish but a wish of a grieving mother. Do you know why I am here in the camp of the Distorted God Apophis or why all of us are here?" The Avatar of Menhit stated as she looked at the other gods and avatars. josei

"Were you not just charmed by the snake? You are a goddess of war which means you crave more power and fighting." The Avatar of Menhit stated.

"You are correct that I am a goddess of war, but I was never enticed by the Distorted God Apophis. The others are the same as me. They were not enticed but joined willingly because we are lacking." The Goddess Menhit stated which struck true to the other gods when their faces had a pained smile.

"All of us are not powerful gods that can do things as we are just lesser gods that can only do things that are within our bounds." The Goddess Ahti stated as she looked at her avatar as if she was about to cry.

"We did not join because we want all of you to suffer but we joined because of all of you." The God Babi stated as he looked at his avatar.

Each of the avatars that they have are either outcasts or people that did not have a great life. They are like reflections of their gods as well because they are lesser gods that are only good at one thing but even their blessings have side-effects. They were unable to truly grant the wishes of their followers as even their avatars suffer.

"If you can hear the voice of the world ringing that the lesser gods dying then that is the real face of the other higher ranking gods of the Ennead. The Gods of Justice are gone as they have returned back to the source when the Distorted God Apophis rampaged. With no one to give order as the Sun God Ra was also absent for a long time, our group looked for the truth which we found from the God Thoth." The God Shesmu stated.

The gods then explained how the cycle works and what happens each time. The avatars were shocked upon learning the truth of their gods, but they were more bewildered and confused. They still did not know why their gods joined the side of the Distorted God Apophis.

"We joined the side of the Distorted God Apophis because of the boon that she is speaking off. She grants wishes to those that helps her in ending the current cycle. One of which can revive the dead or rewrite history altogether. The Sun God Ra and the Moon God Thoth are part of this plan as well because they need a unanimous decision for this to happen." The Goddess Menhit stated as she looked at her avatar.

"But reviving the dead is taboo!" The Avatar of Menhit stated.

"Do not worry about that as the God Osiris have kept all the souls of the current cycle that are native to the western continent in his death realm. They have not entered the circle of reincarnation because of the agreement." The Goddess Ahti added.

"In other words, we joined this side because of our lack of ability. We want the children that have cherished us to have the life they want in the new cycle. All of you have your stories that are painful and this time we will make sure that all of you will have the happiness that you deserve. It is time for us gods to sacrifice." The God Babi stated which made almost all of the avatars tear up.

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