Omega Summoner

Chapter 1584 The Wanderer’s Name

Chapter 1584 The Wanderer’s Name


Adrian was sent to a location where the forest was a bit thick. He was not sent to the exact location, but it was the best possible location according to Aernas. The Scribe Demon even triangulated and calculated everything which Adrian did not understand as all he said is ok.

Adrian summoned Sirius, Wisteria and Charon to search as they are more suited for searching in forests. He let his three soulbounds search the premises while he waited in the area he was dropped on. The first one that gave him a response was Sirius as he made use of shadows to sweep across large areas.

Sirius was able to see a strange floating being's shadow and he was also able to see a monster getting popped like a balloon. Sirius immediately notified his master and Adrian immediately teleported to Sirius' location. Adrian was able to see the fourth Wanderer that is the current source of their troubles.

Adrian could clearly see that the humanoid form of the fourth Wanderer is extremely cute and that he does have a jellyfish like hat. Adrian breathes a sigh of relief as he immediately tried to reach for the fourth Wanderer as he could feel that he is stronger than it. What Adrian did wrong is that he alerted the fourth Wanderer as it released a flurry of bubbles.

Sirius hid in the shadows as Adrian instructed while Wisteria and Charon also hid. The bubbles that are released were extremely colorful as the light bounced on it. Adrian wanted to teleport away but space itself was restricted which greatly shocked him.

The fourth Wanderer looked cute, but it was able to freeze space as the bubbles slowly traveled to his location. Adrian was already surrounded by bubbles before he noticed it and accepted his death. He did not move from his location as the gaps that the bubbles create cannot be easily evaded.

[You have been hit by Unknown Bubbles!]

[You are inflicted by the Sleep status effect due to your genetic makeup.]

[You will be asleep for 10 minutes.]

Adrian read the notifications with complicated thoughts. Adrian actually expected that he will be dead and explode into blood and guts, but he was wrong. The bubbles exploded on Adrian's body as he crashed to the ground because he was inflicted with the Sleep status ailment.

The last thing that Adrian could see is the expression of the fourth Wanderer, but he could not distinguish it clearly as he was sent to sleep immediately. Adrian closed his eyes as he was afflicted by the status ailment. He also commanded his soulbounds to not show themselves to the fourth Wanderer.

[You have recovered from your Sleep status ailment.]

[Stamina has been recovered because you have gotten a good sleep.]

Adrian opened his eyes after ten minutes and he was lucky that he was alive. Then again, the area that he has in only had monsters that range at the level 100 to level 150. No monsters in the area would be able to kill him and Paradox is also guarding Adrian as well.

Adrian thought the fourth Wanderer would escape and he would have to look for it again, but his expectations is wrong once again. The fourth Wanderer is actually sitting close to Adrian and touching his cheek as if to check if he is still alive. The fourth Wanderer was surprised when Adrian suddenly stood up.

"Sorry about that. I must have scared you. Wait… why am I even apologizing?" Adrian stated as he did not expect that he would feel like he needed to say sorry.

"Blwe whewe uwuw" The fourth Wanderer stated in an alien like voice that is like static noise.

"It is intelligent enough to communicate which means it has a functioning brain. If I remember correctly, one needs to speak telepathically as the beings of the Void are not known to speak the language of Pandemonium. Paradox, are you there?" Adrian stated.

"I am here, master." Paradox replied.

"Establish a telepathic connection to the being in front of me." Adrian stated.

"Affirmative. Establishing neural connection with the being right now." Paradox stated as it suddenly bathes the fourth Wanderer with light.

  The fourth Wanderer is shocked by the sudden shower of light, but it was not as scared since it was not harmed. Adrian actually thought that the fourth Wanderer is extremely cute, but its abilities is not since it could kill other beings with bubbles. Adrian could also see its body glitching out as the defense mechanism of the universe is kicking in.

"You are like me!" A cute and tiny voice came out of the mind of the fourth Wanderer.I think you should take a look at

"By like you, you mean that I also came from the Void." Adrian replied.

"Yeah! Did you also came using the magic tunnel?" The fourth Wanderer stated.

"Unfortunately, I was born here unlike you. You are born in the Void, right?" Adrian asked.

"Yeah! They call it Void, but my race calls it the Great Expanse since it is endless!" The fourth Wanderer stated as it looked extremely happy.

It seems that the fourth Wanderer is indeed a kid by the way it is reacting. Adrian could also see the joy in its body language since it met him. It might have only encountered predators which is why it is extremely wary of everything around it despite it being curious of the new world it has arrived at.

"Do you have a name?" Adrian asked.

"I am Ko – Kei from the Void Scyphozoa. What about you?! You do not seem like any of the race that I have encountered from the Void." The fourth Wanderer stated as it floated around Adrian happily.

"My name is Equinox, and I am from the Daemos." Adrian replied.

"Daemos? I have never heard of that before even in the Void, but you are like me because you have the same core energy. Also, how are you born here? Does that mean that you have been here ever since?! This place is amazing! It has weird colors that are not seen in the Great Expanse." Ko – Kei stated as it started to become extremely excited.

"Maybe we should calm down a bit as you are getting too worked up. I was born here which is why I can stay here as freely as I can. You, on the other hand, are not exactly welcomed in this universe. I am sure that you can feel it to as your body is being pulled back." Adrian stated as he wanted to be honest as Ko – Kei does not seem to be like the other three Wanderers before.

"Is that so?!" Ko – Kei stated in a sad tone as it was having fun exploring and it was the first time it experienced such a feeling of being rejected by a universe hence it was not able to be sure.

"You are basically glitching out and it will also do you harm in the long run if you do not return to where you come from. Others might also follow to look for you which would make it extremely dangerous for the beings of this universe. I am sure that you have seen that they are very fragile when it comes to your bubbles." Adrian stated.

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm "You are right. I was actually horrified at the sight of them suddenly exploding when all my bubbles did was induce sleep back in the Great Expanse. I still want to explore though! This is such a unique world because it is full of light unlike the Great Expanse." Ko – Kei stated.

"I am afraid that I need to make you go home now. I am like a police force of this universe, and it is my job to protect it from external threats. I know that you just want to have fun and look around, but your very presence is not of this universe which could cause unknown destruction." Adrian stated which made Ko – Kei's head droop down.

"Maybe we can look around for just another hour as my elders are not getting in contact with me since they have yet to find the dimensional vortex that you were sucked by. Is that fine with you?" Adrian asked.

"Yup!" Ko – Kei stated as its eyes glistened.

"We can go around but you need to promise to not use your bubbles unless your life is truly in danger. We should also do something with the way that you look right now." Adrian stated as he cast Polymorph on Ko – Kei.

Adrian made Ko – Kei look like a child Imp so that it could fly around without catching much attention. The Daemos are already known in the central continent which is why Adrian does not bother to hide much.

"Where do you want to go first? What about the sea?" Adrian stated.

"What is the sea?" Ko – Kei asked.

"I think it would be better for you to see it instead of me telling you what it is." Adrian stated as he teleported them to another location.

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