Omega Summoner

Chapter 1577 The Fall Of The Current Ennead II

Chapter 1577 The Fall Of The Current Ennead II

"You mean we will get our true wishes once all of this is all over?" One of the avatars asked.

"You will have the happiness that we have promised you. This is the reason why we must win whatever we must do." The Avatar of Menhit stated as the fighting spirit of the avatars soared.

"Which is why all of you must plan the next moves and lead the ones that have gathered. We shall accompany you in the battlefield once everything is in motion." The God Shesmu stated as all of the avatars left the room.josei

"Such a shame that they will not remember the thing that we will be doing for them." The Goddess Ahti stated as she tried acting cute but that is difficult with her hippo body and wasp head.

"If it makes it all the better for all of you, we will also not remember anything, but we will become stronger in the next cycle. I just hope that our bond will not disappear because we will basically be strangers the next time we meet." The God Babi stated.


While the side of Apophis is preparing for battle, the side of the Ennead is already in a bloodbath. The lesser gods were fearing for their lives while some struggled to kill other gods more powerful than them. There is nothing more powerful than fear and desperation when it comes to a battlefield.

Still, there are some members of the Ennead that are not as bloodthirsty because they also have allegiances. They were the ones that are close to the Goddess Bastet and the God Set. There was a group of them that is about twenty in number and all of them gathered at the Temple of Set.

The gods that gathered at the Temple of Set knew that this location would be the next target for the Distorted God Apophis because the Tongue of Apophis is located here. The swirling sandstorms that are swirling in this area became even more powerful as the God Set has descended. All of the people in the territory are now told to take up arms even the elderly and the children.

The people of the Temple of Set that the deserts are harsh which is why children are already trained at the age of three. They may not be able to defend against the powerful ones, but they will be able to escape, evade or even fight in desperation for their lives. The elderly has started to mount up and armor up as well because they knew that they must secure the future for the young ones.

"Is this really the start of the end?" The Goddess Bastet stated as all of them are now in Temple of Set.

"We have no choice because the Distorted God Apophis has already stated his will to devour the continent. Our only chance to live is to defeat Apophis but some of us seem to have divine blood rushing up their heads because they are killing their own brothers and sisters." The God Horus stated.I think you should take a look at

"Has the God Thoth truly just an observer? If he was with us, then our odds of winning would significantly increase. Even the Distorted God Apophis will not be an obstacle." The Goddess Hathor stated.

"We agree as well." The other gods present agreed.

"You wish to have Thoth join us when all of you did not even bother greeting or helping him when he asks for something. If worst comes to worst, he will be able to encode all of our deeds in his book. If you do not want to be remembered as gods that cowered or killed their own siblings, then prepare for battle. The serpent is already marching towards us as the sands have warned me." The God Set stated.

The gods could not believe that their time of battle is near. They have called upon their avatars and explained what is happening as those emerges victorious will continue to live. Will it be the side of the Ennead or the side of Apophis?


It is not just the gods of the western continent that are confused on what is happening. The other gods of Pandemonium saw what was happening in the western continent thanks to the eyes of their believers. Some of the players pray to more than one god as each temple does give a buff when they give prayers and donations.

The remaining gods of Pandemonium could not believe that there was a way for gods to be forcefully summoned to the mortal realm. The gods that have seen the spell, Perfect World, are now searching for ways to cancel the effects of the divine spell. They have deduced that only the gods of the western continent were summoned because it only affects gods of the same faction.

Since the God Thoth has been known to be the one that activated the spell, the other gods of Pandemonium deduced that only those of the same pantheon can be pulled by the spell. They do not know if it only affects the caster as they only know that it was the God Thoth that activated it. If the spell could be used to target others, then they would need a way to stop it.

The Gods of Magic from each pantheon started to research on the spell as they also tried peering into the runes used. The gods of magic tried to sneak a peek, but the God Thoth realized what they were doing and blocked the sight of the gods if they peek through their divine realm. The only way for the gods to know what runes were used will be if they are physically present.

They would have descended but that would mean they would also get affected by the Perfect World spell since it weakens gods that are not of the same pantheon. The gods of Pandemonium had no other choice but send higher officials of their churches to see the spell.

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